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GME: The HEDGE Funds GAME; Pigs Get Fat, Hogs Get Slaughtered

GME: The HEDGE Funds GAME; Pigs Get Fat, Hogs Get Slaughtered

Pigs Get Fat, Hogs Get Slaughtered
There are many different players in this game, all very complex with many levels similar to an onion.
Whether they are a market maker, hedge fund, quant, institution, etc they all most likely have a long and short book for their investments. The most common reason for this is taxes. The short book is usually based upon technical analysis and will be taxed as short term realized capital gains. The long book is based upon fundamental analysis and will be taxed as long term realized gains.
The U.S. capital gains tax only applies to profits from the sale of assets held for more than a year, referred to as "long term capital gains." The rates are 0%, 15%, or 20%, depending on your tax bracket. Short-term capital gains tax applies to assets held for a year or less, and are taxed as ordinary income.
I'll stick with the short term for this piece and what may come next for the price of GME.
The last few weeks has given their AI algorithms a tremendous amount of data. One of the key data points that they have learned is that, in this instance, retail will buy no matter what the price is, for now. There is an extremely high emotional involvement with this stock and they can tell this by the feedback the system has received.
There should be a third wave up in the stonk, the question is how high will it go?
You have to come to terms with the FACT that the stock market is a rigged casino, but more importantly it is a fucking DRUG and you all are the money junkies. This is a major part of the GAME. They are money junkies too but in a more controlled manner. They work similar to how a pro sports team operates. They have management meetings where the best available info is presented to the Chief investment Officer of that fund. He collaborates with his crew making decisions with large amounts of capital (hundreds of millions to billions). The retail investor are self directed individuals that are more susceptible to emotion which makes them chase after the herd.
They jacked you up with the good shit for a few weeks, giving you hit after hit after hit of that pure Moon juice, making you feel like you are in a rocketship on autopilot to the Moon! Just like any dirty gorilla pimp they get you hooked then smack yo ass down...bitch. They made you watch as they took your money dreams and beat it with a red hot wire hanger for days. We know they are the bad guys in this movie and now you want revenge; your coming back for more. You need that hit again as you feel your brain shriveling up like a grimy old rotten prune. Another whole weekend jonesin' for that money drug hit. Sure, they'll put that wire hanger back on the stove to give you that rocket sauce again...the question is how much? Will it be enough to get you back to where you need to be? Could they be crazy enough to crank it beyond 483? 600? 1000!?
I don't think so, and I don't recommend that rocket dream to anyone out there even with money that they can afford to part with. Wall St. is famous for selling you that get rich quick money dream while giving you the fix you crave. That second big hit is usually never as good as the first, but you still crave it and they know that. Then using the old hood street hustle, a dude dressed like a lady at night, lures you in and clocks you over the head behind the dumpster at Wendy's and hot rods you for everything you got. Don't get tricked!

Elliott Wave Theory

They will use this against you almost every time.
Ralph Nelson Elliott developed the Elliott Wave Theory in the 1930s.1 Elliott believed that stock markets, generally thought to behave in a somewhat random and chaotic manner, in fact, traded in repetitive patterns.
Market psychology shows up on charts.
Elliott proposed that financial price trends result from investors' predominant psychology. He found that swings in mass psychology always showed up in the same recurring fractal patterns, or "waves," in financial markets.
I hope this can help bring some clarity to the situation. Its not the end all be all by any means, just another piece of the puzzle.

Short Term Stonk Prediction

There should be a third wave up in a downward correction pattern. It looks like it has been accumulating and put in a quick bottom last week for the next run up. It looks like it can easily whipsaw back up to 212 - 222 and fill the previous gap down from Mon into Tues.
First, it has to run through 100 - 112, then test and break 150 - 158. There wont be much resistance if it can break through 158 then it should be testing 212 - 222 area in no time judging by the way this stonk moves. This should be the top of the third wave up.
If you see big volume come in at any point, knocking the price back and letting it rise over and over not allowing it to break out and run over any resistance level; that means its time to take your profits and hit the bid to get the fuk outta there or risk having "diamond hands" holding a leaky sack of stinky shit while your wife packs her suitcase and the kids to go stay at her mother's house "just for the weekend".
You may only have one or two days once it starts to be a hero and print a winning ticket, they do not give you much time to make a decision while your high on their Moon Rocks. Those that hold get the mental red hot wire hanger beating again. This time it goes even lower making you puke your guts out in the toilet with a fever as you rest your hot face on the cold dirty tile floor.
The fourth wave down, up, and down could go to 60-40, then bounce up to 100 area then down to 40-20 as it trickles off into the sunset. This will leave countless retailers holding shitbags for the long term. I'm not saying it's a bad stonk and we like the stonk but not at these levels for a long term investment. Its clear the big players don't either this is why it fell fast and hard on little volume. The smart money is not going to step in at absurd prices. They don't try and catch falling knives, they drop them on you.
Based on the options open interest for Feb (including weeklys) they would like it to close around the 40-60 range every Friday until Feb expiration. I would expect it to pop up and then get shorted hard into this Friday, then do the same the next week.
I wouldn't be surprised if it had a gap up this coming Monday 2/7/21 just to get everybody all hyped up on the rocket juice again.
You better believe they are taking rips up and down this bitch while selling you OTM options that they will make sure expire worthless.


Fundamentally GME is a turnaround play and that usually takes some years to make happen with the size of a company like this. They have a lot of brick and mortar to pear down over the years in their transition to digital. They should have followed the Gamefly or Steam model a long time ago. Then again, its very difficult to pivot a large company especially when they are heavily invested in physical locations as their primary revenue stream. It may not be too late, they already have decades long relationships with product distributors, they just have to build their online portal out better and cheaper than their competitors.
You can h8te on this post all you want if you're a GME fanboy. I like and play video games just as much as the next person and I bought many titles at GME. I am just trying to give you guys and girls a glimpse into how the pro's play major league ball. If you want to step out onto the field against the Wall St. gang be ready because NOW they are going to put an Ace out on the mound and hes' got Vaseline, sand paper, pine tar, and everything else up his sleeve.
BTW they own all the umpires too. Just cuz you think you got a grand slam in the first inning while their minor league tryout was caught sleepin' on the mound doesn't mean come second inning they are going to let you crack another one over the fence again. Don't fuckin' cry when the ACE sits your ass down in three pitches cuz you were dreaming of rocketships and drinking moon juice. That's on you.
Be smart, don't be a HOG, print a Winning ticket!!
Take Care,
DISCLAIMER: This is in no way intended as financial advice. I do not advocate anyone take action in response to this writing. This is a fictional post based on how I might play it. I do own the Stonk. Ask your financial professional if shit like this is right for you.

For more content like this please follow me and join Secrets_of_WallSt
submitted by WallSt_Sklz to Secrets_of_WallSt [link] [comments]

I am 36 years old, make $66,900, live in Portland OR and work as a Data Coordinator.

Section Zero: Background
Hello all, happy hoildays! I stumbled upon this subreddit not long ago and have enjoyed the commentary and experiences everyone's shared. Wanted to add another perspective from a mid-30s first-gen American. I've had some missteps regarding careers and finances, but I feel like I'm in a slightly better place now. I tried YNAB in the past but I wasn't consistent enough with it. These days I use Mint to monitor my finances and have a "Finance Friday" each month to review all my accounts and spending. I currently live with my partner TJ and his dog RR. We do not combine finances, but he has been unemployed since March. I have helped him with some bills and basic necessities here and there until he finds his next job or career.
My current financial goals are to just maintain a status quo and not get any debt until pandemic times are over. Then I will focus on a house remodeling fund and savings for taking care of my parents.
Growing up, what kind of conversations did you have about money? Did your parent/guardian(s) educate you about finances? My parents taught us about money from a frugal perspective. They are immigrants who worked in food service/factories. There was always this “save save save” mentality. Even when they started their own small business, we saved like there was no tomorrow. In high school, my calculus teacher bought us all “The Millionaire Next Door” book and had us read it as an assignment - that was my first structured introduction to finances.
Did you worry about money growing up? No, there was always food on the table and a roof over our heads. I knew that our extended family would support us if needed.
Was there an expectation for you to attend higher education? Did you participate in any form of higher education? If yes, how did you pay for it? Yes. My dad didn’t finish the high school-equivalent in their country, while my mom did finish high school, but no college. My older and younger siblings took a different path in life after high school. I am the first and only in my family to graduate from college. My parents covered all tuition for my two bachelor degrees with the agreement that I support them fully during their retirement and send them gifts/extra money whenever I can. I feel very lucky and privileged that they were able to provide that education for me.
At what age did you become financially responsible for yourself and do you have a financial safety net? 24 when I went on a work holiday abroad. My family was always available to help when needed, but the experience abroad helped me stand on my own feet. As an adult, I also inherited that “save” mentality and put a lot of my earnings towards savings. I didn’t date until my 30s, lived frugally, didn’t go out to eat/hangout with people, shopped thrift stores, and had very few hobbies. I am starting to “live a little” now though.
Do you or have you ever received passive or inherited income? Aside from the tuition, my parents have helped with a down payment for my first house and living costs during periods of unemployment.

Section One: Assets and Debt
Retirement Balance
If the place I was working at offered a 401k, I would always contribute up to the company match. I started my IRA in my mid-20s and would try to contribute the yearly max. I've stopped that the past 2-3 years though. My Other Brokerage is some play money, but I got tired of staring it and switched to index funds. I haven't contributed anything to it in a few years.
Equity if you're a homeowner
Purchased my first home for $382,000 with 20% down, right before lockdown earlier this year. Perfect timing, right?? I plan to live here until my retirement. My parents contributed $15k while I used most of my savings for the rest.
Savings account balance: $3,073
Checking account balance: $7,800
Credit card debt: I charge everything on my credit card for the points, then pay it off each month using my checking account balance.
Student loan debt: Traditionally no student loan debt as mentioned in Section Zero.

Section Two: Income
Income Progression (listed as gross income with cost of living area):
High School
College and first “career” job
Mental health break
College (again) and second “career” job
Third “career” jobs

Main Job Monthly Take Home:
Monthly Net (paid bi-weekly): $2,758
Side Gig Monthly Take Home:
No side gigs at the moment, but I am thinking of signing up on and doing Excel/data entry projects to help pay the mortgage.
Other Income: TJ’s friend will be staying with us for a month in January, who will pay rent of $800 including utilities. Depending on how that goes, we may take on a roommate in the spare bedroom long-term.

Section Three: Expenses
Mortgage - when I bought the house, the plan was that I would charge TJ a portion of the mortgage costs as “rent”, but since his unemployment I am now covering it all myself.
Regular Monthly Payment: $1677.57
HOA: $30/year
Retirement contribution: Nothing additional than what's been mentioned.
Savings contribution: I used to do $50-100/month, but since COVID I’ve stopped contributing to my savings account.
Investment contribution: None at this time.
Debt payments: $100/month towards TJ's credit card balance of $2,307.
Donations: $10-20/month, usually towards Omaze or Planned Parenthood.
Cellphone: On my parents plan.
Gym membership: Pre-COVID I did Orangetheory for a year. I started to pick up free exercise equipment from Craigslist this year, so we have a small garage gym now and utilize YouTube exercise videos instead.
Pet expenses: $10/month. TJ has stockpiled some Costco canned dog food before unemployment, but once that runs out I will likely cover the costs. We also started to make homemade dog food to help supplement.
Car insurance: $460 every 6 months. Car is paid off.
Regular therapy: I will start in the new year. Not sure what the costs are yet, but I will use my HSA to pay.
Vitamins/Medications: $20/month
Groceries & household items: $75/month
Miscellaneous (eating out, house purchases, gifts, etc): $100/month

Section Four: Money Diary
6:30am Neighbor starts up their truck. We joke that it's our natural alarm clock. They idle for about 15 minutes before heading off. I go back to bed.
9am My real alarm goes off. I put the electric kettle on for some morning tea. While it's boiling, I do my morning routine: drink glass of water, take synthroid, use bathroom, brush teeth, quick shower. I then make tea - Jasmine Pearl English Breakfast with dark forest mix. I started ordering loose leaf tea in large amounts back in March instead of small bags or single serving packets. Seems more economical since I drink it daily. I let the dog out into the backyard so he can do his morning routine.
9:30am I go through my daily tasks for work. They entail checking processes and reports to make sure they ran successfully overnight. I then answer some emails and catch-up on Slack channels.
12pm Lunch is leftover roast chicken and quinoa from Saturday. I heat it up in the instant pot. Love that thing! Almost every meal of ours involves the instant pot. We hardly use the stovetop. We then walk the dog to the business park across from our neighborhood. There's a very short trail that runs along a drainage creek by the business park. It's quite muddy, but has a nice woodsy feeling. Over the summer, we saw sumac trees there as well. Free sumac spice!
1:30pm Department meeting on Zoom. Our director announces his resignation on the call. Everyone is shocked! Layoffs were announced for next year but this was not a part of it. I think it's a good move for him and he doesn't have to have this worry of layoffs over his head.
3pm I meet with an engineer from another team and talk about a data source they are in charge of. He helps me out in understanding it and we identify most of the fields that I need for a project I’m starting.
5:30pm I check in with my partner. He's been watching LinkedIn tutorials on internal recruiting, job coaching and general computeoffice skills. It's a career change that he wants to make - something where he can talk to and help people. He doesn't have a bachelor's, only an associates, and hopes these tutorials will get him a leg up in the job search. I sent him some entry level HR admin roles the other day and remind him to apply. I then heat up leftovers: homemade chana masala and rice. I add some butter and coconut milk to thin it out, so there's enough for both of us.
10:30pm I take some magnesium, vitamin D and Airborne. I say goodnight to the dog who sleeps in the office. Then I say goodnight to TJ. He sleeps in the spare bedroom on weeknights due to his snoring keeping me up. I'm a light sleeper while he is a pretty deep sleeper.
Daily total: $0
9am I check Reddit Secret Santa. My match seems like a really good person. Not sure what to get, but most likely will purchase something off their wishlist. I wish I was more creative with my gift giving.
11am Meeting with business stakeholder. She submitted a few changes to an existing data process about a month ago. I make the change while on the call and have her test. Success! Marking it off the todo list. I love when we can finish things directly on a call.
12:30pm I come out of my office to make lunch. I notice my partner is not home. I check my messages and see that he's stepped out to pick up a few things. I ask for celery, carrots, and kombucha. $17. I make a quick charcuterie board for lunch: Costco salami, cheese, homemade hummus and Triscuits. It's a simple, fast meal that’s always in our rotation.
2pm My partner is back and we take the dog out for a walk and quick round of disc golf at a nearby park. We mask up and play only a few holes. Disc golf is a pretty frugal activity, you only need 2-3 discs to get started. TJ remarks that my throws are getting better, but then again they weren't great to start with. We talk about Christmas/Birthday gifts on the way back home since he was born on New Years Day. He mentioned snowshoeing but asked to not spend that much. I'll do some research!
5pm I think about personal career projects. Should I put up a portfolio of projects somewhere? I decide to try and pull some Yelp data. There’s not a lot of data points that I was interested in. Regardless, I tinker with it for an hour. TJ asks if I'm hungry. I said not so much, but felt thirsty. Maybe some ginger soup tonight?
7:30pm Dinner is served - ginger carrot soup made in the instant pot. We eat some rice crackers with it. Lately I feel like we've been eating more vegetarian dinners. It definitely helps stretch our food budget. We end the evening by finishing Fargo season 3 on Hulu.
Daily total: $17
1:30am I'm woken up by the dog. He's been sneezing a lot and wheezes at random intervals. TJ doesn't have the money for a vet visit but I've offered to pay as long as he calls to make the appointment. I give the dog some coconut oil, rub his belly until he seems better and go back to bed.
7am Garbage day. We usually put it out the night before but I forgot. I get up to go, but TJ handles it. I think, at least. I'm too sleepy to pay attention and go back to bed.
9am I wake up and rinse some dishes that have piled up and put them into the dishwasher. We both grew up in households that had a home dishwasher, but forbade from using it. It was drilled into us that hand washing saves more water, unless you had a restaurant/industrial dishwasher. I think with modern home dishwashers, that's changed, so I wanted to try it out with our dishwasher and monitor the water bill. Don't have any dishwashing pods or powder, so I put some OxiClean in it.
12:30pm I overhear TJ on a call with a recruiting agency. It seems to be going well, lots of laughing. I heat up some taco lasagna that I freezer meal-prepped last month.
2pm Collaborate on a project at work with an engineer. My manager put me on this project since I was asking for an assignment on a more technical team. I'm learning tidbits here and there, but I don't feel like it's structured enough.
5pm I do an Orangetheory-At-Home workout and try to break a sweat. It's not the same as going to their studio.
6pm Charcuterie for dinner. Our fridge is full of store-bought and homemade pickles that go super well on a charcuterie board.
Daily total: $0
7am I wake up tired. The house has been feeling more cold, which woke me up a few times. We keep the temp at 72F during the day, at night around 68F since we thought the bedrooms keep the heat in pretty well. My mistake!
9am I do my usual morning routine and login to work. My team mostly spends the morning sending each other emojis.
11:30am Lunch today is mini quiche, frozen chicken and veggie entree, and hot dogs. Not the most cohesive meal, but it fills the belly.
12:30pm TJ heads out to his mailbox that's 30 minutes away. He is still waiting on his tax return and a 401k withdrawal. His taxes had to be filed by mail for some reason, then the IRS office shut down due to COVID. So he wanted to see if it arrived yet at the mailbox. He also takes the dog to the vet's urgent care on his way. They didn't have any regular openings available until the end of the year, and the dog seemed to be getting worse. I give TJ $40 to mail a gift package to a friend in France and also reiterate that I'll cover the vet bill when he gets it.
4:30pm I pay some bills, my favorite activity (not)! Sewer bill: $59.44 (billed every 2 months). Geico bill: $459.60 billed every 6 months. Then I follow up with my mortgage officer over email. I had sent her some documents for a refinance quote last week, but haven't heard back. Rates keep dropping, so I'm told, but what does that really mean? I do some research on realestate.
5pm TJ messages me and says he'll be back for dinner. I ask him to pick up some Popeyes via drive thru since we both don't feel like cooking today. Popeyes is currently our fancy “going out to eat” food. $24.17 for a 4pc dinner meal and a 2pc dinner meal.
Daily total: $583.21
8:30am Busy morning at work. My phone is buzzing with emails and Slack messages. I try to answer them while I make tea.
10am Zoom Department happy hour. We reminisce about our director and then play those Jackbox party games. Some of them are hard!
11am TJ asks if he can make me anything for lunch. He suggests savory oatmeal, quick and easy. I tell him that I really appreciate him making meals/doing chores/etc without me prompting. We've been having conversations about "house project management" and mental load because I did most of the chores or I had to continually remind/tell him to do it. I'm really happy to see us progress on this front. I decide to work through my lunch break so I can end the day early. I don't often do that, but I'm ready to get the weekend started.
2pm I check on TJ in the spare bedroom and ask if the dog has been fed yet, since he was nipping at my feet. I notice something off about TJ and ask how he is doing. TJ is depressed about his personal life, career, finances. He doesn't know what to do, spends half the day meditating and reflecting on past trauma. I've been prodding him to get a therapist but he is confused about his insurance. He makes an appointment with a primary care doctor first. I feed the dog some homemade dog-friendly beef stew.
4pm My mom swings by the house (but doesn't enter). She currently works at a school who distributes free USDA food boxes since March. There's often many boxes leftover that would go to waste, so she will grab a box for us. Onions, potatoes, beets, turnips, eggs, cheese, butter, frozen veggies and frozen chicken. She also brought her vintage pasta maker. I asked last week if she ever used it these days and her reply was “no, feel free to have it”. I love pasta and noodles and figure it would be great to make it ourselves as a frugal hobby.
8pm We catch up on Mandalorian and watch silly Youtube videos before heading off to bed.
Daily total: $0
9am I open up my web browser and look at Craigslist and NextDoor for free stuff. I've been scouring for free landscape rocks, pegboards, and wood for house projects. I had this grand ambition to redesign our backyard. It faces our neighbor and currently the fence is pretty low. They can see into our kitchen and bedroom and we can see them. But y'know, COVID and going from dual income house to single income means it all has to be put on hold. So I've been looking for free items in the meantime. Over the past months, I've gotten planter pots, plant cuttings, a raised bed, stepping stones, all from free listings. I don't see anything worthwhile so I go and make some tea.
11am I look at Amazon and make some purchases for Reddit Secret Santa. A foodie kit, DVD of their favorite movie, and some cute pens for their writing hobby. $54. I hope they like it!
12pm TJ heats up leftover stir-fry for lunch for us. I put on some Binging with Babish and we watch how to make pasta. We have a plan - TJ makes the pasta, I make the sauce. Perfect date night activity at home. We watch some more videos on pasta and noodles to educate ourselves.
4pm I start prepping veggies. Big batch of onions, canned tomatoes, ground beef and butter in the instant pot. Meanwhile, TJ works on the pasta by following Babish's instructions.
7pm We gorge on fresh made pasta and bolognese sauce. It's so good! We end up watching Fargo.
11pm Usually I'll be in bed by now, but it's a Saturday and not tired yet (probably because of all that pasta). We play some Kirby's Dream Course on the Switch.
Daily total: $54
10am Quick walk around the neighborhood with the dog. He's on a new routine now with the medicine he's taking. It seems to be helping his breathing issues.
11am The pasta maker and flour is still out since we didn't clean up yesterday. There's some old pie crust in the fridge so I roll it out with the pasta machine for mini quiches. (Sally's Baking Addiction blog is my go-to place for her all-butter crust and quiche recipes btw). TJ helps by mixing up the eggs.
3pm I play some Genshin Impact (GI) on my phone while TJ plays Starcraft in the office. I don't usually play gacha games, but the Zelda BotW-style of GI appealed to me. A gacha game is a game with randomized characteitem boxes that you use real-money to purchase a “pull” or to spin the wheel. I know the gacha parts of the game can be a real money sink if you get addicted to them, it’s almost like gambling. My main team is Fischl, Bennett, Barbara and Noelle. I level up to AR 22 and look up free-to-play tutorials for the game.
6pm There's some leftover pasta from yesterday, enough for both of us. I throw in some roasted beets to round out the meal. We watch more Fargo while eating. Almost done with Season 3!
10pm I find a tour operator who offers a small, socially-distant snowshoeing tour up on the mountain. I reserve for two people - this will be TJ's Christmas/birthday gift. $75. Off to bed for another workday.
Daily total: $75
Weekly Total: $689.79
Section Five: Reflections
Aside from the car insurance bill, this was a typical week for me, COVID or not. We make the majority of our meals at home and usually splurge on drive-thru/delivery once every other week. I may have overspent on the Secret Santa gift, but I don't often give gifts out to friends. It's not something our family does either. For TJ’s Christmas/birthday gift, we usually talk upfront about costs. I’ve gifted him fancy restaurant experiences the past 2 years, since we can share that experience, but obviously can’t do that now. Snowshoeing is a nice change of pace.
The conversations with TJ this week have given me thought on how to approach him differently about finances and working together in a relationship. I’m still unsure about the future financially, particularly as my parents near retirement age and that TJ has pulled out his 401k to pay his debts. I don't know if I can support both my parents and TJ together, so I am finding ways to upskill and/or side hustles without becoming a workaholic or bogged down by stress.
Writing this money diary was also the first time where I really paid attention to my past income and current income. I might be contributing too much into ESPP that could go towards the 401k or mortgage instead? I also seem to have been underpaid for what I did in past jobs, even in a LCOL area.
submitted by throwaway_md_182481 to MoneyDiariesACTIVE [link] [comments]

Anniversary Show - Reviving AEW Women’s Division and Championship

AEW’s Women‘s Division finds itself in a really weird place right now. For the past year and a half or so it’s felt like an afterthought and sorely lacking any attention at all. Now AEW have set up a huge USA vs. Japan 16-women tournament thats got a lot of hype to it, but Shida has been featured on TV barely at all since Double or Nothing still. The talent has improved a lot and they got a great core now with some very good homegrown stars like Nyla Rose, Anna Jay, Abadon, Britt Baker, Leyla Hirsch, Tay Conti etc. So my mission is to take this potential and fully capitalise on it. First we start in present day, and as part of the prompt all disappointing events up until now stay the same. With all that out of the way, here is how I would try and revive the AEW Women’s Championship and Division.
AEW Women’s Eliminator:
Nyla Rose vs. Abadon (February 10th, Dynamite)
Veda Scott makes her return to commentary to team with Excalibur and Tony Schiavone for our women’s eliminator matches tonight, beginning with The Native Beast, Nyla Rose, taking described by Veda, “what do you even call that...” Abadon comes out and haunts Vickie Guerrero but Nyla shows no fear. They both rush each other and it’s a brawl to begin. They soon spill outside where Rose tries to take the monster down using the guardrails, before Vickie exposes the turnbuckle and she slams Abadon into those. She goes for a finisher to end it early, but Abadon counters and the fight is back on. Abadon comes back with a Low Dropkick and Enziguri before clotheslining Nyla out. She throws her into the guardrails this time before setting Rose up on the apron, hanging over the ropes. She dives with a Leg Drop but Nyla moves and she lands flat on the mat. Nyla then hits a Guillotine Knee Drop but only gets a two count. She goes for an Avalanche Powerbomb to end it, but Abadon counters into a Super Rana and lifts both legs of Nyla up to pin her down, 1...2....3. Afterwards Nyla pushes Vickie off when she goes to speak with her.
Abadon defeats Nyla Rose (12:11)
Thunder Rosa vs. Britt Baker (February 10th, Dynamite)
A rematch between these two women here as we unfinished business solved. The match starts with a Big Boot from behind by Baker and from there it’s off to the races. Reba gets a cheap shot from outside after Britt Irish whips Rosa and she keeps going. A roll up is kicked out of but she then flattens Rosa once more. Britt takes it outside where she goes to introduce Rosa to the ring post, but Rosa counters and knocks Britt in instead. She now comes back and uses Reba as a weapon, ducking another shot from her so she hits Britt. Rosa takes a dive to the outside into both men and the fight continues. Britt comes back with some shots to the midsection before taking it outside again, hitting a Snap Suplex onto the floor. That is kicked out of as Rosa flips Britt two birds and throws her around. Baker connects an elbow shot to avoid another flying attack, and goes for a Superplex, but Rosa turns it into an Avalanche Fire Thunder Driver to win and advance. Afterwards she raises her hand and wipes her busted lip, looking deep into the hard cam as Baker is down and out.
Thunder Rosa defeats Britt Baker (10:59)
We see the first segment of Hikaru Shida on this episode, a four part series leading up to Revolution. She is in Japan currently so they are filmed from the Ice Ribbon Dojo. This particular one begins with Shida walking around watching the girls train, and coaching as she looks on. She says in English “they are talented. They will become superstar.” We then move over to a tatami (traditional Japanese room, small with wooden walls, a paper sliding door, no windows etc.) There she sits down and is interviewed about her career with the assist of subtitles. She speaks of her training and relates to the girls she just saw there. She explains how much Ice Ribbon means to her and she’s excited to see their representation in the tournament. It closes with her about her finals days in Japan. She starts to talk about AEW, but it fades out and ends with a “To be continued...”
Leyla Hirsch vs. Riho (February 17th, Dynamite)
Riho returns to AEW for the first time in nearly a full year and is excited to be back in action, but she’s got some steep competition in her corner. Legit Leyla Hirsch walks out ready to kick some ass and take names, throwing the towel on her shoulders into the crowd as she walks and laughing at Riho. “She’s like the size of Leyla’s leg.” Veda says. Tony jumps to Riho’s defence we’ve seen her topple bigger and badder in AEW before, but we’ll have to wait and see. Leyla starts off dominant as she keeps Riho down with her submissions and MMA holds. Riho on occasions looks to mount a comeback but she keeps being knocked back down. Despite this, she keeps getting back up. Out of nowhere she gets a roll up on Leyla to stun her, before a Dropkick knocks her outside. She then does a Flying Crossbody to the floor! The fight is on. Riho uses high speed to fight against the power of Leyla. Hirsch goes for a dangerous Lariat but Riho ducks and hits a Headscissors into an O’Connor Roll to pin and win.
Riho defeats Leyla Hirsch (12:45)
After the match, Tony Schiavone tries to grab an interview with Riho about her win and how it feels to be back. She goes to speak, WHEN SHE’S ATTACKED BY TWO WOMEN! Leyla Hirsch walks up and puts both arms over their shoulders, as commentary reveal it to be Killer Kelly and Lindsay Snow! Excalibur says these two women took part in the Bloodsport Women’s Tournament with Leyla Hirsch months ago, and now they’re here in AEW! Leyla hugs them both Andrew all stand over Riho and walk off.
We then see the next part of Hikaru Shida’s video series. This time begins with her training with some wrestlers, and giving feedback before we go back to the tatami. She says she thinks the girls can be big once more, and name drops a few in particular that she sees as the best. She’s then asked if they could ever expand out of Japan like herself. Shida then leads this off into saying it’s not an easy thing to do. The girls can do it but she did it herself and it’s tough. She then talks about moving to America about a year and a half ago and how she’s felt, how she’s adapted, and what AEW means to her. She details how much it means to her to be here in America and holding the most important title in the world to her. She set out to break boundaries and prove she is the best to the American audience, and she did, having held the title for 9 months. She’s now observing who’s going to stop her, but despite the immense talent - nobody is like her.
Anna Jay vs. Tay Conti (February 17th, Dynamite)
Two best friends clash, with Tay Conti and Anna Jay taking part to face in the next round. Tay offers a handshake but Anna looks away to ignore it. This leaves a bad taste in Tay’s mouth but she pushes on. They lock up and it’s intense, until Tay gains the upper hand. She uses her Judo background to dominate until she tries a Tayogoshi. Anna gets out and gets the cut off. She wrestles with a lot of aggression to the point commentary question that these two women are partners. Anna shows no mercy against Tay with some brutal offence. Conti eventually comes back and applies some vicious submission holds. Tay comes back with a Jumping Knee before a Bicycle Kick off the apron. Anna then hits her with a slam onto the apron and keeps the aggression going. In the climax of the match we saw Tay grab hold of Anna by the wrist and cling on, as they fall forward in exhaustion and rest over each other’s shoulders. Tay wraps an arm around and they hug, until Anna hugs back as she slowly lifts Tay up. They stare into each other’s eyes, continuing to breath heavy, ONLY FOR CONTI TO HIT A BRAZILIAN KICK!! PINS AND WINS!!
Tay Conti defeats Anna Jay (10:47)
Yuka Sakazaki vs. Mei Suruga (February 15th, Super 16)
Exclusively on AEW’s YouTube channel, “The Super 16” is presented live from the Ice Ribbon Dojo. Yuka Sakazaki is someone that AEW fans are familiar with from her various matches on PPV and Dynamite. Since her last AEW appearance she has added more muscle, she's expanded her moveset, and she lost TJPW's top title. Mei Suruga meanwhile is one the smallest and least experienced wrestler in the tournament, being one of Emi Sakura’s many students. She managed to get a clean one on one victory over Hikaru Shida right before Shida left Japan. She's a 21 year old prodigy who's status reaches beyond her experience level. She has Riho’s style mixed with Emi’s influence, for a brief summary. This is a high speed match up, a common style in Joshi, as the two women fly around each other with high risk offence. Yuka does a Springboard to the outside, over the guardrail to take Mei out for a good bit. She mounts a comeback and goes for a finisher to end it, but The Magical Girl reverses and pins to advance forward.
Yuka Sakazaki defeats Mei Suruga (08:46)
VENY vs. Emi Sakura (February 15th, Super 16)
VENY is someone some of you might know as Asuka. No not that Asuka, back in Japan WWE Asuka was known as Kana and the woman now called VENY is now known as Asuka. VENY is a favourite of mine. She can do damn near anything in the ring, she's extremely charismatic, and is in her prime as one of the top indie wrestlers in Japan."Veny" was supposed to debut in America during Wrestlemania weekend 2020, but the pandemic put a stop to that. This tournament is going to be her introduction to western fans. Meanwhile Emi Sakura is someone AEW fans probably know after her match with Riho at Full Gear. Since her last AEW appearance, she's been surviving the pandemic in her own little corner of the wrestling world by regularly producing Youtube wrestling shows(ChocoPro). In recent months, she's been slimming down to more of her natural weight which helps her with speed and her noted back problems. She’s now faster and better than when AEW fans last saw her. This is a technical match up with the two women indulging a game of wits, trading submissions and holds. She goes to use her new found quickness but VENY matches ever at that and puts her down to advance forward.
VENY defeats Emi Sakura (14:32)
Maki Itoh vs. Ryo Mizunami (February 15th, Super 16)
Maki Itoh is one of my favourite wrestlers right now and that’s not a joke. She’s the most popular wrestler in the field and someone that Joshi fans have been waiting to see crossover to the west more often for the last couple of years. She's insanely charismatic. She's a limited athlete, but she's an excellent storyteller and shines in singles matches. She’s only worked Mania weekend in the States so far but we’re hoping to see that change. Mizunami then has worked AEW before, but that was such a long time ago that AEW fans have probably forgotten her. She's a veteran with an extremely high level of charisma and she will chop the soul out of you. Primarily a brawler, but also has that charisma to work this kind of match. This is set to be our character matchup as Maki and Ryo square up, with Itoh crediting herself as “I AM DEITY OF SHIT”. She credits “Cornette-san” as her biggest fan. They then go at it. Ryo dominates Itoh until the comeback, when she catches Mizunami out of nowhere with a Flying Hurricanerana to win.
Maki Itoh defeats Ryo Mizunami (08:41)
Aja Kong vs. Rin Kadokura (February 15th, Super 16)
Main event of the evening and it’s looking like a doozy folks. First we have Aja Kong, easily the most legendary name in the tournament. She's 34 years into her career and still going. While we aren’t expecting to see the Kong that was battling Bull Nakano in the 90s, she is still a very smart veteran and she is still willing to taking some crazy bumps in the right occasion. She’s wrestled in both WWF (Survivor Series 1995) and AEW (Double or Nothing 2019) so she’s no stranger to the big stage. Rin meanwhile is most comparable to Shibata. She doesn't have a huge western fanbase, and she's not a big personality, but she's the Joshi version of "a wrestler's wrestler" and is capable of having the best match of the tournament. She comes Marvelous who are basically the Ring of Honor of Joshi. They are more physical and technically sound than TJPW or Ice Ribbon. Rin and Aja have a stiff and brutal matchup with terrifying strikes from the two women. Aja keeps kicking out of what’s thrown at her, not allowing to go down to a younger girl. Aja misses a Senton off the apron and hits the floor which allows Kadokura to win. Afterwards they hug as we fade to black.
Rin Kadokura defeats Aja Kong (15:22)
Riho vs. Tay Conti (February 24th, Dynamite)
Into the quarter finals we go as Revolution is fast approaching, and kicking it off is these two women. Both are top babyfaces, with Conti having just come out of her emotional war with Anna Jay and Riho suffering at the hands of Leyla Hirsch’s squad. They shake hands to begin and we’re set. Tay has expressed interest in wrestling in Japan before, so this is her forte into the Joshi world. Once everything’s back to normal I’d really like to see her hold the SWA World Championship in Stardom, and potentially face Riho again for it. Riho uses her speed to take Tay down, at one point dropkicking her off the apron and she falls into the guardrail, where Anna Jay sits. Anna looks at her coldly as Tay gets back up, ONLY TO BE HIT BY A BACKSTABBER BY RIHO! SHE COVERS AND WINS!! Riho advances forward to the semi-finals, while Conti stares back, equally as cold, at Anna Jay.
Riho defeats Tay Conti (07:01)
We see the third segment of Hikaru Shida in her tatami speaking of her story. She goes into detail about Corona hitting and being stuck in America, and how she felt about that. She says all that mattered then was the AEW Women’s World Championship. So much stuff was happening back home in Japan in the Joshi world (death of Hana Kimura), and she needed to topple The Beast, Nyla Rose. She describes the match, says it’s the most physical she’s ever been in, describing each painful bump and how after every move she was more worn down. But she refused to lose, and came out on top. Since then she’s carried this belt, and hadn’t dropped it. Despite the level of talent in the Super 16, no one has the talent to defeat her.
Abadon vs. Thunder Rosa (February 24th, Dynamite)
Last quarter final now, with the winner going on to face Riho in the semi’s. Thunder Rosa - having defeated Britt Baker, and Abadon - having defeated Nyla Rose. Abadon screams at Rosa to begin but she’s unphased, shouting back and the two meet forehead to forehead. They then start trading shots as the match begins. It spills outside where they continue to brawl messily. Abadon hits a Bloodline onto the floor followed by some biting. She goes for a Twist of Hate on the apron, but Rosa counters into a Cutter! They both sell before going back inside. Abadon runs for a Spear but when it’s leapfrogged, she hits a Headbutt and then runs the ropes again. She connects the Spead this time and covers, but it’s kicked out of. They go back outside where they fight up the ramp. Rosa dives with a Double Foot Stomp before they head up to the announce table. They fight there, and Rosa hits an Inverted DDT on it. Abadon rolls into the announcers chairs and lays there. Once back in, Rosa goes for a Snake Sleeper, but Abadon kicks her leg back and fights back. She throws Rosa into the ring post to bust her open. She calls for a Gravedigger, BUT ITS REVERSED INTO A FIRE THUNDER DRIVER!! ROSA PINS AND GOES TO SEMIS!!
Thunder Rosa defeats Abadon (16:11)
Maki Itoh vs. VENY (February 22nd, Super 16)
Heading into the Japan half of the quarter finals, we travel across the Pacific to the Ice Ribbon dojo once more. Itoh talks shit before the bell as VENY stands stone faced wondering what’s she did in a past life to be in the opposite corner of this. She goes to speak about Cornette-san once more but VENY cuts her off and the match has begun. She dominates the early stages until Maki out of nowhere counters a Suplex into a Falling DDT. She hits a Dropkick off the apron and VENY eats shit. Maki applies a Boston Crab, but VENY gets the ropes and flips Itoh out. She big boots her and is back on the offence. They take it to the apron where Itoh goes to pick VENY up, but VENY knocks her down and they roll back inside. Maki goes for a Ito Special but it’s reversed, and VENY goes for a Powerbomb. Itoh reverses that into a Itoh Royale, which is kicked out and they double down with stereo dropkicks. Maki climbs the top ropes for a Diving Headbutt, but VENY quickly runs up and hits a Superplex. She pins and wins to advance forward into the semis.
VENY defeats Maki Itoh (09:18)
Rin Kadokura vs. Yuka Sakazaki (February 22nd, Super 16)
Yuka runs around Rin to begin with, using her quickness to avoid being caught by any strikes or holds. This proves unsuccessful as after running the ropes for a Flying Shoulder Tackle, she’s hit with a stiff elbow in midair to knock Yuka down. This is the cut off as she dominates from this point forward. Rin goes for a Meteora from the middle ropes, BUT YUKA HITS A FRONT DROPKICK OUT OF MIDAIR!! She scales the top ropes and FLIES WITH A CROSSBODY!! KICK OUT! Yuka continues to run circles before taking Rin to the apron. She then jumps from inside, over the ropes, WITH A HURRICANERANA TO THE FLOOR!! The Magical Girl is back in action as she hits a Baseball Slide Dropkick into the railings. She rolls out to grab Kadokura but Rin throws her into the guardrails instead. She takes control back and does a Lala Histro Cradle into a Cross Armbreaker but Yuka gets a foot on the ropes. She manages to rally up for a huge flurry of offence to take Rin down and cover after a Magical Girl Splash, 1.......2......3! She’s going to the semi-finals where she will face VENY.
Yuka Sakazaki defeats Rin Kadokura (11:45)
We get a live performance from the Itoh Respect Army - Maki Itoh and Mizuki perform live in living colour a rock idol anthem. This gives Yuka a rest before the main event of the evening, the Semi-Finals match between Yuka Sakazaki and VENY. Itoh and Mizuki hype everyone up with the performance ahead of the big match, before the music stops and they leave. That’s when VENY walks out.
VENY vs. Yuka Sakazaki (February 22nd, Super 16)
She walks down menacingly with pure seriousness on her face. There is no fucking around here. She’s winning this tournament. Yuka meanwhile is as happy as can be. Yuka high fives everyone and jumps down in joy. They shake hands, but immediately after the bell rings VENY immediately kicks Yuka down and dominates. Yuka is tired while VENY is relatively fresh having only wrestled the opener. She dominates until it heads to the outside. She goes to slam Yuka into the railings, but Sakazaki reverses and dumps her over. She then hits a Springboard Flying Seated Senton, over the railings, into VENY. She mounts her comeback and hits for the Magical Girl Splash, BUT ITS KICKED OUT OF! Yuka starts having to match VENY’s strikes, as once VENY starts laying them in, Yuka becomes impervious to pain and fights back with her own. It turns into a slugfest here, but after a Diving Double Foot Stomp from Yuka only gets two she’s out of options. VENY capitalises here and looks to finish with a Powerbomb, BUT ITS TURNED INTO A FRANKENSTEINER! MAGICAL GIRL SPLASH! YUKA IS GOING TO THE FINALS!!
Yuka Sakazaki defeats VENY (19:21)
On March 3rd, Dynamite, we see the final of Hikaru’s segment, starting with her rolling a suitcase while wearing a mask as she walks to her plane back to America. We go back to the tatami where she’s asked about Revolution, and what she thinks of Yuka Sakazaki. She speaks on her before being asked about Riho and Thunder Rosa. She speaks about Rosa and their feud, saying she’s beaten her before though at last years All Out. The interviewer asks about the All Out the year before that. Who did she face then. Did she win? Shida seems insulted by that but keeps going, saying Riho got the better of her. But while she’s spent the past year back home, she made a new home - AEW. And she is now the queen of that home, and no amount of Riho will stop.
Riho vs. Thunder Rosa (March 3rd, Dynamite)
We’ve reached our American semi-finals, and 5 days after Yuka Sakazaki’s defeat of VENY - Riho and Thuhder Rosa are set to main event Dynamite. On Saturday Night then, the day before Revolution, we will see the Super 16 Finals streamed on YouTube between Yuka Sakazaki and the winner of this match, with the winner going on to face Hikaru Shida at Revolution. The match starts physical and doesn’t slow down. They go to the mat straight away and trade submission attempts. Rosa then dominates until Riho counters out of a corner charge with a roll up only to get two. Rosa punishes Riho using the ring post. Riho fights back though as she flies off the apron and uses speed to keep Rosa down. She goes for a springboard but is caught midair. Rosa then starts to kick the shit out of Riho, striking her repeatedly. It spills to the floor where Riho mounts a comeback, utilising the ring post to her own advantage this time. With Rosa tied up in the post, Riho runs off the apron with a Double Foot Stomp to the back. It goes into back and forth inside the ring, before Riho flies out once more. Rosa is up first and sets up a table, before they go back inside. Commentary note the No DQ on the outside rule. RIHO HITS A DOUBLE FOOT STOMP TO ROSA OFF THE APRON THROUGH THE TABLE!! They’re both out now, but while down, OUT COMES BRITT BAKER!! SHE HITS ROSA WITH A CHAIR! Riho doesn’t notice as she takes her back inside and covers to win! Britt walks off with a smile on her face, and waves at a fuming Rosa.
Riho defeats Thunder Rosa (23:41)
Riho vs. Yuka Sakazaki (March 6th, Super 16)
The Magical Girl comes down happy as ever, high fiving and hugging fans and running circles around the ring in ecstasy. Riho then comes out in her signature dress and also with an umbrella with the Imperial Japanese Flag designed on it. Both women offer their hands to each other, and both embrace before locking up. A collar and elbow is engaged and maintained, Yuka breaks the chains by connecting a Dropkick, followed by another Basement Dropkick! Riho ducks a Lariat attempt and runs the ropes, performing a dizzying array of spins before landing the Tornado DDT! 1.....2....Yuka kicks out! Yuka runs the ropes and hits a Seated Senton in the centre of the ring. She goes for a cover but Riho kicks out. Riho takes Yuka down with a Half Crab. Yuka winces in pain and cries in agony but throws Riho off her leg. Yuka then hits a Slingblade and rolls to the outside.
Riho connects a Baseball Slide Dropkick through the both ropes, before lifting Yuka up and hitting an incredible Deadlift Suplex into the middle of the ring. Excalibur makes note of Riho being 98 lbs so that feat of strength is truly incredible. Yuka connects an Enziguri and begins a Three Amigos. Riho flips out of the last one and hits a Roundhouse Kick followed by Double Foot Stomp! She covers, 1.......2....Kick Out! Riho seems annoyed at this and takes Yuka to the corner. They trade elbows for a bit before Yuka swaps them around and hits a Roundhouse Kick! She then takes Riho to the top turnbuckle. Yuka attempts to hit a Avalanche Butterfly Suplex, but Riho doesn’t move. Riho shoves Yuka onto the apron and Yuka grabs her back in pain. Riho then hits a Diving Double Foot Stomp onto the apron! That receives a holy shit chant as Riho throws her back into the ring and goes to cover.
Yuka rolls into a Fujiwara Armbar! She channels her inner Zack Sabre Jr. and begins to stomp on Riho’s head as she has the submission locked in. Riho rolls forward into a School Boy but Yuka kicks out. Yuka rolls back but is met by a Basement Dropkick! Riho then hits a Northern Lights Suplex! She goes to cover but Yuka rolls out. Yuka whips Riho to the apron. She hits a Dragon Screw on the ropes and connects a Baseball Slide Dropkick! Yuka goes for a Half and Half Suplex on the apron, but Riho gets out and hits a Belly to Back Suplex! Right on the hardest part of the ring as Yuka sells the pain. Riho rolls back into the ring, but is met by a Springboard Front Missile Dropkick by Yuka! Yuka then heads to the top ropes and does a magical pose, Diving Double Foot Stomp! 1........2.....KICK OUT!!! Yuka is now desperate and decides, “fuck it”, and begins a frenzy of attacks.
Any and everything used. Yuka hits a Running Meteora! She goes for another but Riho catches with an Enziguri and then hits a Running Double Foot Stomp! She picks Yuka up and hits a German Suplex but Yuka lands on her feet; Half and Half Suplex! Yuka hits a Slingblade and begins a series of Daniel Bryan like Roundhouses, with a few yes chants thrown in from the audience. She keeps going until Riho ducks one and hits a Bicycle Knee! Yuka responds with a Bicycle Kick! Riho hits an Impaler DDT!!! She gets the crowd going and goes for an Exploder Suplex, but Yuka counters into a Backbody Drop! Yuka then hits the Exploder Suplex followed by a Pendelum Kick! She takes Riho to the top ropes and goes for an Avalanche Butterfly Suplex! RIHO COUNTERS MIDAIR IN A ROLL UP!! 1......2.....3!!!! Riho is going to face Hikaru Shida tomorrow night for the AEW Women’s World Championship!
Riho defeats Yuka Sakazaki (10:17)
AEW Revolution 2021:
Anna Jay vs. Britt Baker vs. Tay Conti vs. Thunder Rosa - Four-way Match
AEW’s Women’s International Eliminator Tournament has come and gone, and with it many women have some grudges held. Thunder Rosa was cost the semi-finals with Riho after Britt Baker interference. This is of course, due to Rosa beating Britt in the First Round. Also, Anna Jay and Tay Conti faced in the First Round where Conti was successful. That drove a wedge between them as we’ve seen. There is enough tension where we need a resolution, and so they’re all put into a match together - whoever is the best comes out on top. The Four-way is made for Revolution, with the winner set to be Shida or Riho’s next challenger in the coming weeks. However before the match, we see Brandi Rhodes come out for the first time in 2 months. She has a mic in hand and says that two years ago there was a similar multi-women match set. That was the during the genesis of AEW. A three-way became a four-way. Now we know how talented of a roster the AEW Women’s Division is, but what if it could be blustered?
Well she’s got the perfect solution to that. How could she make this match even more stacked however? Easy answer, add another women. But not just any women...a Virtuosa. So with a little helping hand, she’s secured someone to really put up a fight. Outcomes Deonna Purazzo. The current Knockouts Champion makes her way out and joins the fray. The crowd applaud loudly at the surprise arrival, as this match is now made a Five-way. Immediately the beefing girls go for each other, Britt and Rosa and Tay and Anna. Deonna meanwhile just picks people off, playing it smart and looking for the win. She’s not fuelled by animosity like the rest, she is just being intelligent. We see the rest of the women all take themselves out to the point Britt turns around into a Jumping DDT and Fujiwara Armbar. She taps out and Purazzo wins the match. She takes the mic afterwards and hoists her Knockouts Championship high. “Who’s ready for a Battle of the Belts?” she says before leaving.
Deonna Purazzo defeats Anna Jay, Britt Baker, Tay Conti and Thunder Rosa (11:17)
Hikaru Shida (c) vs. Riho - AEW Women’s World Championship
We’ve seen the whole tournament so far and the mini-doc of Hikaru Shida. It’s the first majorly built AEW Women’s Championship PPV match...ever, so it’s got some expectations on its shoulders. Shida walks out wearing her attire from the AEW video game trailer, pointed out by Excalibur. Riho is just coming off a match from last night while Shida hasn’t wrestled in nearly a month, so she is fully in control early on. She busts out some early signature moves so the audience get a groove of her once more since it’s been a minute. They go outside where Riho starts to come back and from there it’s back and forth. They recreate the finishing sequence that won it for Riho last time, ending with Riho getting a roll up originally, but this time Shida kicks out! They then keep going as Riho kicks out of a few more moves by Hikaru. Riho goes for a Diving Double Foot Stomp, but she’s hit midair and then by a Tamashii no Three Count! KICK OUT!! They keep fighting as Riho once more tries for the finishing sequence that won it for her last time, but this time it ends when Shida lifts her into a Falcon Arrow! 1..............2..............3!! She wins and retains!
Hikaru Shida defeats Riho (14:56)
We now head into the build for Double or Nothing. However we aren’t all building towards that. See, it’s announced at Revolution a supercard of supercards is set for April 4th. The “Bloodshed Supercard” is coming up, pitting stars from AEW, NJPW, NWA and Impact against one another. The big match advertised is a Lethal Lockdown Match: pitting Kenny Omega, The Good Brothers and Kenta against Jon Moxley and Death Triangle. But also set for the show, we’ll get into detail here. Deonna Purazzo is now the #1 Contender to the AEW Women’s World Championship, and an appearance by her is advertised for the Dynamite after Revolution. She shows up and cuts a typical promo of hers on Hikaru, claiming herself the one true Virtuosa and hyping her credentials. These outmatch everything Shida has ever done, and when they face, she’ll truly outmatch her for all to see.
The match is dubbed “Battle of the Belts” after AEW trademarked that. Knockouts Champion vs. AEW Women’s World Champion. Next week Shida goes to speak, but she’s cut off by Deonna. Purazzo attacks her and beats down the rival champion. She tells Shida she should of stayed in Japan, because now she’s crossed the Pacific she’s in HER country. The Virtuosa runs the place here, and she is going to cement herself as the best champion in the entire country - nay, the world. Later in the night when asked about how she felt of the attack, Hikaru says “Next Tuesday. Impact Wrestling. Watch me.” before leaving. Then, on Impact, we see Hikaru come out after a Ten-person Knockouts Tag Team Match. She looks around with her title, and walks over to the captain of the winning team, Kiera Hogan. She shakes her hand and points back and forth between the two. Kiera vs. Shida is sanctioned for next week on Impact.
They face, but due to Hikaru now being in Deonna’s house, she makes her presence known with an attack. Part of rebuilding the Women’s division is other feuds need to exist in it, so let’s touch on those. Firstly, Leyla Hirsch and her new stable, dubbing themselves “Bloodsport” have made an enemy out of Riho. The two face with the stipulation that the winner will face Serena Deeb for the NWA Women’s Championship. Hirsch wins after making Riho tap. Then in her match with Deeb, a returning Allysin Kay comes out and interferes. Deeb rolls up with her distraction. Leyla doesn’t attack Kay however. After all, she was the fourth women in that Bloodsport tournament along with Hirsch, Kelly and Snow. They offer her a spot but Allysin declines and says she just wants that NWA Women’s Championship back. A Three-way then is made, which ends with Kay pinning Deeb. She gets her title back, and afterwards, offers an embrace to Hirsch. Snow and Kelly get her to accept.
Bloodsport pose together with Allysin Kay now in their rankings, but tension between her and Hirsch is clear after Kay just took the title she’s been craving for weeks. However, they’re now a unit. Also, Anna Jay and Tay Conti. Anna takes a leadership role in The Dark Order as her and Conti slowly start patching things up. They both agree they got lost in the tournament and were drunk off the thought of glory. They hug it out and walk out together. Then, Thunder Rosa and Britt Baker. The first thing we see on Dynamite after Revolution is Thunder Rosa brutalising Britt Baker. She destroys her. She kayfabe reinjures her and puts her back on crutches. Britt doesn’t wrestle after this but has a vendetta against Rosa, and Rosa is likewise. The women all have feuds, with only one revolving around the title, and they actually get TV time on Dynamite. It’s basically just what AEW do with the guys, but the gender is changed. That’s literally how you do women’s wrestling.
Bloodshed Supercard:
Deonna Purrazzo vs. Hikaru Shida - Battle of the Belts
The singles match main event of the show, it’s the heavily anticipated “Battle of the Belts.” Shida is out first, wearing a kimono and carrying her own umbrella to the ring. She twirls it around at the hard camera in a optical illusion before walking down. Deonna is out afterwards and the Virtuosa walks with purpose, hoisting her title over Shida’s head. Hikaru hoists hers up and they meet forehead to forehead. The match the begins. Shida and Deonna trade goods and submissions on the mat before it goes outside and gets physical there. Purrazzo uses the guardrails and ring posts, before taking it to the apron. Shida hits her with a Superkick and runs the ropes inside the ring, dropkicking Purrazzo into part of the set. Once back up they have some stiff back and forth with a lot of shots and strikes to knock the other down. Both women keep kicking out however. We see many moments when Hikaru looks like she’s about to tap but resists and keeps fighting. They head outside once again where Deonna hits a Backbody Drop onto the floor. Once back inside, Shida hits a Falcon Arrow into a Tamashii no Three Count to win. Afterwards her and Deonna resiliently shake hands in respect.
Hikaru Shida defeats Deonna Purrazzo (25:10)
Heading out of Bloodshed Supercard, Britt Baker and Thunder Rosa are still battling it out. Britt is set to return to action on the April 14th edition of Dynamite, where she will face Rosa in a No Disqualification, No Countout Match. It’s a brutal bout with Britt showing the aggression she did in her Tooth and Nail Match on Rosa. She ends up winning after a chairshot and kendo stick assisted Lockjaw makes Rosa pass out. Meanwhile, Hikaru Shida continues her trail of dominance over the AEW Women’s division. She’s earned the respect of Deonna Purazzo’s who’s gonna back off to Impact. Shida cuts a promo in English after the match saying she wants more of the Knockouts, and they are an amazing group of girls. She once again faces Kiera Hogan, this time on Dynamite, with interference banned. They have a clean bout that ends with Shida once again winning. They shake hands afterwards. This is Hogan’s first AEW match and she makes a big splash, but comes up short.
Next in line is Nyla Rose, who is still with Vickie Guerrero but their relationship is going very sour. Nonetheless, as we approach a year after Hikaru took the belt from Nyla, they’re set to face one more - this time it’s 2 Out of 3 Falls. It’s an excellent bout that ends with Shida winning by falling onto Nyla after the two basically kill themselves. Nyla the next week cuts a promo on Shida, saying she wants one final shot, and if she loses - she will never challenge for the title while Shida is champion again. This is when Britt Baker gets involved and puts her stamp on the picture. She limps down on a crutch as that match with Rosa as temporarily hurt her again. She cuts a mini promo of her own, before blasting Nyla with the crutch. A #1 Contenders Match is set up, with the winner going on to face Hikaru at Double or Nothing.
Britt wins after a very hard fought and brutal contest. Afterwards, Tony Schiavone comes out and reads a letter from Brandi. She congratulates both women on the incredible match. She then announces Nyla as the first women to take part in the AEW Women’s Casino Ladder Match at Double or Nothing. In the final weeks before Double or Nothing, Britt cuts some very passionate promos about the struggle she’s went through to even become a wrestler, and as soon as she became the best thing in this company she was injured. But this time, nothing is going to stop her. She’s not going to be hindered by dentistry, not by trying to being a good guy, and not by injury. She will be victorious. Reba is banned from ringside, as if she gets involved Britt automatically loses. Baker is now fuelled by anger as she wants to take down the unstoppable Hikaru Shida.
Then, our other stories. Well the premier one is the aforementioned Women’s Casino Ladder Match. Once more it’s decided there’s too much beef amongst the AEW Women’s division, so Tony Khan’s solution is to throw nine of them into a ladder match, and whoever isn’t dead by the end gets an AEW Women’s Championship shot. And just like last time, there will be a mystery participant. Women gradually get announced via AEW’s Twitter, with Nyla Rose as the first on TV before they slowly start adding names to the field, like they did last year. Anna Jay and Tay Conti are announced together, Serena Deeb, Leyla Hirsch, Riho etc. Thunder Rosa and Abadon face once more after their epic match in the Super 16. Abadon hits a Spear into part of the stage which takes them both out and it goes to a double countout. Both women are then put into the match, with the ninth women remaining a mystery.
Double or Nothing 2021:
Abadon vs. Anna Jay vs. Leyla Hirsch vs. Nyla Rose vs. Riho vs. Serena Deeb vs. Tay Conti vs. Thunder Rosa vs. ??? - Women’s Casino Ladder Match
Serena Deeb and Nyla Rose start it off hot, Nyla trying to dominate but Deeb using her strength to counteract. Tay Conti comes in and her and Deeb come to a babyface arrangement to take the big women down. Thunder Rosa follows suit and starts to mix it up with everyone. Leyla Hirsch, Anna Jay, Riho and Abadon all come out and continue the fight. It’s multi-man chaos, with each women sabotaging the other from getting that poker chip. They all want the prize. Killer Kelly at one point tries to walk down and help out Hirsch, but Riho valiantly takes her on and brawls with her to the back. She then dives off the stage with a Crossbody into Lindsay Snow and Killer Kelly. Allysin Kay comes out and puts her through a part of the stage to take her out.
Riho comes back, freshly bruised by Kay, and looks to climb the ladder, but Anna Jay pushes her down. She then starts to taunt and mock the 9th and final entrant while she waits for them to appear...and it’s RETURNING KRIS STATLANDER! Statlander comes in and wrecks house; takes out all the people involved while the action continues. Abadon lets out a mighty scream as she goes to climb the ladder. Tay and Anna push her off and meet at the top. They then start throwing shots at each other. They all fall under Thunder Rosa pushes them off and climbs up, grabbing the poker chip and holding it high it in triumph. She now with a future AEW Women’s World Championship match locked in. She takes the mic and tells Hikaru “good luck - you’ll need it.” before dropping it and heading to the back.
Thunder Rosa wins the Women’s Casino Ladder Match (16:35)
Hikaru Shida (c) vs. Britt Baker - AEW Women’s World Championship
Baker comes out without Reba for the first time in a long time, pure determination on her face to succeed. Both women put their heart and soul into the match, pouring every last bit of fight they’ve got in. Britt gets a Lockjaw in near the end and refuses to let go when Shida grabs the ropes. The ref has to physically pull her off, ONLY FOR SHIDA TO HIT ONE FINAL TAMASHII NO THREE COUNT!! She pins and wins.
Hikaru Shida defeats Britt Baker (10:21)
submitted by ConorCulture to FantasyBookingElite [link] [comments]

UnPoPuLaR oPiNiOn: connor is wrong

brought up some good points, but I disagree w/ some; it may be that gacha should have more regulation, but don't think he brought up enough evidence to justify all his proposed policies, some of which I feel would go against the essence of gacha
connor guesses 1/2 of spenders feel regret, and says you can see ruined lives all over the place; like garnt and joey, I really don't have this impression, and would put the estimates much much lower; but, I don't think we can be sure w/out data (which is why you should fill out this survey posted by u/kami4226 lol; data sciens rocks); w/out the aggregate stats on user behavior in gacha, it's really hard to make policies
unfortunately, these facts often don't surface until we see enough really bad victims; w/ this in mind, there's nothing wrong w/ discussing regulations before the heavy lawsuits come it; my disagreement, and where I think joey and garnt were coming from, is that some of connor's suggestions would critically interfere w/ the enjoyment of the gacha mechanic
the key sticking point for me is connor's hard spending cap idea; gacha's fundamentals are in the gambler's feeling of hope; if the game at any point tells me I cannot have what I want, regardless of how much more time and money I'm willing to invest, I would feel robbed of my freedom as an adult; even if the cap was set magnitudes higher than what I'd ever spend, it'll always be in the back of my mind that there might not be light at the end of the tunnel, and I think this breaks the core of gacha
this is my interpretation of what joey and garnt were trying to say, which I agree with
self-bans and self-limits definitely make sense though; since you're the one stopping yourself (w/ some help), the gacha mechanic isn't broken; it'd be a non-intrusive way to stop ppl who understand they have a problem, and it makes perfect sense to learn from the casino's precedence
as for connor's age restriction idea, I can agree w/ having parental caps; gacha is gambling after all, and I think it's up to the parents to decide how much exposure their kid should get; the core mechanic doesn't apply to kids since they're not yeeting their own income; I don't think it needs to be strictly 18+ though; if used properly, gacha might be a healthy/engaging way to help kids manage risk (or teach probability lol)
connor does bring up a good pt abt normalizing money burning; after playing arknights daily for a couple months, I recently became non-f2p by buying their anniversary pack (and still not pulling w lol); if I hadn't seen gigguk's video and found the online gacha community, would I have put down some $70 for a chance at a jpeg?
honestly probably not, but it was fun; I felt the hope of the pull (w/ the painpeko that follows) and got to experience being part of a new gambling tradition in a medium I love; tricked or not, I enjoyed bleeding money, and I'm guessing a good deal of others did too; while we can argue whether this is healthy, I really can't blame the bois for sharing a culture I've come to enjoy
thx for downvoting my clickbait; looking forward to reaction video
ps: I pulled weedy tho (like, twice...)
submitted by gnohuhs to TrashTaste [link] [comments]

Does anyone else find it really hard to relate to the main story and main characters? (some spoilers)

Some spoilers below here and lots of ranting for closure; if you havent finished the game, maybe better stop reading and finish the game first.

So, I had zero expectations and just jumped in and have played a lot in the last few weeks, I have finished all main and side missions, NCPD hustles and encounters, I have checked out every ending except the secret one, I am blown away by a lot of the art work and design and music and visuals and just how much is going on in every single corner of the city and... I still dont know who these people are, what they want from me or what I really want in NightCity or from anyone, and what the endings are supposed to tell me and who the "good guys" are, if such a thing exists.

I just cant really get into the world or find much sympathy for most of the characters, especially for Johnny - no idea what to make of him and through all the dialogue options, almost no matter what you say to him, whether you are for or against him, insult him or try sympathy... he always has some stupid comeback or snarky remark or pulls exposition out of his memory banks. He's even more synthetic and un-real than being an engram suggests. There's hardly ever an honest, human heart to heart until the very end when he suddenly seems to do a total 180 because the script said so, it's 95% weird shouting match up to that point and I have no idea what his character is supposed to be except "shallow rebel who talks back no matter what you say". What makes it worse, it seems every time you insult him or be nice to him doesnt really matter, except one of the dialogues where you pretty much got to sort-of insult him and that then unlocks the secret ending... a tiny little side remark.. and hardly any other talk with him seems to change much except another 1 option to unlock his side mission. Plus he is a "badass anti-corpo punk rokkkarr".. who drives a quarter million dollar (international congolomerate Volkswagen arasaka Group) 911 turbo lol. W T F?

I kinda liked the short partnership with Jackie a bit, big funny burly dude with character, but I dont get Misty AT ALL and she looks and acts creepy as all hell and is not a good callback to Bladerunner. Judy kinda seems alright but annoyingly engaging at first but as a male V that's not going anywhere anyway so it's a ton of cockteasing and in the end-credits her message is ALWAYS the same (well except that one worst ending), she seems to care the least about V and the choices you make.. and her own storyline doesnt seem to have a positive ending no matter what. The whole game revels in grey and grey areas and murky greyness, no light or justice or happy ending.
Takemura is the only one I can midly understand, a pawn sacrificed in corpo politics / murder wanting to restore his honor and he's a stereotypical Samurai-retainer-pro, the story with him was kinda cool but then arasaka is made out to be the bad guy no matter whether the sister, the brother or the dad gets to rule it. More grey, no light at the end of that tunnel either.
Panam has a lot of positives but she's SO aggro and hotheaded to a fault, almost comically, somehow we are supposed to view the Aldecaldos as the sort-of good guys? But they are like a callback to the delusional EasyRider-hippie era of yesteryear and we all know how "great" that turned out. And they just steal stuff, and in the "good ending" you sacrifice a lot of those people just to plug yourself in and find out it was all for nothing anyway. Well, at least you get to experience family but nowhere was it set up that V was missing that and then you will very likely still die. After 6 months of more stealing for "the family". ('member, corpos stealing = bad, fixers and aldecaldos stealin = good, sticking it to the man)

And Rogue? She's supposed to be the bone-dry cold-hearted business biatch, but then you poke her a little bit and she gives it all up to storm ze evil tower for, I guess, shits and giggles and because she used to like Johnny a whole lot. Still no idea what chicks would see in Johnny as a character, except u know it's Keanu. (Who I think was mis-cast, he's like an awesome friendly lovely golden retriever puppy, not a druggie snarky drunk groupie-fucking punk-rocker with delusions of grandeur and a rockstar attitude that would give 80s glamrock bands a run for their hairspray)
The space casino ending is really weird too, the game ends with V looking like he's squeezing out sthg into his spacesuit? No sure what we are meant to feel.
For all the anti-corpo babble we have to sit through, somehow that doesnt apply to mercs and to fixers who are making their money off of mercs and shady deals?

I dont know, I dont feel at home in NC nor do I feel like I got to experience SO much NC that I (intentionally) "get it" and just have to get out, I mostly dont care either way. None of it really connects or seems to matter, so you bunny hop around and just snipe through rocks and walls and quickhack until the map is empty, as empty as your very soul will feel after the hours you put into it. But oh boy does it look seriously amazing.

Two counter-examples that really stuck out for me: I liked looking for River's brother, and I loved the politician side quest. That mission alone had more engaging and understandable, awesome story telling than the whole main story, it really connected and hits you - HARD. It's heart breaking, very human. Everything else is so murky grey and just lacks all heart and soul somehow.

Anyone else felt like that and found it hard to connect with the main story or characters? Want to commiserate?
submitted by mrobot_ to cyberpunkgame [link] [comments]

Teen Titans #11 - Five Minutes to Midnight

Teen Titans

In Discord
Issue Eleven: Five Minutes to Midnight
Originally posted April 2018
Part 8 of the Minutes to Midnight event
With the sudden meteor crash in Hub City, the world had turned to chaos. A rock-like, nine-foot behemoth, Doomsday, had torn his way through the United States and showed no signs of stopping, with even the collective efforts of Earth’s heroes providing little to no resistance. And so, as Doomsday’s rampage shook the very foundations of New York City, pushing into Blüdhaven, Slade Wilson was forced to act prematurely.
Even with his enhanced mental and physical aptitude, Slade knew he’d provide little value to the effort against the creature. No, that wasn’t Slade’s plan at all. While heroes tossed Doomsday back and forth on street level, surging crowds of civilians pushed and clamoured, desperately trying to escape the teetering skyscrapers that lined the streets. Hospitals were no exception. But while others clawed and shoved and trampled to make their way out of the hospital, Slade Wilson charged in, his short white hair under a beige fedora, a small rucksack slung over his shoulder.
Slade reached the fifth floor, having launched up the back stairwell, to find the level almost desolate, save for the various patients abandoned by the staff, left to die in their respective wards. It was tragic, but - again - not why Slade was here. Barrelling past, Slade came to a door. Locked. Unlocked following one well-placed shot from his handgun. Pushing the door open, he came face-to-face once more with Rose, his teenage daughter.
“Dad!?” she exclaimed. Struggling as she lay helplessly in her isolated bed, her visage lit up in terror.
“Sweetie, we need to run.” Slade coughed, pulling a baseball cap over his head from inside of his rucksack and moving over to lift Rose from the bed.
Rose scurried back best she could, as her legs remained limp. She straightened her back. During Slade’s encounter with Superman, Rose had suffered injuries leaving her with gruesome nerve damage. She couldn’t just get up and run away, no matter how frustrated she grew. She furrowed her brow, “How can I trust you?”
“I’m your father, Rose,” Slade explained, “I’m the only family you have left.”
“And I also have a solution to your injuries. Your nerve damage.”
Rose looked at her father in disbelief. What could he possibly be talking about.
“Pumping through my veins is the sole remains of the Veritas serum, the long-forgotten science that granted me my enhanced capabilities.” Slade explained, “We can isolate the serum from my blood plasma and infuse it into you. Then your neurons will regenerate a such a rate you’ll be able to bounce and spring and run all you like.”
Rose swallowed. Her mother was dead. Slade was all she had. Without this serum she might never walk again.
The room began once more to rumble and shake.
But none of that would matter if she died trapped in the hospital.
♦ ♦ T ♦ ♦
Atop the New York County Supreme Court, the Dark Knight and his former-apprentice watched as their plan fell to pieces. The experimental teleporter Batman had employed to attempt to shift Doomsday outside of Earth’s atmosphere had failed. While it had succeeded in leeching all the power from the surrounding few city blocks, the teleport could simply not muster enough force to drag the stubborn giant into its bounds, instead releasing the masses of energy it had accumulated with a rapid, vicious shockwave.
It wasn’t hard, even from so high up, to make out the dancing colours of their allies’ outfits as they fought and struggled and failed to contain the frenzying monster, Doomsday. He had the strength of Wonder Woman, the durability of Superman and the reaction speed of The Flash. He was everything it would take to destroy the Justice League, and from above it was clear that it was becoming increasingly likely that Doomsday would accomplish that and much more.
As Batman grimaced at his unsuccessful trap, Dick picked out his friends - the Teen Titans - from the mayhem. Donna and her counterpart Wonder Woman continually risked damage and moved in close, Donna carving into Doomsday with her enchanted blade, while Diana brought precision blows to potential pressure points. Shifting and leaping back and forth in synchrony, the two pulled off ludicrous manoeuvres they had long since forgotten they know how to do, as if from muscle memory.
Doomsday clawed out at the two Amazons, leaving a gap for Cyborg’s lasers to scorch the granite hide of the towering monster. Vic barely left a mark but caused Doomsday to cry out in pain. This left enough of an opening for Supergirl - the honorary Titan - to rocket in. Kara Zor-El had just returned from dropping Batman’s newest acolyte, Robin, somewhere safe after he was almost obliterated by Doomsday’s retaliation. Wasting no time, she delivered a stern right hook to the side of Doomsday’s face, causing him to stagger and Kara to unwittingly slash her knuckles against the sharp, bony, beard-like projections that emerged from his jawline.
The hulking Doomsday stumbled, struggling to right his own incredible weight, before digging his heels into the asphalt below. The creature was forced to a stop, and quakes rang out for miles because of it. With a roar, Doomsday swung back around, lifting the remains of a burnt out SUV from the ground and launching it toward Supergirl at full pelt.
Kara smiled, illuminating her eyes in red and unleashing a narrow beam of heat vision to dissect the airborne vehicle, leaving both halves to fall limply either side of her. This seemed to infuriate Doomsday even more. He thrashed out, plucking Donna Troy out of the air, mid-downward slash. Electing not to play with his food, Doomsday used Donna as a weapon (quite literally), tossing her to collide with Vic’s metal legs, leaving them both in a pile on the ground.
During all of this, in his fear, Beast Boy played it smart. Using his various avian forms, Gar soared through the Blüdhaven streets, locating injured civilians before cautiously guiding them to safety in the form of a gentle gorilla. Yet despite falling into their roles naturally, the Teen Titans - along with their allies from the Justice League - continued to sustain injuries. Their pain cried out to Dick, who itched to jump into the fray. His eyes followed Vic especially, his heart growing heavy. What he’d learned from the Hub City meteor crash, Dick couldn’t share with him. Not in the middle of such a crisis.
“He’s smart,” spoke Batman, breaking the duo’s broody silence.
“Excuse me?” Dick asked.
“Beast Boy. He understands he can’t cut it against a brute that can, and continues to gore Superman. He applies himself elsewhere.”
“What are you saying?”
“I understand your dynamic with your team better than anyone,” Batman explained, the carnage still unfolding below, “You’re leagues ahead of them in experience, but in lacking the gifts your allies boast, you feel like you have more to prove.”
“Look, you must have something else prepared!” Dick exclaimed, “Something to even out the playing field?”
“Like what? Some Bat-mech-suit powered by glowing gemstones?” Batman retorted, “Don’t be ridiculous.”
Bruce grabbed Dick and pulled him to face his way, forcing his gaze away from the conflict. “Guile and gadgetry won’t save you against a creature like Doomsday.”
“Bruce, I’m not useless—”
“We use our guile to pick our battles,” Bruce didn’t break eye contact for a moment, “Not running away from a threat, but running toward another problem requiring a solution.”
“Like what?”
♦ ♦ T ♦ ♦
In a formation that was most definitely rehearsed, Green Lantern and Martian Manhunter swooped into view from behind the bank building. First went the Martian, who forced Doomsday’s attention onto himself with physic manipulation. While Diana applied all her might in heaving the golden lasso that encircled the beast, Doomsday lurched forward to choke the not-so-little green man out of the air, only for his brutish fist to fall right through him, the Martian shifting his density in order to phase. Then, in Doomsday’s confusion, the Lantern Hal Jordan drove a construct the form of a metal rod through the shoulder of the arm still extended from his last attack.
Doomsday recoiled violently, inadvertently pulling free from Wonder Woman’s lasso, and reached to extract the sharp implement, only to find the green rod had already dematerialised. Not that he had the intelligence to understand what that meant.
“Damn,” Vic groaned pulling himself up and out from under Donna, “We can’t even make a dent in this guy!”
“No,” someone replied. Vic looked up to find Superman helping Donna to her feet, “We’ve made plenty of dents. He’s just tough enough to shrug ‘em off..”
Then with a burst of air, Superman jetted up, up and towards Doomsday, ready to try another punch that would almost certainly prove useless. But his words resonated with Vic.
Just like Superman.” Vic came to a sudden realisation. Across the desolated street, he hollered the nearest hero, who just happened to be a hovering Girl of Steel. “You and Supes got super listening, right?”
“Well it’s more like super hearing but—”
“Well you won’t wanna hear this.” Vic fired another scorching beam at Doomsday, demanding his attention, “You listening?!”
Raising his right arm, Cyborg shifted his laser blaster into a larger, more concave instrument. Charging in recklessly, he aimed his sonic cannon directly for Doomsday’s head and let loose a monstrously powerful sonic pulse. The attack rocked the unprepared Superman to the ground as he just escaped the full blast, but with him fell Doomsday.
The grey beast crawled along the asphalt, pounding at his own head in attempt to block out the rupturing sound waves Cyborg concentrated his way. Heroes looked on in awe, as someone finally brought Doomsday to his knees.
“That’s right, bitch,” Vic spat, his sonic cannon still blaring. But it didn’t last. Almost as if a switch flipped, Doomsday’s cries stopped. With a single, high-speed shift, Doomsday collided with Vic, sending him hurtling off, crashing through the walls of the nearby apartments - emptied by his teammates - before continuing on through the walls of the multi-storey casino a block behind.
♦ ♦ T ♦ ♦
A rumble permeated through the air as Cyborg’s Prometheum frame was dashed through the foot of Blüd’s hottest haunt, the Whaler’s Supercasino. The workmanship was shoddy, likely performed by cheap cowboys, so it only took Vic taking out a single pillar for the entire building to destabilise.
From their perch the Dynamic Duo watched the dust begin the rise and the debris begin to fall. Within seconds, they bounced into action. Batman retrieved his grapnel gun - Barbara’s design - and fired, launching himself into the air alongside a somersaulting Nightwing.
“Manhunter, tell me the evacuation effort’s reached Whaler’s casino.”
“Of course, Batman,” J’onzz responded, “Team Flash swept through. They’re already blocks away from the current battleground.”
“But, Batman?” a different, more hurried voice interrupted. Watchtower, the League’s resident hacker. “You need to get down there fast. Flash and co. got everyone out of the casino, but the parademics and the SCU? They’re still down there.”
♦ ♦ T ♦ ♦
On the ground, Superman wrenched a steel telephone booth from the ground and lifted it overhead. They were an artefact quite common in the neon-vintage Blüdhaven, an anachronism stew of a town, and one would do fine enough as a projectile. Or so thought Superman as he crashed the steel cage down on the giant grey gladiator. As predicted, the phone booth crunched and deformed against his mighty skin, but the force applied by the Kryptonian, so quickly, was more than enough to begin to drive Doomsday down into the road, cracking it slightly.
Yet before Doomsday could retaliate, he was already caught in the heroes’ next attack. A celadon railroad laying itself towards and beneath him, Doomsday was blinded by the scorching lights that gave way to an emerald freight train on a collision course. Atop the train stood a rider. Fierce. Determined. Diana of Themyscira.
With a green flash, the locomotive exploded against the creature, with Wonder Woman defying gravity as she leapt from atop, slamming her bracelets together while still airborne to dig the bloodied and bruised Doomsday deeping into the ground.
While Diana touched down effortlessly, the dust cleared to reveal the monster considerably worse for wear. Yet he didn’t seem any less determined in spite of it.
“Now!” cried Donna Troy, revealing herself soaring overhead, with the assistance of Supergirl, cape billowing in the wind. That same moment, Kara released Donna, leaving her to fall several feet, preparing for her attack.
Yet Doomsday remained entirely disinterested in the black-clad warrior as he reached for the debris from fallen buildings he found at his feet. As Donna raked her blade across the behemoth’s spiked back, Doomsday leapt into the air with incredible height. Then at the height of his jump, Doomsday threw both arms downward, raining rock and brick down from above.
Donna growled to herself. This was getting needlessly messy, and they were seemingly getting nowhere.
As if a meteor had hit the earth once more, Doomsday collided with the ground several metres away. But the Justice League wouldn’t give him a second’s leeway, with Donna and Kara close behind them.
His momentum still carrying him, Doomsday padded along the ground on all fours, raking up the road as he ground to a stop. A rapidfire laser assault from Green Lantern nicked uselessly again his hide, making him snarl. He crashed his fists against the ground simultaneously, letting forth something of a seismic wave, plenty to knock both of the grounded Amazon’s off their feet.
“Wow! He really is ugly!” a voice heckled from behind. While Doomsday tried to keep pace with the rapidly phase-shifting Manhunter, and while the Kryptonian cousins continued to lay on heavy blows, Donna peered around the mayhem to the source of the cry. A squad of mostly-average-looking rogues walking right to their deaths.
Towards the disaster area walked a greasy man in a long blue coat; a small, fierce-looking woman in a white and red mask; and a wide, beastly, topless man, covered head-to-toe in green scales. Leading them? Some definitely-average-looking soldier, brandishing a definitely-not-average RPG launcher.
“Boomerang, see if you can find and fish out our cyborg friend. Croc, ready for manoeuvre.” Colonel Rick Flagg readied the rocket launcher on his shoulder, relaying his order to his unflinching subordinates, “And Katana? Stay sharp.”
Flagg pulled the trigger, unleashing what he thought was hell upon Doomsday and his metahuman entourage. Superman grimaced on impact, unharmed - much like Doomsday - but sour at the foolish soldier’s attempt at heroism.
“Welp,” Flagg looked to Katana, prompting her so unsheath her singing, ornate sword, “That’s why we have you.”
“Rick Flagg?!” Hal Jordan called, “You need to get out of here. You’re no match!”
But Katana had her orders, already sprinting towards the stony foe. Just as rehearsed, Killer Croc scooped Katana up, swinging her violently around like a hammer thrower before letting go, hurtling the fearless samurai forward.
In her hands, Tatsu Yamashiro clutched the Soultaker, an ancient weapon forged by Muramasa in the 14th Century. Said to collect the souls of those it felled, this weapon could have turned the tides of the battle. It could have, if Doomsday hadn’t swatted her out of the air.
Katana came to rest beside Donna, broken and writhing. Donna moved to help, or perhaps take up the legendary blade herself. But before she could, the injured samurai was whisked away by the red blur of a conveniently-timed speedster.
Flagg blinked twice, while Croc showed no such hesitation. Yet Doomsday dwarfed even Waylon Jones, human-crocodile genetic hybrid, snatching him off of his feet and using his heavy body as a weapon.
Practising his shot put, Doomsday dashed forward and released Killer Croc.
Sweat poured off of Donna, her red blood drying and turning to pewter clay. She could feel her body begin to give way under the weight of her immensely heavy battle armour. All this, she processed in bullet time, watching the reptilian man soar through the air on a collision course towards the equally wary but ultimately superior Amazon warrior. Donna braced herself and dashed, trading fates with her older sister and allowing the airborne Croc to clobber her against a wall.
♦ ♦ T ♦ ♦
A woman in a hi-vis jacket struggled in attempt to drag an injured man to safety. Rubble fell from above towards the stationary ambulances and the brave souls that poured in and out of them, narrowly missing the civilians as if they were navigating a minefield. But before falling debris could strike the daring paramedic, Batman leapt in, tackling her to safety, with Nightwing scooping up the wounded man mid-pounce. A stone gargoyle smashed to dust on the sidewalk as the crusaders pulled both civilians out of harm’s way.
“Where’s everyone els—” Dick was cut off by the cries of a man along the street, caught beneath a steel beam, among other debris. Making knowing eye contact with his mentor, Dick took off towards the man, leaving the paramedic and her friend in the loving care of the Dark Knight.
Dick looked upon the distressed businessman, steel weighing heavy across his midsection. His eyes were wide and wild, his face gaunt as he flinched at the sight of the masked vigilante.
“Thank God!” he squealed, “I thought you were the Bat. Please just get me outta here.”
Nightwing nodded and reached down for the beam, wasting no time. Wrapping his gloved hands around the cold metal, Dick surprised himself as his adrenaline-enhanced strength was more than enough to heave and lift the two-hundred kilo mass enough to begin to pull the man free. But in doing so, Dick had unwittingly dislodged some stone partway up the building, the entire mass highly unstable. Stuck pulling the man out from under the beam, Nightwing was at the mercy of the gods, until - in a flash - both Dick and the man found themselves back beside Batman, the once-trapped businessman jumping at the sight of him.
Dick took a deep breath and looked upon his saviour. In what looked like improved outfit consisting of red and yellow coloured military armour, a young red-haired speedster stood, looking exasperated. “Hey… name’s… Kid Flash... You know, you should really be more aware of your surroundings.” Kid Flash grinned, before catching eyes with the Batman. Bolting upright, he took a gulp of air and smiled, “Well… Gotta motor!”
And a second later he was gone.
“That was reckless,” Batman said.
“I know,” Dick conceded, “But you would have done the same thing.”
Batman nodded, with a knowing smirk.
Taking another deep breath of his own, Dick activated his communicator. “Watchtower, is the area clear?”
“Yes, Nightwing. You’re clear to—”
In Dick’s ear, Chloe Sullivan’s voice was cut off suddenly by a harsh siren, blaring back and forth between C sharp and D. Knowing what the personalised alarm meant instantly, Dick’s eyes shot open and the surrounding world began to grow quiet.
“What is it?” Batman barked, not hearing the alarm in his own ear piece.
Dick looked Bruce dead in the eye, as if his world was falling apart. It was urgent.
“It’s a distress message,” Dick replied, his heart heavy, “From Babs.”
‘It’s Jason. Come Alone.’
“Go.” Bruce didn’t entertain keeping him for another moment.
“But what about you?”
“I’ll help.” A third voice interjected, demanding both men’s attention. Dick looked to the source, and immediately began to grind his teeth. There was the face of the man that had put Barbara Gordon in a wheelchair many months ago. Floyd Lawton. Deadshot.
But as Dick finally came face-to-face with the man who had blown his life open, driving a rift between not only him and Babs, but him and Jason, a strange serenity overtook him. He looked at Lawton with new eyes, and instead saw the face of a man who carried the guilt of what he’d done with him as his ball and chain. He saw a man willing to lend a hand so that Dick could save the woman he loved.
And so Dick Grayson, leader of the Teen Titans, took off, abandoning the battlefield.
Doomsday’s rampage continues today in Steel #9
And follow Nightwing in Oracle #2
submitted by AdamantAce to AdamantAce [link] [comments]

Please read this

Depressed and anxious
I am new to reddit — I’ve been browsing around for a while now, but I’ve lacked the courage to post anything. I can relate to a lot of what has been posted, and I now feel like it’s time that I share my story:
I grew up in a chaotic household (like I’m sure a lot of you have): my mother was mentally unstable given my father lacked a steady income and was constantly finding and experimenting with entrepreneurial projects that failed to provide our family with any steady source of income. My most vivid memories (when I can actually remember, which is difficult when you have MDD) are my parents fighting constantly about mortgage payments, infidelity on business trips, and lack of extended family support. My parents divorced when I was 12 — I I lived in multiple houses growing up with my mom, and my dad has been in and out of my life ever since, though he’s been more involved these past couple of years (I actually lived on his couch from 25 to 26).
However, fortunately, I was able to push through (or ignore)a lot of these family problems growing up, though I was still considered weird by a lot of people my age. I was an excellent high school student: I graduated with a 4.2 gpa and played two sports in which I was a captain for one them senior year. I went on to an elite private college on the east coast in which I played a varsity sport for 4 years. I had an amazing gf who I loved very much (we were together for 4 years in college, and one year after). I was confident and genuinely believed in myself: I didn’t have a fake belief in myself, but a deep love and care for myself. I graduated with a solid gpa as well as a couple of awards for both sports and academics.
After I graduated, my life spiraled out of control: I became deeply, deeply depressed and started to hate my self, a hatred so deep words cannot describe how I felt. I was stuck at a job that meant nothing to me, and spent my weekends indulging in alcohol and marijuana (my brain doesn’t react well to either of those substances). Each day I started to feel more and more “out of it”, emotionally numb, and dysphoric: I felt nothing, there was nothing to live for, and I stopped enjoying everything that used to bring me meaning and joy. I quit my job after 7 months, and I moved back home, leaving behind everything that I worked hard for: a job, friends that respected me, and a loving gf.
After moving back, I was EXTREMELY heart broken after leaving my ex: I couldn’t understand why I wasn’t able to be the rock and support system for her anymore, I couldn’t understand why I felt so emotionally numb, and I couldn’t understand why there wasn’t any intimacy or passion in the sex or relationship anymore. I started to question my entire existence and identity, and I fell into the darkest depression a person could fall into: I literally questioned everything — I didn’t know my name, my gender, where I was born, my sexual orientation. Nothing felt real — I couldn’t tell real memories from fake memories. I had no sense of self which was slowly destroying me.
Fast forward a year - I was living at home, unemployed and miserable. I ended up taking the GRE and applied to a graduate program at an Ivy League school. Got in, did that, but I still hated my self the whole time (depression, dysphoria, anxiety) it was just that I was able to hide it and distract myself in academics.
After getting my grad degree, I moved home, and I failed to keep in contact with everyone I met in school. Again, the cycle continued: depressed, dysphoric, unemployed, anxious, living at home, and lonely. I couldn’t figure out how to hold on to a job or even find one; I just wanted to go back to school again for the third time, take out more loans, and become further in debt. I stopped caring completely, about everything.
I started to watch porn, have sex with random girls to boost my self esteem (it never did) and drink heavily, and I also got into COCAINE, which completely destroyed me: I felt worthless and lost before, oh boy did cocaine just absolutely fuck me up. My delusions and dysphoria started to worsen: my life goal was to become a cocaine dealer in Mexico (started looking at plane tickets) or a lady boy in Thailand. My entire sex drive was in ruins: I had nothing solid to hold onto, again, a very fragile self image around who I was as human being with very intense dysphoria. For example, I would have repeated videos in my brain of being raped over and over again: I genuinely believed I was a victim of childhood rape, but there is no evidence of that. I went on a cocaine and alcohol binge one night, and the only thing I remember is the next morning being driven to the emergency room: I had gotten the shit beat out of me at the bar, been handcuffed by the cops, driven home by them, and started threatening to kill myself as well as my entire family. At the emergency room, I had an insanely high blood alcohol content as well as cocaine in my system (even the day after). I talked to the social workepsychologist there, and he determined that I was suicidal and delusional, so he put me in the schizophrenic unit of the psych ward for three days, but after the first day I was moved to the major depression and anxiety unit as they believed that was a better fit.
I got out after 4 or 5 days, and I went to see a mental health professional voluntarily for the first time since I was a child: I saw a psychologist when I was young, but that was it. I was diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder with Psychotic features, and I was prescribed Abilify and Lexapro. I had been taking both for about a year and a half; however, I went cold turkey on the Lexapro two or three weeks ago and tapered off the Abilify myself a month and a half ago: I just couldn’t stand the weight gain ( I probably gained 50 lbs) and it really didn’t make me feel at peace with myself, it was a bandaid, and I genuinely knew that from the bottom of my heart.
Moved back to the Ivy League town where I graduated from, and I was able to find a job doing consulting work (think about one of those jobs that only rich connected people get); but I quit after 8 months because I wanted to become a professional poker player. I moved to Las Vegas, got an apartment, and started playing at the casinos. Covid happened, I lost my money, and moved back home again. Again, cycle repeats itself.
I recently found a job in another state doing bullshit office work: think Dilbert or Office Space. But, I have come to terms with it, and I’m doing my best to find joy in the little things. I have completely quit alcohol: it’s not even an option. I’m done with it, forever. Drugs and alcohol absolutely crush me.
I still have intense bouts of crippling depression and anxiety attacks which I’ve come to realize are fueled by my inability to understand who I am or hold onto any sort of solid self image of myself at the deepest level: this prevents me from seeking out genuine relationships with other people, whether that be friends or a significant other. I am still questioning all aspects of my self: Am I straight or gay? Am I male or female? Where am I from? What is my name? Who are my family members? Memories don’t seem real, nothing seems real anymore. It’s wearing me down, and I can’t imagine that a person could go through so much pain and still exist. It’s a miracle.
I’m seeing a new psychiatrist, and I am hopeful he will help. I’ve been stable before, relatively content and at peace with myself; I am hoping to get back to that place again. I can’t give up.
Thanks for reading.
I left some stuff out, but that’s pretty much the gist of it. Would love to hear some feedback or stories you have. Let me know if you can relate to any parts of my experience.
submitted by Worldly-Cantaloupe-6 to depression [link] [comments]

What’s going on

Depressed and anxious
I am new to reddit — I’ve been browsing around for a while now, but I’ve lacked the courage to post anything. I can relate to a lot of what has been posted, and I now feel like it’s time that I share my story:
I grew up in a chaotic household (like I’m sure a lot of you have): my mother was mentally unstable given my father lacked a steady income and was constantly finding and experimenting with entrepreneurial projects that failed to provide our family with any steady source of income. My most vivid memories (when I can actually remember, which is difficult when you have MDD) are my parents fighting constantly about mortgage payments, infidelity on business trips, and lack of extended family support. My parents divorced when I was 12 — I I lived in multiple houses growing up with my mom, and my dad has been in and out of my life ever since, though he’s been more involved these past couple of years (I actually lived on his couch from 25 to 26).
However, fortunately, I was able to push through (or ignore)a lot of these family problems growing up, though I was still considered weird by a lot of people my age. I was an excellent high school student: I graduated with a 4.2 gpa and played two sports in which I was a captain for one them senior year. I went on to an elite private college on the east coast in which I played a varsity sport for 4 years. I had an amazing gf who I loved very much (we were together for 4 years in college, and one year after). I was confident and genuinely believed in myself: I didn’t have a fake belief in myself, but a deep love and care for myself. I graduated with a solid gpa as well as a couple of awards for both sports and academics.
After I graduated, my life spiraled out of control: I became deeply, deeply depressed and started to hate my self, a hatred so deep words cannot describe how I felt. I was stuck at a job that meant nothing to me, and spent my weekends indulging in alcohol and marijuana (my brain doesn’t react well to either of those substances). Each day I started to feel more and more “out of it”, emotionally numb, and dysphoric: I felt nothing, there was nothing to live for, and I stopped enjoying everything that used to bring me meaning and joy. I quit my job after 7 months, and I moved back home, leaving behind everything that I worked hard for: a job, friends that respected me, and a loving gf.
After moving back, I was EXTREMELY heart broken after leaving my ex: I couldn’t understand why I wasn’t able to be the rock and support system for her anymore, I couldn’t understand why I felt so emotionally numb, and I couldn’t understand why there wasn’t any intimacy or passion in the sex or relationship anymore. I started to question my entire existence and identity, and I fell into the darkest depression a person could fall into: I literally questioned everything — I didn’t know my name, my gender, where I was born, my sexual orientation. Nothing felt real — I couldn’t tell real memories from fake memories. I had no sense of self which was slowly destroying me.
Fast forward a year - I was living at home, unemployed and miserable. I ended up taking the GRE and applied to a graduate program at an Ivy League school. Got in, did that, but I still hated my self the whole time (depression, dysphoria, anxiety) it was just that I was able to hide it and distract myself in academics.
After getting my grad degree, I moved home, and I failed to keep in contact with everyone I met in school. Again, the cycle continued: depressed, dysphoric, unemployed, anxious, living at home, and lonely. I couldn’t figure out how to hold on to a job or even find one; I just wanted to go back to school again for the third time, take out more loans, and become further in debt. I stopped caring completely, about everything.
I started to watch porn, have sex with random girls to boost my self esteem (it never did) and drink heavily, and I also got into COCAINE, which completely destroyed me: I felt worthless and lost before, oh boy did cocaine just absolutely fuck me up. My delusions and dysphoria started to worsen: my life goal was to become a cocaine dealer in Mexico (started looking at plane tickets) or a lady boy in Thailand. My entire sex drive was in ruins: I had nothing solid to hold onto, again, a very fragile self image around who I was as human being with very intense dysphoria. For example, I would have repeated videos in my brain of being raped over and over again: I genuinely believed I was a victim of childhood rape, but there is no evidence of that. I went on a cocaine and alcohol binge one night, and the only thing I remember is the next morning being driven to the emergency room: I had gotten the shit beat out of me at the bar, been handcuffed by the cops, driven home by them, and started threatening to kill myself as well as my entire family. At the emergency room, I had an insanely high blood alcohol content as well as cocaine in my system (even the day after). I talked to the social workepsychologist there, and he determined that I was suicidal and delusional, so he put me in the schizophrenic unit of the psych ward for three days, but after the first day I was moved to the major depression and anxiety unit as they believed that was a better fit.
I got out after 4 or 5 days, and I went to see a mental health professional voluntarily for the first time since I was a child: I saw a psychologist when I was young, but that was it. I was diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder with Psychotic features, and I was prescribed Abilify and Lexapro. I had been taking both for about a year and a half; however, I went cold turkey on the Lexapro two or three weeks ago and tapered off the Abilify myself a month and a half ago: I just couldn’t stand the weight gain ( I probably gained 50 lbs) and it really didn’t make me feel at peace with myself, it was a bandaid, and I genuinely knew that from the bottom of my heart.
Moved back to the Ivy League town where I graduated from, and I was able to find a job doing consulting work (think about one of those jobs that only rich connected people get); but I quit after 8 months because I wanted to become a professional poker player. I moved to Las Vegas, got an apartment, and started playing at the casinos. Covid happened, I lost my money, and moved back home again. Again, cycle repeats itself.
I recently found a job in another state doing bullshit office work: think Dilbert or Office Space. But, I have come to terms with it, and I’m doing my best to find joy in the little things. I have completely quit alcohol: it’s not even an option. I’m done with it, forever. Drugs and alcohol absolutely crush me.
I still have intense bouts of crippling depression and anxiety attacks which I’ve come to realize are fueled by my inability to understand who I am or hold onto any sort of solid self image of myself at the deepest level: this prevents me from seeking out genuine relationships with other people, whether that be friends or a significant other. I am still questioning all aspects of my self: Am I straight or gay? Am I male or female? Where am I from? What is my name? Who are my family members? Memories don’t seem real, nothing seems real anymore. It’s wearing me down, and I can’t imagine that a person could go through so much pain and still exist. It’s a miracle.
I’m seeing a new psychiatrist, and I am hopeful he will help. I’ve been stable before, relatively content and at peace with myself; I am hoping to get back to that place again. I can’t give up.
Thanks for reading.
I left some stuff out, but that’s pretty much the gist of it. Would love to hear some feedback or stories you have. Let me know if you can relate to any parts of my experience.
submitted by Worldly-Cantaloupe-6 to depression [link] [comments]

[S] King's Survivor Atlantis: The Final Reckoning

Right after Winners at War, we are kicking off the endgame with our last newbie season, which takes place in Greece, just like the first season. 18 new castaways will face off, and there will be a returning twist, the Edge of Extinction, but this time, there will be no returnees. It will be just 18 castaways forced to battle the elements and each other, with minimal twists other than the EOE, and the fire making challenge. Without further ado, we will see who will be competing on this season!
Fotia (Greek for Fire) Tribe:
Ava Vasquez, 59, Kindergarten Teacher, u/TDSwaggyBoy
Mother of two, grandmother of seven, Ava is a very kind individual. She made it her goal to help her children in any way, shape or form she could, wanting to give those she loves the best life possible. Even to the point of prioritizing their well being over her own. She always wanted to make a difference, and eventually became a kindergarten teacher in order to help make the years of said toddlers the best she could. Ava still remembers her kindergarten teacher, a kind and warm individual, and she hopes to be seen the same way as her.
Darleen Rojas, 38, Retail Manager, u/Ripecornball60
Darleen was the popular girl in school when she was young. She was a pageant queen, and planned to be a model when she was older. She got through the rigorous casting process to become a model, but sadly fell short at the final call, where she found out she had breast cancer. Going through Chemotherapy was a life changing experience. She lost her hair, her passion, and her job opportunity. She worked at a Retail store for 3 years, until she had a flirt with the manager. He promised her the store in exchange for her "assets". She accepted the offer, and Darleen became the store manager. The previous manager and her dated for 3 more months, until the worst happened. She found him cheating on her. This caused her to break up with him, and kick him out of working for her. Trying to fill his hole in her heart, Darleen used an abandoned break room in her store, and transformed it into a nightclub club she calls the "Hidey Hole". There, she has 1 night stands with women and men alike. She is out here due to one of her "clients" saying someone as manipulative as her could win.
Ellie Ruchkin, 24, Bowling Alley Worker, u/Jckboy100
Ellie is a super nice girl, to almost everyone... however, if you do anything to cross her, she won't forget it. Growing up as an only child made her learn how to entertain herself, and learn how to take care of herself when her parents weren't around. She wants to play this game to see if she has what it takes to win the title and check that comes along with it.
Erik LeFort, 34, Writer, u/Gemini_B
Erik grew up in a typical family. At a fairly young age he realized he was gay, but was luck that his family supported him. That, alongside with supportive friends helping him overcome the few bullies he faced, he wants to be a beacon of hope for gay people everywhere and want's to show what a loving family can do. Despite his want to help others though, he's not afraid to play dirty if it get's him further in the game.
Ethan "EJ" James, 20, College Student, u/JTsidol
Ethan was always struggling In life, that never allowed him to do anything, his dad was extremely angry at him, after his mother died at birth, blaming the death on him, when he was 7 he began abusing him, until at 17 he ran away, now he‘s studying hard to finish college, and he hopes he can get the money to help him study and have a better life.
Kim Juri, 35, Poker Dealer, u/Gemini_B
Kim Juri grew up with a fairly poor family and at a young age secretly turned to gambling to support her family. She got very good and became a poker dealer at a casino. She wants to destroy this game because she knows how to lie, cheat and play dirty. She's here to win, and nothing will stop her.
Krista Ayers, 34, Unemployed, u/breadon17
Krista is a single mom of four, so life isn't very easy for her. She can't find a job and she has an abusive boyfriend who is trying to take everything she knows and loves. She applied for Survivor so that she could get the money she needs to survive and feed her kids.
Kyle Simmonds, 26, Poker Player, u/asiansurvivorfan
Kyle was raised in a very divided home with his parents constantly fighting, and his Dad being an alcoholic. This caused him to start taking part in things he shouldn’t be taking part in like gangs, drug, theft, etc. When he was 20, everything changed for him when his friend signed him up for a local poker tournament. He was reluctant at first, but decided to give it a shot. He surprised everyone including himself at that tournament, as he completely dominated and won. This really gave him the boost he needed in life as he proceeded to continue his success by winning more tournaments and at a higher level too. He plans on handling the game like a poker match and wants to bring all his cards to the table.
Vaso Dragovic, 45, Journalist/Former Yugoslav Soldier, u/Twig7665
Vaso was born in Serbia, which was in the once prosperous country of Yugoslavia in the mid 1970s. He lived a normal life up until his teen years, where he watched the country he once knew as a dream turn into a nightmare. The country became a war-torn hellscape, and he was forced to join the military at the young age of 16. He witnessed countless atrocities, and to escape the war, he had to smuggle himself onto a boat bound for the United States in 1996. With no food, no money, and no shelter, he joined a gang to get himself what he needed to survive. After over a year of selling drugs and being in a gang, he left it and went to go live in a rehab facility until he was was 29, in 2004. He then began work to try and fit back into society. He now works as a journalist for a news company. He signed up for the show to see if he has the skills to win it.
Pouli (Greek for Bird) Tribe:
Alfred "Void" Vallentino, 28, Magician, u/swoldow
Alfred grew up on the streets of Las Vegas in poverty, with both of his parents as struggling actors. To make a few extra dimes, he started to teach himself basic magic to perform on the streets and sometimes skipped school to make more money. He was extremely bullied at school for his passion and lack of money, which led him to be socially isolated from everyone else. He grew more attached to his magic, as he kept working harder and harder until a famous magician with a Vegas show caught wind of his act, and let Alfred open for him. Since then, Alfred has rose to the top of the food chain, and began to experiment with his suspenseful acts to make the audience feel all sorts of emotion.
Katrina MacQuoid, 58, Prosthodontist, u/Gemini_B
Katrina’s parents we’re performers in Kentucky. They lived and breathed theater and expected their daughter to be the same. Though Katrina loved being the center of attention, and still does, she never loved the stage the way her parents did. Her parents wanted her to continue to pursue something arts related, and she became an advertising adjective, but never felt satisfied. When she learned that Kentucky was looking for jobs in the dental field, she felt it would be a perfect field to enter. She always found teeth interesting, I mean, are they bones? But they fall out? So weird. She returned to school at age 35 and became a Prosthodontist at age 43. She’s worked as a Prosthodontist since then and (While not at the level of Peter) has a firm understanding of the most important hole in the human body, the mouth. While she’s liked by many people because of her fun personality, she has trouble forming 1 on 1 bonds and has never found the special one. As a child she often got in trouble for anger issues with her parents, so she began to hold in her anger and let it out in huge, uncontrollable fits when her parents weren't around. This holding in of anger until she can’t contain it is a habit she continues to have, blaming her rages on “Hurricane Katrina” as a sort of justification of her actions. She’s never left Kentucky and while she’s very book smart, she can often be very ignorant on other subjects.
Lila Herring, 21, Secretary, u/AngolanDesert
Lila is a very competitive spirit. She always wants to challenge herself and see how far can she can make it. When she saw that survivor auditions were going out, she knew she could win and provide for her poor family.
Lukas Reed, 24, College Student, u/Jck100
Lukas Reed is a shy, humble young man. Coming from a devastating childhood with the loss of his young sister, him and his dad suffered hard. This shaped him into the man he is today, coasting through college, now he wanted something to step out of his comfort zone and try out this highly social game, and see how he can do.
Luther Dane, 32, Fisherman, u/Twig7665
No one knows much about Luther, due to his tendency to keep everything he knows a secret, and it causes people to see him as a strange loner, a title he does not mind. He was in a car accident in his teen years that killed everyone in the car but him, and he began to think of himself as an untouchable person, someone who could survive almost anything. This caused him to grow reckless when he's not fishing, and made several poor choices in his twenties, including messing with police, which caused him to be sent to jail for several months for interfering with a cop's duty. Now out of prison, he continues to be reckless, but stayed away from police this time. Will his reckless personality help or hinder his journey on Survivor? Only time will tell.
Madyson "Maddie" Anderson, 25, Nurse, u/JTsidol
She’s lived a normal life, she wants some fun, she’s single, hoping that she can get a showmance to lower her target, then strike at the right time.
Marshall Keaton, 28, Marine Biologist, u/TDSwaggyBoy
Marshall was born to a loving family of five, being the oldest of three kids. His father, Dominic, always expected Marshall to follow in the family's footsteps and become a lawyer, just like his old pops. At a young age, Marshall never seemed to agree with his father's plan - being a lawyer is so boring, bro! He went through the entire process, getting accepted to law school, only to then drop out.
Marshall and his father got into a massive argument about it, and Marshall ended up leaving his home afterwards. They are still not on speaking terms.
Marshall then studied to become a marine biologist, as he always found sea creatures to be fascinating.
Now with a girlfriend of 2 years, Marshall hopes to win the money for the both of them. He's got this, yo!
Nolan "NK" Kristoffson, 19, Drummer, u/Twig7665
Nolan was born the younger of twins to a large, fairly poor farming family. He was the youngest, and he resented most of his family. He saw his twin Matt as the antithesis of himself, and while he was able to go to college because of a football scholarship, Nolan had to drop out and help out at the farm. He finally had enough at the age of 18, and told his parents about him wanting to become a drummer, and his parents kicked him out, so he lived at his friend's house for the past year. They were able to get him a drumkit, and they formed a garage band. Inspired by his hard life being constantly outshined by his brother, he wrote angry, edgy lyrics, and they started performing gigs. He shortened his name to just his initials, and now drums for a living. He is playing King's Survivor to finally outshine his perfect twin brother.
Ximena Verez, 22, Fencer, u/asiansurvivorfan
Ximena grew up poor and therefore had to start earning money at an early age by delivering stock. On one of her trips, she was kidnapped and abducted by a group of men that worked for a wanted druglord and rapist. She along with her 3 fellow captives were beaten, abused, and raped for 4 years missing and undetected. After years of mistreatment, Ximena and the other captives were finally found and released. Although it was reliving to be free again, she was deeply traumatized by everything her captor did to her and had an extremely tough time trying to adapt to the real world again. She decided to seek help and was sent to a rehab facility where she got help relieve her trauma. One of the things she picked up was the martial arts which eventually developed into an interest in fencing. Despite it being a male dominated sport, Ximena was adamant on showing young girls they can accomplish anything no matter the hardships they’ve gone through. After her time in rehab, she managed to recover and now spends her time competing in championships all around the world. She came to be a voice for domestic abuse victims.
Link to Season
Episode 1: The eighteen new contestants are shipped into Greece, where they learn of the return of the Edge of Extinction, from the season of the same name. They are then split into their two tribes: the green Fotia tribe, which means "Fire" in Greek, and the orange Pouli tribe, which means "Bird". Ava, Darleen, Ellie, Erik, EJ, Kim, Krista, Kyle, and Vaso draw green buffs, and Void, Katrina, Lila, Lukas, Luther, Maddie, Marshall, NK, and Ximena's buffs are orange. They are then instructed to get as much stuff off the boat as they can, and Krista finds the advantage menu, which can give the user either a reward steal, an extra vote, or an idol. At Fotia, EJ tries to be a mafioso, so he bonds with Ava, and forms an alliance with Darleen and Kim. At Pouli, NK and Void bond very well over being outcasts, and they pull in Lila, Luther, Maddie, Marshall, and Ximena to form "The Outcast Alliance". The Fotia tribe wins the first immunity challenge of the season, forcing the Pouli tribe to vote someone off. Wanting to cut off the weak links as quickly as possible, NK suggests to get rid of Katrina, but Ximena gets the idea to split the votes in case one of them had the idol, and Void individually talks to both Katrina and Lukas to get them to vote each other, and also try to get one of them to play their idol, but neither of them have the idol, so at tribal council, Katrina becomes the first person sent to the Edge in a 5-4 vote.
Episode 2: Lukas tries to figure out who voted for him, so he tries to ask around his tribe, but does not get an answer and likely only angers his tribe. Void finds the hidden immunity idol so Lukas wouldn't, and he shows it to Maddie to make sure she's loyal to him. At Fotia, Ava and Ellie get into a bit of an argument, and EJ tries to get Ellie onto his side by talking to her. Vaso tries doing the same thing with Ava. Ava and Darleen form an alliance, as Darleen wanted to get her own numbers so she could topple EJ sooner rather than later. Once again, the Fotia tribe wins immunity, and the whole Pouli tribe is ready to vote out Lukas, since he's the only outsider and he has already proven himself to want to play way too hard, so Lukas is voted out 7-1.
Episode 3: After Lukas' vote out, the Outcasts must turn on one another, and the lowest in the pecking order was Maddie. At Fotia, people start to see Krista as an easy target, so both Erik and Ellie form fake alliances with her. Kim also leaves her alliance with Darleen and EJ after having a fight with the latter. Vaso, not trusting anyone, looks for and finds the idol. Pouli wins their first challenge of the season, winning the reward, but their winning streak is cut short before it even began, as the Fotia tribe wins immunity for the third time in a row. Maddie tries to manipulate Marshall into flipping from his side, to hopefully bring a few others with him, but Marshall stays loyal to the majority. Maddie becomes the third person voted out in a 6-1 vote, getting sent to the Edge.
Episode 4: When the tribes meet up again, a tribe swap is announced, and the purple Telikos tribe, which means "final" in Greek, is introduced. The Fotia tribe consists of four former Fotias- Ava, Ellie, Erik, and Kyle, and one Pouli- Marshall. On Pouli is three Fotias- EJ, Krista, and Vaso, and two Poulis- Lila and Luther. Finally, on Telikos is two Fotias- Darleen and Kim, and three Poulis- Void, NK, and Ximena. At Fotia, both Ellie and Kyle bond, and the two of them decide to form an alliance and pull in Erik. At Pouli, Krista makes it clear to Lila that she's going to flip, given how EJ had been controlling the Fotia tribe since the start of the game. This causes Lila to see Krista as a bit of a loose cannon, so she keeps an eye on her. At Telikos, Darleen finds the idol, and she keeps down about it, knowing that she's in the minority. NK impresses his team with his leadership, and he also bonds with Ximena. Pouli loses the immunity challenge again, which lowers morale significantly for them. When they get back to camp, Vaso decides on a whim to flip from his old alliance, seeing as he's not gonna vote in the majority if he doesn't. The new target is the mafioso himself, EJ. He tries talking to each of the tribe members individually to try and get them to vote Lila out, who has kind of became the punching bag of the season, but it doesn't succeed, and EJ becomes the fourth person voted out in a 4-1 vote.
Episode 5: Knowing that they are unified, the Pouli tribe are at peace-for now. At the Edge, Lukas finds a way to practice for the Edge challenge, which he finds very useful. Maddie also finds an extra vote that she could give to someone, but they won't be able to use it because reasons. At Telikos, Void and Kim bond over being from Vegas, and a new alliance is formed, with Darleen and Ximena, leaving NK on the outs of the tribe. At Fotia, Erik and Kyle bond strongly, and Ellie tries to get Marshall on her side to take out Ava if they were to lose, since she was the weakest in the tribe. Pouli loses the reward challenge, but Fotia loses the immunity challenge for the first time in the season. Marshall becomes torn between going with the majority and putting himself on the bottom or voting against the majority and still being on the bottom. Ultimately, he decides to go with the majority, thinking Ava didn't have the idol, which is true, she didn't. She becomes the fifth person voted out in a 4-1 vote. Back at camp, Ellie and Erik solidify their alliance by forming a final two deal. They think that since the last season they saw before they left was Blood Vs Water 3, which had a final two. On the Edge, Katrina finds an advantage to penalize who she thinks has the best chance at returning to the game. At Pouli, Vaso and Krista decide they need to stick together because they two Poulis were gonna get them one after the other if they didn't stick together. Lila becomes seen as an even bigger threat than she used to be, and Krista and Vaso try to pull Luther aside to try to convince him to flip on his alliance. He refuses to in secret. Fotia continues their losing streak by losing the reward challenge, but since the host announced that two tribes will be going to tribal council in a joint tribal council, Fotia fights tooth and nail to win the challenge, and they are able to succeed. The whole Telikos tribe decides that Krista is too much of a loose cannon to make it to the merge. Vaso and Krista target Lila, and Luther and Lila target Krista for being weaker than Vaso, as they don't know when the merge will occur. At tribal council, Krista is blindsided 7-2 and is sent to the edge.
Episode 6: The merge is announced. The 12 remaining contestants watch the first six castaways to be voted out compete in a challenge to return to the game, which Maddie wins despite being penalized by Katrina. Krista then raises her flag to leave the game, leaving the game first. The people who formed the Thymamai tribe, which means "remember" in Greek, are Void, Darleen, Ellie, Erik, Kim, Kyle, Lila, Luther, Maddie, Marshall, NK, Vaso, and Ximena. Luther decides to go rogue from his six person alliance, leaving them in a severe minority. Maddie tries to get a good relationship with Marshall again, and it works, but it causes most of the tribe to turn on her again. Lila finds the merge tribe idol, and like many before her, she keeps quiet because she does not want to attract more attention. Erik wins the immunity challenge, and when talking to others about the vote, he finds most people are content with just sending Maddie right back to the Edge. Maddie tries to target Kim, but does not succeed as she is voted out 12-1 and is sent back to the Edge.
Episode 7: After Maddie's blindside, cracks begin to form in the final twelve. While Erik tries to remain humble after his immunity win, which he succeeds in doing, soon people start to throw out names like there's no tomorrow. NK throws out Kim's name, Ximena throws out Kyle's, Darleen does the same with NK, and Kyle throws Marshall under the bus. At the first post-merge reward challenge of the season, a group of Void, Erik, Kim, Luther, Marshall, and Ximena win, and they get Chinese takeout. Darleen wins immunity, saving her from going to the edge for one more vote. The two biggest threats at the moment for the people still in the game were Kim and Kyle, because most people believed there was some sort of poker alliance going on between the two. As it turns out, there was a sort of alliance going on there, so the ten people who weren't in it decided to split the votes between Kyle and Kim, with seven votes on Kyle, who was much more physically strong than Kim, and three votes on Kim. Kim figures out this plan, and tells Kyle to play his idol if he has one, which he does not. Kyle votes for Marshall, and Kim votes for NK, leading to Kyle getting voted out 7-3-1-1. He chooses to stick around at the Edge.
Episode 8:Erik and Ellie get into a fight for whatever reason, and their alliance becomes no more. Ximena and Vaso both decide to help out with the tribe, causing their standing within the tribe to get better. Darleen tries making her relationship closer with Luther, wanting to have a good social game so she doesn't end up as a goat. Erik wins immunity for a second time, cementing his status as a challenge threat (which is really odd, since his challenge stats are on the lower side). People finally begin to catch on to how physically strong Vaso is, so a group of four, led by Void, consisting of him, Darleen, Kim, and Ximena, while another group of four, Vaso, Erik, Ellie, and Luther, vote for Lila, seeing her as an easy target. The rest, deciding that Kim would be better off on the Edge, vote for her. Both Vaso and Lila play their idols, and Kim is the ninth person sent packing in a 3-0-0 vote.
Episode 9: After Kim's vote out, Void, Ximena, and Darleen strengthen their trio to try and have a better shot at making it to the end. Void and Darleen also form a new alliance with Ellie, Erik, and Luther to give themselves the majority of the tribe. Marshall and NK start to form a bromance, and Darleen wins immunity again. Erik and his alliance plot to get rid of Lila, due to her status as an all-around threat and the fact that she could easily win with her story in the game. Void also tries unsuccessfully to get Vaso on board, he instead gets into a fight with Ximena and really hurts his standing in the tribe, causing him to gain enemies in Ximena, Lila, Marshall, and NK. He is saved when the majority, thinking that Lila happened to be the bigger threat, vote her out instead in a 5-4-1 vote. Back at camp, Darleen bonds with Ximena, and it causes Ximena to make the reckless decision to flip from her alliance and try to join Void and Darleen's. Still, she had a dislike for Luther that she could not shake. When Vaso wins immunity, she becomes the main target. Still not giving up, she talks to her rival Vaso to try and get him to help her vote out Marshall, which he agrees to do. Still, it is not enough, and Ximena becomes the eleventh person voted out in a 7-2 vote.
Episode 10: After Ximena's vote out, only eight remain in the game. They compete in a reward challenge, which Void, Darleen, Erik, and NK win. Seeing as Vaso and Marshall were more physically threatening than NK was, despite NK winning a reward challenge. After Erik wins immunity for the third time, he tries to get everyone to vote Marshall out. When Luther later bonds with Marshall, he feels remorse for doing so, but knows it must be done. Void is not told about the plan to blindside Marshall, and he thinks that Vaso is the person being voted out, as does NK. Nk also finds the idol. At tribal council, Marshall is voted out in a 5-3 vote, and for the first time in the season, Void was on the wrong side of the vote.
Episode 11: Luther shows everyone he can win challenges and wins the reward challenge. Then, Luther brings along Void and Darleen as to show that he is playing a loyal game and he can be trusted. When they get back, Luther does some damage control with Erik for not picking him, and they get back on good terms, and also have a stronger bond than before. Vaso tries to get people on his side to blindside someone that he didn't like, so he talks to NK first, and when it didn't work, he starts targeting him, but also talks to Erik. This conversation goes down a lot better, and it helps him convince Erik to go after NK. Erik then talks to Luther and Darleen about the plan to similar success. Void, Ellie, and NK himself decide that Vaso needs to go, and NK reveals to Void his idol. Erik wins immunity for the fourth time. At tribal council, NK plays his idol, and Vaso is sent to the Edge in a 3-0 vote.
Episode 12: After Vaso arrives at the Edge of Extinction, they receive letters they wrote to themselves before the game. Back in the actual game, NK wins a reward challenge, and he chooses too bring along Void and Erik, to try and get some allies, since he was almost voted out at the last tribal council. Unfortunately, only Void is willing to help NK, as Erik was closer to Ellie and Darleen. The Ellie/NK alliance dissolves after NK gets into an argument with her, and he loses another ally. Things get dire when he loses the immunity challenge to Void, leaving his only option, to find an idol. He does not find one, and he knows that he's most likely going at that point. NK tries to vote for Darleen, and Void throws a vote onto Ellie due to being too close to Darleen. In the end, NK becomes the final person sent to the Edge of Extinction in a 4-1-1 vote.
Finale: Void, Darleen, Ellie, Erik, and Luther await the return of the player from the Edge. Lila wins, and she becomes a target the instant she arrives back into the game. Luckily for her, she wins immunity, and she shares the reward with Void and Erik, intending to do what NK did in the previous episode. This time, it succeeds, and she gets both Void and Erik on her side. Luther joins their side as well. Darleen and Ellie vote for Void and Luther, respectively. The other people still in the game voted for Ellie, but Darleen plays her idol for Ellie, and a tie between Void and Luther occurs. Erik decides Void is the bigger target of the two, while Lila votes for Luther. It results in another tie, causing Darleen and Erik to draw rocks, and ultimately, Darleen becomes the twelfth member of the jury. After Darleen's shocking rock draw, the four of Void, Ellie, Erik, and Luther decide to stick together to take out Lila if she loses immunity, which she does, to Void. At tribal council, not wanting anyone to flip on his closest ally in Erik, Void plays his idol for him, causing no votes to be negated, and for Lila to be voted out in a 4-1 vote over Ellie. In the final immunity challenge, Erik makes a desperate deal to Void to take him to the final two, trying to downplay his great all-around gameplay as similar to Bao's from Cook Islands- someone who has a great physical and strategic game, but their social game has a lot to be desired, and Void agrees to the plan. Void then is able to beat out Erik in the final immunity challenge, and he keeps his word, sending Luther and Ellie to fire. Luther's survival skills aided him immensely in this final challenge, and he wins the fire making challenge with a handy lead. Ellie becomes the 14th and final member of the jury. Our third all male final three consists of Void, Erik, and Luther. Void is called out for trying to be seen as trustworthy, while being caught in multiple lies during the game. Luther's game is seen as weak all-around, since he followed Void and Erik and didn't really do much in the game. He does get some votes due to how bitter the jury is towards Void and Erik, and he gets Ava, EJ, Maddie, and Marshall's votes. Kim, NK, and Vaso all respected Void's game, so they voted him to win. Ultimately, Erik is voted the winner of the final newbie season of King's Survivor due to having a great social and physical game, and never receiving a vote throughout the entire game. He may not have had the best strategic game, but he didn't need it to win the game. Void wins the Fan Favorite for being the biggest personality of the season and for his robbery.
Winner: Erik LeFort, u/Gemini_B Fan Favorite: Alfred "Void" Vallentino, u/swoldow
For King's Survivor's last season, we will be going out with a bang. 20 memorable contestants who never won before will compete for one last chance at the million, and one will win. Who will be on this season? We will find out soon enough.
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