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WordPress e GDPR

Salve a tutti, dopo un po' di tempo mi sono deciso ad aprire un semplice blog su WordPress (.org). Per il momento non ha nulla solo un post di benvenuto, la pagina dei contatti (un banalissimo inviaci una e-mail). Le mie domande riguardano soprattutto il GDPR, perché ci tengo molto a fare le cose per bene.
  1. È possibile che, con una installazione "vanilla", WordPress non abbia, da lato utenti (non dal mio che faccio il login), neanche un cookie? Pare di sì. Se premo sul lucchetto verde (scusate sono nabbo) non vi sono cookies. Nel dubbio ho fatto una scansione con Cookiebot. Nulla.
  2. Sulla pagina di WordPress c'è scritto che saranno salvati cookies quando un utente commenta un post. In questo caso sono 2 (+1 facoltativo) e cioè (1) commentauthor{HASH} e (2) commentauthor_email{HASH}. Vi sarebbe il terzo, facoltativo e cioè commentauthor_url{HASH}. Gravicon lo tolgo.
Ergo, il mio sito ha 2 cookies. Per scrupolo ho installato anche il plugin GDPR di Trew Knowledge, il quale ha 2 cookies: (1) gdpr[allowed cookies]. (2) gdpr[consent_types].
Tutti questi sono cookies necessari o tecnici, giusto?
Ultime due domande, e poi me ne vado.
  1. Nel plugin, sopramenzionato, vi è la possibilità di inserire il classico banner. Come faccio ad inserire un link alla mia pagina Privacy Policy?
  2. Ho notato che il mio tema usa Google Font. Orrore! Come faccio a toglierlo e metterci, che so Open Font Library, ho caricarne uno mio?
Scusate il Wall of Text. Se vi sono suggerimenti e dettagli che mi sono sfuggiti, vi pregherei di dirmelo.
[Edit #1] Nel mio blog io non uso Analytics. Uso solo i commenti di WP predefiniti. Quindi se ho capito dovrei solamente avere un Cookies Policy. Ma non necessita del banner perché sono tecnici? Ancora mi è oscura la roba dell'IP e user_agent. Scusate il casino, detto proprio così, alla carlona.
[Edit #2] Per tagliare la testa al toro, niente commenti.
[Edit #3] Stavo pensando: non sarebbe utile anche per i nuovi arrivati fare tipo una wiki su come muoversi (Per ora io dico WP) tra Privacy Policy e Cookie Policy? Del tipo vuoi sapere quanti peli sotto le ascelle hanno i tuoi visitatori => XYZ o roba simile? Ovviamente prima di farla dovremmo chiedere ad un povero Cristo di avvocato.
submitted by philologusgraecus to ItalyInformatica [link] [comments]

The "One mail day to rule them all" sales is finally here!

TL;DR: you can find the link for the decks list and accessories (and another link for a way less nicely formatted list of 100+ books about magic, sleight of hand and card tricks) at the end of this post. Feel free to rush to the lists, get the decks names (or just books names and author in case you are also/only getting books) and respective items conditions (M, A, B or C - more on that later) AND and create a top-level comment with your list of wishes. Example:
Mint 2 Set (Blueberry, Cucumber, Frost, Foiled Frost) (M)
Dynasty Jade Green (A)
Smoke and Mirros V6 Rouge (M)
Seasons Set (Verana, Inverno)(A)
The Amazing Miracles of Shigeo Takagi - Richard Kaufman
After that, you MUST read the whole post. It is CRUCIAL you read, understand and, if you still want to go ahead with negotiations, agree with the conditions I wrote. It is extremely important we are on the same page regarding this. I am here to try to sell cards, not to create an unnecessary mess. I hope no one minds too much me saying "hey, you can check that information on the post" :)
Note: DO NOT edit your top-level comment, if you want to add decks or subtract decks from your list answer to your own comment and we will go from there. I will have to prioritize non edited comments because that is the only reliable timestamp I have.

Hello there, everybody!

The day has finally come! After almost four months, the work on this list has come to an end. Quick shout-out to everybody who helped by checking prices, conditions of the decks, gathering information on the internet and with people in the industry, helping me coming up with clever solutions for Sheets automation and so on. Thank you all! Unfortunately for me, from now on this is basically a one man mission :)
A lot of consideration went into deciding on how to do this, how to tackle a project this size. There are around 1550 decks and a few accessories all bundled up in, as it stands right now, 1350 different items (plus the books on the secondary list).
So, who am I (regarding cards, that is)? I am a card collector based in the woods in Sweden (yeah, I live remote even for Swedish standards). Been collecting for two and a half years, worked in the casino industry as a dealer for quite some time (though I don't deal that frequently anymore I am more involved in logistics, inspecting and training) even with my "actual" profession being in a completely different field. I admin the only group of card collectors in Sweden on Facebook (trying to push fellow swedes to engage and participate a bit more - it was kind of a miracle we had a fairly successful Secret Santa last year haha) and been a contributor at Portfolio 52 basically since I started collecting (fixing tons of info and pictures there whenever I can and spot something). Also, because of circumstances, I ended up getting involved with some creators (I am talking about campaigns funded on Kickstarter) and still work with some of them on the background of their campaigns :)

The List!

I would like to believe all the relevant information is right there, easy to see, search and find.
All the decks are listed in alphabetical order (company>deck name) and color coded differently by different company's name. There are individual entries for every single deck (i.e. 10 copies of lets say "Saturn Red October" will have 10 different entries) that is not bundled up (example: Ellusionist's Prohibition Case V1 is one "item" only even though it has six decks).
Shelf/Box | Item# | Deck/Set/Accessories | Company/Designer | Printer | Year | Price (USD) | Condition | Status
When you decided for something you want, specially if that item has copies of it (but also when it doesn't), it is essential that you also write down the condition (M, A, B or C - more on that later) of that item so I know which one exactly do you want.

Available / Reserved / Sold!

Another thing that is very easy to see on the list is if a certain item is still available or if it has been reserved or sold already (check the "Status" column).
How do you "reserve" an item? Just make a top-level comment bellow with the items names and condition (M, A, B, or C - more on that later) and you are good to go!
How am I going to coordinate all of this? I will let you guys go crazy for 48 hours (countdown here) saying which items do you want (there is NO need to say "Ohh if that person doesn't want that specific item I am first in line", etc). During this time, whenever I am available, I will be answering things that are not on this post (this post will NOT be updated for transparency sake, I will make an addendum in the comments about anything that needs to be corrected) or any other questions you guys and girls might have about the decks, conditions, etc. After this period I will check all the lists and put them in order (first come, first served of course), and grind the data from there.

Pricing / Condition

This is literally a "BUYER BEWARE" section of this post, but first things first.
Pricing: as you will see, there many, many different items with prices lower than what it is being offered everywhere else on the internet, but there are also decks priced pretty competitively towards the market, and a few decks have a higher compared to other places. Are you free to make me an offer because you saw an item somewhere else for cheaper but you still want to buy it from me? Absolutely, but that won't be the case often. Am I open to trades? Absolutely, but then again, do not have high hopes for it. I am in no way expecting most of it to be sold in the coming one, or even two years. There will be a bunch of decks left after this, and that is ok. Also, everything is priced in USD.
Condition: big disclaimer here so this is as clear as it can possibly be: EVERYTHING BEING SOLD HERE (DECKS, SETS, ACCESSORIES AND BOOKS) ARE SOLD "AS IS". As per Wikipedia: "As is" denotes that the seller is selling, and the buyer is buying an item in whatever condition it presently exists, and that the buyer is accepting the item "with all faults", whether or not immediately apparent." There is no way to put this out without sounding like an ass (maybe?) but this needs to be understood by both you and me.
Having said that, I have done all I could, to the best of my abilities, to condition every single item fairly, but of course this is still subjetive and it only represents the way I would see them. Basically the "M" decks are decks with no faults whatsoever (or nothing that I could possibly bother or notice to begin with), the "A" decks are minor imperfections I would not bother with even if it is a deck I had no intentions of opening it, "B" are decks I would probably contact the store / seller to talk about it, even if it was not my intention to request a refund (example: decks I would be opening anyway I still contact them but just to let them know and give some feedback) and "C" decks I would definitely contact the store / seller to know what could be done about it regarding some sort of compensation.
On the list you will see four different letters representing the conditions of the decks (and the respective discounts to each):
This was not an easy (or fun) run at all. I considered everything I could regarding the condition of all the 1550 decks: dented corners, dented sides, pressed bottom, pressed top, pressed seal, opened, no cellophane, cellophane broken, cellophane opened, scratched, smudged edge, seal partially broken inside the cellophane, no seal, issues with the bottom or top flap, etc etc etc.
As of now, these are the quantities of items with each condition (to a total of 1350 different items):
Obviously nobody wants to buy anything in the complete darkness, but neither could I take individual pictures of 1550+ decks and match each and everyone with the respective conditions (with the "free" time I have this would take years hahaha). Having said that, I will upon request (which might take some time but I am 100%, of course, willing to do so) take pictures of specific decks (matching condition/item#/etc).
I made a small Imgur album with a few pictures of some of the decks and my username on it (please don't mind the mess of this new VERY OLD house with tons of renovation to be done we just moved in). Again, feel free to ask for additional info or pictures.


It doesn't make it easier that one I live in Sweden and two I live in the middle of b$%f#&* nowhere in Sweden :) Basically the only shipping option I have here is Postnord, and I will absolutely not charge anything "a bit extra on top of shipping just to be sure but then people end up paying a bit more every time". If you want to have an idea of how much shipping would cost to you, go ahead and check Postnord's own website.
Yet again, a lot of consideration went into this, and it is unfortunate but I have to say that I can not be responsible for any lost packages or packages damaged during transportation, in any stage of it. The responsibility I am taking here is to agree on a price for items + shipping, pack everything in a way that the parcel could take a severe beating and the itens would still arrive on the same way they were shipped (I am talking hard boxes and unethical - I don't remember which redditor said this but I promised myself I would take it for a future use so here I am - amounts of bubble plastic, paper, tapes, boxes inside boxes like a good old matryoshka, etc). I have sent close to a hundred parcels on the last two and a half years (to Sweden, Europe, US, Taiwan, etc) and not ONCE a single deck arrived in a different condition they were shipped in. Depending on location and kind of parcel, Postnord offers some "sort of insurance" I can claim if a package gets lost or damage. We might talk about it if you are interested but I will only be able to refund any amount whatsoever after, and only if I am compensated by Postnord first.

Payment Methods

Making this as short as I possibly can: buyer is responsible for all and any fees from Transferwise or Paypal (or any other payment method we agree upon - Swish in Sweden but I think it will be hard to find someone here that is not part of "Svenska Kortlekssamlare" already).
Transferwise you say? Yes, I use a lot of Transferwise.
Why? Cheapest fees charged by a service that accepts Swedish Crowns and deposits it directly on my bank account. Works in most countries, worth checking them out.
Does Transferwise has a buyer protection program like Paypal does? No, Transferwise, because I only use a personal account and not a traders account, has no buyer protection at all. It works like Paypal's Family and Friends, sort of.
I am not sure I feel comfortable using that, do you understand me? Absolutely, if you don't feel comfortable using a service like Transferwise (even though it is cheaper for you and easier for me), you are free for us to try to work something else out (like Paypal), but you have to remember my responsibility here is to send the decks we agreed upon, for the price of items + shipping we agreed upon, and packed very, very well; yet again, I can not be responsible for lost parcels or items damaged during shipping. If you rather use Paypal Family and Friends (I think inside Europe we don't pay fees to use that option but please someone correct me if I am wrong), you are also free to do so but ONLY if you understand what it entails and are comfortable with that.

Final Considerations

Probably by now everybody forgot already that I promised to post this and nobody gives a flying f#%& anymore! The kids went to sleep way later than I expected and I wrote for way longer than I thought I would :)
Again, I think there is a lot of important and specific information here and because of that I won't edit this post for transparency sake. Any correction or new information will be posted in the comments.
I will have to let pass all my English mistakes I am sure I made so please, bear with me :)


Cheers! :)
submitted by SpontaneouslyPlanned to playingcards [link] [comments]

Cronologia do Covid-19

Boas malta fiz uma cronologia dos eventos nos estados unidos para entender como é que eles estiveram e quis comparar com a nossa. Decidi postar depois de ver este e este posts.
As conclusões não são boas, os media (americanos) dizem mal da inação do Trump mas nós tivemos uma sorte do Carvalho. Se em movimento de pessoas fossemos iguais a outros países os números eram muito piores, que se formos a olhar bem proporcionalmente em casos estamos ao nível dos estados unidos (mas com metade das mortes). A nossa primeira ação foi a meio de março.
(A minha cronologia certamente que não está completa e estou aberto a adicionar ou retirar coisas dadas fontes, Grande parte veio da Lusa/CM/JN outras coisas vieram da cronologia que fiz dos EUA)
31 de dezembro de 2019 Organização Mundial de Saúde (OMS) revela haver mais de duas dezenas de casos de pneumonia de origem desconhecida detetados na cidade chinesa de Wuhan, província de Hubei.
1 de janeiro de 2020 É encerrado o mercado de peixe e carne de Wuhan que se pensa estar na origem da contaminação, dado que os doentes tinham todos ligação ao local.
4 de janeiro São 44 os casos de doentes com uma pneumonia de origem desconhecida reportados pelas autoridades chinesas.
5 de janeiro A OMS relatou uma "pneumonia de causa desconhecida" em Wuhan, China. A OMS desaconselhou restrições de viagem ou comércio na época.
8 de janeiro O CDC (EUA) emitiu o primeiro alerta público sobre o coronavírus.
9 de janeiro A OMS emitiu uma declaração nomeando a doença como um novo coronavírus em Wuhan. A China publicou os dados genéticos do novo coronavírus.
10 de janeiro É registado o primeiro morto, um homem de 61 anos, frequentador do mercado de Wuhan. Oficialmente há 41 pessoas infetadas na China. As autoridades chinesas identificam o agente causador das pneumonias como um tipo novo de coronavírus, que foi isolado em sete doentes.
13 de janeiro Primeiro caso confirmado fora da China, na Tailândia.
14 de janeiro A OMS disse que não encontrou provas de transmissão de pessoa para pessoa.
O chefe da Comissão Nacional de Saúde da China, Ma Xiaowei, forneceu confidencialmente uma avaliação “sombria” da situação para as principais autoridades de saúde chinesas. O memorando relacionado afirmava que "a transmissão de humano para humano é possível". Uma investigação da AP News indicou que a denúncia de um caso na Tailândia levou à reunião, bem como o risco de se espalhar com o aumento das viagens durante o Ano Novo Chinês e várias considerações políticas. No entanto, o público chinês não é avisado até 20 de janeiro.
15 de janeiro Primeiro caso reportado no Japão do novo coronavírus, entretanto designado como 2019-nCoV. Primeira declaração das autoridades portuguesas sobre o novo coronavírus. A diretora-geral da Saúde estima, com base nas informações provenientes da China, que o surto estará contido e que uma eventual propagação em massa não é "uma hipótese no momento a ser equacionada".
20 de janeiro Autoridades confirmam que há transmissão entre seres humanos. (CM reporta isto mas não consigo confirmar em mais fonte nenhuma, a OMS só confirmou a 23 de Janeiro)
O secretário geral do Partido Comunista Chinês, Xi Jinping, e o primeiro-ministro do Conselho de Estado, Li Keqiang, emitem o primeiro aviso público sobre o coronavírus aos cidadãos chineses. Uma investigação da AP News alegou que, de 14 a 20 de janeiro, as autoridades chinesas tomaram medidas confidenciais para mobilizar sua resposta à pandemia, mas não alertaram o público. Alertar o público seis dias antes podia ter evitado "o colapso do sistema médico de Wuhan", segundo um epidemiologista.
21 de janeiro Primeiro caso nos Estados Unidos, num doente em Washington regressado de Wuhan.
22 de janeiro Macau confirma o primeiro caso da doença, numa altura em que há mais de 440 infetados. Começa o isolamento da cidade de Wuhan ao mundo. Autoridades de saúde chinesas cancelam voos e saída de comboios. Portugal anuncia que acionou os dispositivos de saúde pública e tem três hospitais em alerta: São João (Porto), Curry Cabral e Estefânia (ambos Lisboa).
23 de janeiro OMS reúne comité de emergência na Suíça para avaliar se o surto constitui uma emergência de saúde pública internacional. Decide não a decretar. Autoridades chinesas proíbem entradas e saídas numa segunda cidade, Huanggan, a 70 km de Wuhan. As duas cidades têm em conjunto mais de 18 milhões de habitantes. Alguns aeroportos no mundo, como no Dubai, nos Estados Unidos e nalguns países africanos, começam a tomar precauções para lidar com o fluxo de turistas chineses que tiram férias no Ano Novo Lunar, que coincide com o surto.
24 de janeiro Confirmados em França os primeiros dois casos na Europa, ambos importados.
25 de janeiro Pequim suspende as viagens organizadas na China e ao estrangeiro. Austrália anuncia primeiro caso. Hong Kong declara estado de emergência. Primeiro caso suspeito em Portugal, mas as análises revelam que é negativo.
27 de janeiro O Centro Europeu de Controlo das Doenças pede aos estados-membros da União Europeia que adotem "medidas rigorosas e oportunas" para controlo do novo coronavírus.
28 de janeiro Mecanismo Europeu de Proteção Civil é ativado, a pedido de França, para repatriamento dos franceses em Wuhan. Confirmados dois casos, um na Alemanha e outro no Japão, de doentes que não estiveram na China, tendo sido infetados nos seus países por pessoas provenientes de Wuhan.
29 de janeiro Pelo menos 17 portugueses pedem para sair da China, quase todos na região de Wuhan. Finlândia confirma primeiro caso. Rússia encerra fronteira terrestre com a China. Estudo genético confirma que o novo coronavírus terá sido transmitido aos humanos através de um animal selvagem, ainda desconhecido, que foi infetado por morcegos.
30 de janeiro OMS declara surto como caso de emergência de saúde pública internacional, mas opõe-se a restrições de viagens e trocas comerciais.
31 de janeiro Estados Unidos decidem proibir a entrada de estrangeiros que tenham estado na China nos últimos 14 dias e impor quarentena a viajantes de qualquer nacionalidade provenientes da província de Hubei. Ministério da Saúde de Portugal anuncia que vai disponibilizar instalações onde os portugueses provenientes de Wuhan possam ficar em isolamento voluntário.
1 de fevereiro Austrália proíbe entrada no país a não residentes vindos da China.
2 de fevereiro Os 18 portugueses e as duas brasileiras retirados da cidade de Wuhan chegam a Lisboa e ficam em isolamento voluntário por 14 dias. Filipinas anunciam o primeiro caso mortal no país. É a primeira morte fora da China.
3 de fevereiro OMS anuncia que está a trabalhar com a Google para travar informações falsas sobre o novo coronavírus. O chefe da OMS, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, declarou que não havia necessidade de medidas que "interferissem desnecessariamente com viagens e comércio internacionais" para parar o coronavírus. Elogiou a resposta chinesa e referiu que a propagação do vírus é "mínima e lenta".
11 de fevereiro OMS decide dar oficialmente o nome de Covid-19 à infeção provocada pelo novo coronavírus.
13 de fevereiro Autoridades chinesas mudam a forma de contabilizar e assumir casos de infeção. Passam a contar não apenas os casos com confirmação laboratorial, mas também os que têm confirmação clínica apoiada por exames radiológicos.
14 de fevereiro Segunda morte confirmada fora da China, no Japão.
15 de fevereiro Um turista chinês de 80 anos morre em França. É a primeira morte registada na Europa - o primeiro europeu a morrer no seu continente acontece a 26 de fevereiro.
16 de fevereiro Terceira morte confirmada fora da China, num turista chinês que visitava França.
19 de fevereiro Dois primeiros casos revelados no Irão. No mesmo dia é anunciado que os dois morreram devido ao Covid-19.
20 de fevereiro Autoridades chinesas voltam a alterar a metodologia da contagem de infetados, uma decisão que se reflete numa descida acentuada no número de novos casos. Coreia do Sul regista a primeira morte. Suíça adia uma cimeira internacional sobre saúde devido à epidemia, na qual estaria presente o diretor-geral da Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS) e ministros da Saúde.
21 de fevereiro Autoridades chinesas anunciam que surto está "sob controlo". Itália regista primeira vítima mortal, um italiano de 78 anos.
22 de fevereiro Irão fecha escolas, universidades e centros educativos em duas cidades. País confirma mais de 40 casos de infeção e oito mortes.
23 de fevereiro Autoridade japonesas confirmam que um português, Adriano Maranhão, canalizador no navio Diamond Princess, atracado no porto de Yokohama, deu teste positivo ao vírus da infeção Covid-19. Presidente da China, Xi Jiping, admite que o surto é a mais grave emergência de saúde no país desde a fundação do regime comunista, em 1949. Autoridades italianas ordenam suspensão dos festejos do Carnaval de Veneza. Fundo Monetário Internacional (FMI) considera que epidemia coloca em risco a recuperação económica mundial e manifesta disponibilidade para ajudar financeiramente os países mais pobres e vulneráveis.
24 de fevereiro Comissão Europeia anuncia mobilização de 230 milhões de euros para apoiar a luta global contra o Covid-19. Diretor-geral da OMS avisa que o mundo tem de se preparar para uma "eventual pandemia", considerando "muito preocupante" o "aumento repentino" de casos em Itália, Coreia do Sul e Irão.
25 de fevereiro O português infetado a bordo de um navio de cruzeiros atracado no Japão é enviado para um hospital de referência local. O especialista que liderou a equipa da OMS enviada à China afirma que o mundo "simplesmente não está pronto" para enfrentar a epidemia.
26 de fevereiro Primeiro caso de contágio na América do Sul. É no Brasil, um homem de 61 anos, de São Paulo, regressado do norte de Itália. Vários países confirmam igualmente os primeiros casos: Grécia, Finlândia, Macedónia do Norte, Geórgia e Paquistão. OMS revela que o número de novos casos diários confirmados no resto do mundo ultrapassou pela primeira vez os registados na China.
27 de fevereiro Arábia Saudita suspende temporariamente a entrada de peregrinos que visitam a mesquita do profeta Maomé e os lugares sagrados do Islão em Meca e Medina, bem como turistas de países afetados pelo coronavírus. Segundo português hospitalizado no Japão "por indícios relacionados" com o Covid-19, também tripulante do navio de cruzeiros Diamond Princess. A DGS divulga orientações às empresas, aconselhando-as a definir planos de contingência para casos suspeitos entre os trabalhadores que contemplem zonas de isolamento e regras específicas de higiene, e para portos e viajantes via marítima, que define que qualquer caso suspeito validado deve ser isolado e que apenas um elemento da tripulação deve contactar com o passageiro.
28 de fevereiro Primeiro caso confirmado na África subsariana, na Nigéria, depois de terem sido identificadas infeções no norte do continente, no Egito e na Argélia. Suíça proíbe pelo menos até 15 de março qualquer evento público ou privado que reúna mais de mil pessoas. Comissão Europeia solicita aos Estados-membros da UE que avaliem os impactos económicos do novo coronavírus. OMS aumenta para "muito elevado" o nível de ameaça do novo coronavírus. Responsáveis da Feira Internacional de Turismo de Berlim anunciam a suspensão do evento, considerado o maior do mundo, que se deveria realizar entre 4 e 8 de março. Governo português reforça em 20% o stock de medicamentos em todos os hospitais do país, além de estar a preparar um eventual reforço de recursos humanos.
29 de fevereiro Governo francês anuncia cancelamento de "todas as concentrações com mais de 5.000 pessoas" em espaços fechados e alguns eventos no exterior, como a meia-maratona de Paris. Primeira vítima mortal nos Estados Unidos da América.
1 de março Governo das Astúrias confirma primeiro caso de infeção pelo novo coronavírus na região espanhola, o escritor chileno Luis Sepúlveda, que esteve recentemente na Póvoa de Varzim, em Portugal. Macau com perdas históricas nas receitas do jogo em fevereiro, menos 87,8% em relação a igual período de 2019, num mês em que os casinos fecharam por 15 dias devido ao surto de Covid-19. Adriano Maranhão, primeiro português infetado no Japão, tem alta hospitalar.
2 de março Confirmados dois primeiros casos em Portugal Funcionários públicos em teletrabalho ou isolamento profilático sem perda de salário em Portugal, segundo um despacho do Governo. Governo português divulga um despacho a ordenar aos serviços públicos que elaborarem planos de contingência para o surto de Covid-19.
3 de março Primeira morte em Espanha. Itália confirma 79 mortes. Número de infetados em Portugal sobe para quatro. Mais de três mil mortos e de 91 mil infetados em todos os continentes, segundo dados da OMS. Os países mais afetados são China, Coreia do Sul, Irão e Itália. Hospitais São João e Santo António, no Porto, esgotaram capacidade de resposta a casos suspeitos, novas unidades são ativadas Comissão Nacional de Proteção Civil passa a funcionar em permanência, para fazer face ao novo coronavírus. Governo português dá cinco dias às empresas públicas para elaborarem planos de contingência. Reserva Federal dos Estados Unidos (Fed), que gere a política monetária do país, corta em 50 pontos base as taxas de juro, devido ao novo coronavírus. O presidente da Fed, Jerome Powell, considera inevitável que os efeitos do surto alastrem às economias mundiais e alterem o seu normal funcionamento "durante algum tempo". FMI e Banco Mundial anunciam que reuniões de abril, que se realizam anualmente em Washington, vão ser feitas à distância, em "formato virtual".
4 de março Itália, o país europeu mais afetado, fecha todas as escolas e universidades. Tinha então 3,089 infetados e 107 mortos. Número de infetados em Portugal sobre para seis. Em todo o mundo, há registo de mais de 3.100 mortos e de 93.100 infetados em 77 países de cinco continentes. Mais de 290 milhões de jovens sem aulas em todo o mundo, segundo a UNESCO. Os trabalhadores em quarentena em Portugal por determinação de autoridade de saúde vão receber integralmente o rendimento nos primeiros 14 dias, diz despacho do Diário da República. O primeiro-ministro português anuncia linha de crédito para apoio de tesouraria a empresas afetadas pelo impacto económico do surto do novo coronavírus, caso seja necessário, no valor inicial de 100 milhões de euros. Banco Mundial anuncia 12.000 milhões de dólares (cerca de 10.786 milhões de euros) para ajudar os países que enfrentam impactos económicos e de saúde. O setor dos serviços contraiu pela primeira vez na China desde que há registos. FMI diz que crescimento mundial será inferior em 2020 ao de 2019 devido ao impacto da epidemia do novo coronavírus, mas que é "difícil prever quanto". Surto diminuiu exportações mundiais em 50 mil milhões de dólares em fevereiro, segundo uma análise publicada pela Conferência das Nações Unidas sobre Comércio e Desenvolvimento. A Escola Superior de Música e Artes do Espetáculo, no Porto, suspende aulas por ter havido contactos com o quinto infetado.
5 de março Portugal com nove casos de infeção. O número de pessoas infetadas em todo o mundo aumenta para 97.510, das quais 3.346 morreram, em 85 países e territórios. A China é o país mais afetado (80.409 casos e 3.012 mortes); seguido pela Coreia do Sul (6.088 casos, 35 mortes), Itália (3.858 casos, 148 mortes) e Irão (3.513 casos, 107 mortes). Bolsa de Turismo de Lisboa adiada para 27 a 31 de maio Perdas das companhias aéreas mundiais podem chegar aos 113 mil milhões de dólares (101,1 mil milhões de euros), estima a associação internacional de transporte aéreo (IATA). TAP reduz 1.000 voos em março e abril devido a quebra nas reservas, suspende investimentos e avança com licenças sem vencimento. O Fundo Monetário Internacional disponibiliza 50 mil milhões de dólares (cerca de 46,7 mil milhões de euros) para combater o surto.
6 de março 13 casos infetados em Portugal. Número de casos no mundo ultrapassa os 100 mil, das quais 3.456 morreram, em 92 países e territórios. A China (sem as regiões administrativas de Macau e Hong Kong), o país onde a epidemia foi declarada no final de dezembro, soma 80.552 casos e 3.042 mortes. Preço do barril de Brent cai mais de 6%, para 47 dólares, devido à quebra da procura
7 de março Número de infeções em Portugal sobe para 21 Visitas a hospitais, lares e estabelecimentos prisionais da região Norte suspensas temporariamente. A ministra da Saúde portuguesa, Marta Temido, recomenda também o adiamento de eventos sociais. Uma escola de Idães, em Felgueiras, o Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar (ICBAS), a Faculdade de Farmácia da Universidade do Porto e o edifício do curso de História da Universidade do Minho foram encerrados por serem instituições relacionadas com casos de pessoas infetadas em Portugal. Governo italiano proíbe as entradas e saídas da Lombardia e de outras 11 províncias próximas para limitar a disseminação do coronavírus, que já causou 233 mortes e 5.061 infetados em todo o país.
8 março Presidente da República Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa decide entrar em quarentena de 14 dias após receber em Belém uma turma de Felgueiras. Mais quatro casos em Portugal, número de infetados sobe para 25. Reino Unido anuncia um aumento de 64 novos casos, elevando-o a um total de 273 casos. Este país regista três mortos. EUA tem 564 infetados, os mortos são 21. Itália confirma 1.492 casos adicionais e 133 mortes. Números totais: 7.375 infetados e 366 mortos. O primeiro-ministro Giuseppe Conte estendeu o bloqueio de quarentena para cobrir toda a região da Lombardia e outras 14 províncias do norte do país. Registado o primeiro morto em África, que ocorre no Egito - um cidadão alemão hospitalizado a 1 de março e depois sofreu insuficiência respiratória causada por pneumonia aguda. DGS encerra escolas e suspende atividades de lazer e culturais nos concelhos de Lousada e Felgueiras por causa do acumular de casos.
9 março Alemanha regista as duas primeiras mortes no país. Infetados aumentam para 1.176. Universidades de Lisboa e Coimbra suspendem todas as aulas presenciais por duas semanas. Itália estende quarentena a todo o país, onde número de mortos atinge 463. Primeiros casos em Chipre significam que todos os países da União Europeia estão atingidos pelo novo coronavírus. Números da Espanha aumentam para 1.231 casos, com 30 mortes. Itália: 9.172 infetados e 463 mortos. França revela que os deputados Guillaume Vuilletet e Sylvie Tolmont estão infetados, havendo cinco deputados da Assembleia com Covid-19. Também foi confirmado que o ministro da Cultura, Franck Riester, havia testado positivo. O número de casos aumentou para 1.412.
10 março Câmara de Lisboa encerra museus, teatros municipais e suspende atividades desportivas em recintos fechados. Direção-Geral do Património Cultural (DGPC) decreta fecho de museus, monumentos e palácios na sua dependência. Governo português suspende voos para todas as regiões de Itália por 14 dias. O primeiro-ministro italiano Conte estende o bloqueio de quarentena a toda a Itália, incluindo restrições de viagens e a proibição de reuniões públicas. Número de infetados sobe para 10.149, número de mortos é já 631. Portugal: 41 infetados
11 março Organização Mundial de Saúde passa a considerar o Covid-19 como uma pandemia, isto é um surto de doença com distribuição geográfica internacional muito alargada e simultânea. Itália anuncia que o jogador da Juventus Daniele Rugani, colega de Ronaldo, testa positivo para Covid-19. Total de infetados em Itália: 12.462. Total de mortos: 827. Portugal: 59 infetados. Turquia anuncia primeiro caso num homem regressado da Europa. Mais de mil médicos disponibilizam-se para reforçar a capacidade de resposta do Serviço Nacional de Saúde.
12 março Portugal decide encerrar todos os estabelecimentos de ensino até ao final das férias da Páscoa a partir de 16 de março, encerramento de discotecas, restrições em restaurantes, centros comerciais, serviços públicos e proibição de desembarque de passageiros de cruzeiros. Portugal tem agora 78 pessoas infetadas e ainda zero mortes relacionadas com Covid-19. Estado de alerta declarado em todo o país, com proteção civil e forças e serviços de segurança em prontidão. Região Autónoma da Madeira suspende atracagem de navios de cruzeiro e impõe medição de temperatura a passageiros nos aeroportos. Governo dos Açores fecha escolas e museus, interdita cinemas e ginásios. Hospital de São João anuncia que uma das primeiras pessoas internadas em Portugal com Covid-19 se curou. Em apenas um dia, Itália regista 2651 novos infetados, elevando o número de doentes com Covid-19 para 15.113. Nas mesmas 24 horas, morreram 189 italianos. O total de mortos em Itália é agora 1.016.
13 março Europa toma o lugar da China como maior epicentro do coronavírus, diz a OMS, numa altura em que o crescimento de casos abranda no país oriental (China tem agora 80.815 infetados e 3.117 mortos) e acelera em Itália e no resto do continente europeu. Portugal: 112 infetados com o Covid-19. 61 países da África, Ásia, Europa, Oriente Médio, América do Norte e América do Sul anunciaram ou implementaram fecho total ou parcial de escolas e universidades. Trinta e nove países fecharam todas as escolas, afetando 421,4 milhões de crianças e jovens. Nesta altura são 11 os países que proíbem a entrada de voos de Portugal (e da Europa): Arábia Saudita, Argentina, El Salvador, EUA, Guatemala, Itália, Jordânia, Kuwait, Nepal, República Checa e Venezuela. Estados Unidos proíbem entrada de voos de passageiros vindos do espaço Schengen na Europa (26 países, incluindo obviamente Portugal) durante 30 dias. Venezuela, país de 32 milhões de habitantes, confirma os dois primeiros casos de infetados: uma pessoa vinda dos EUA e outra de Espanha. O país de Nicolas Maduro também proibiu voos vindos da Europa durante um mês. Eslováquia, Malta e República Checa fecham fronteiras com os países membros da EU. Governo permite a funcionários públicos ficar em casa em regime de teletrabalho sempre que funções o permitam. Madeira suspende voos provenientes da Dinamarca, França, Alemanha, Suíça e Espanha, países de transmissão ativa.
Presidente dos EUA, Donald Trump, declara estado de emergência nacional.
UEFA suspende todos os jogos sob a sua égide, incluindo Liga dos Campeões e Liga Europa. República Checa anuncia fecho total de fronteiras a partir de 16 de março.
14 março Número mundial de infetados: 150.054. Total de mortos: 5.617 Portugal: 169 infetados. Nas últimas 24 horas houve 57 novos casos. Não há ainda mortes em Portugal. Ministra da Saúde, Marta Temido, anuncia que Portugal entrou "numa fase de crescimento exponencial da epidemia", com 169 casos confirmados.
Açores e Madeira decidem quarentena obrigatória para todas as pessoas que cheguem às regiões autónomas. Governo de Espanha, onde há mais de 5.700 casos, impõe "medidas drásticas" no âmbito do estado de alerta, proíbe cidadãos de andar na rua, exceto para irem trabalhar, comprar comida ou à farmácia.
15 de março Número de casos em Portugal atinge 245, em todo mundo há quase 160.000 pessoas infetadas e já morreram mais de 6.000.
Presidente da República, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, convoca Conselho de Estado por videoconferência para 18 de março, para discutir a "eventual decisão de decretar o estado de emergência" em Portugal.
Sindicato Independente dos Médicos conta mais de 50 clínicos infetados e mais de 150 em quarentena.
Governo proíbe consumo de bebidas alcoólicas na via pública e eventos com mais de cem pessoas, apelando para que deslocações se limitem ao estritamente necessário.
Autoridade Marítima Nacional interdita atividades desportivas ou de lazer que juntem pessoas nas praias do continente, Madeira e Açores.
16 de março Portugal regista a primeira morte devido ao coronavírus. O número de infetados pelo novo coronavírus sobe para 331. Segundo a Direção-Geral da Saúde, há 2.908 casos suspeitos, dos quais 374 aguardam resultado laboratorial.
Governo português anuncia o controlo de fronteiras terrestres com Espanha, passando a existir nove pontos de passagem e exclusivamente destinados para transporte de mercadorias e trabalhadores que tenham de se deslocar por razões profissionais.
Portugal vai também intensificar o controlo sanitário nos aeroportos.
Macau decreta quarentena obrigatória de 14 dias para quem chegar ao território, com exceção da China continental, Taiwan e Hong Kong.
Assembleia da República dispensa funcionários inseridos em grupos de risco e promove o trabalho à distância e rotatividade.
17 de março O número de infetados sobe para 448.
É anunciado que o SNS foi reforçado com mais 1.800 médicos e 900 enfermeiros e que há 30 profissionais de saúde infetados, 18 dos quais médicos. E é também anunciado o nascimento do primeiro bebé filho de uma mulher infetada. O bebé não foi infetado.
O governo regional da Madeira anuncia o primeiro caso na região.
O município de Ovar fica sujeito a "quarentena geográfica" e o Governo declara o estado de calamidade pública para o concelho, que passa a ter entradas e saídas controladas. A circulação de pessoas nas ruas também é controlada.
António Costa anuncia a suspensão das ligações aéreas de fora e para fora da União Europeia.
A CP reduz em 350 as ligações diárias.
18 de março O Presidente da República decreta o estado de emergência por 15 dias, depois de ouvido o Conselho de Estado e de ter obtido o parecer positivo do Governo e da aprovação do decreto pela Assembleia da República.
O estado de emergência vigora até 02 de abril.
António Costa diz que "o país não para" e que o Governo tudo fará para manter a produção e distribuição de bens essenciais.
O estado de emergência contempla o confinamento obrigatório e restrições à circulação na via pública. A desobediência é crime e pode levar à prisão.
No dia em que o Governo revela um conjunto de linhas de crédito para apoio à tesouraria das empresas de 3.000 milhões de euros, é também anunciado que as contribuições das empresas para a Segurança Social são reduzidas a um terço em março, abril e maio, e que as empresas vão ter uma moratória concedida pela banca no pagamento de capital e juros.
O número de infetados sobe para 642 e regista-se uma segunda morte. O Alentejo regista os primeiros dois casos.
19 de março O número de vítimas mortais sobe para três em Portugal, com os casos confirmados a ascenderem a 785. Graça Freitas anuncia que quem apresentar sintomas ligeiros ou moderados da doença é seguido a partir de casa.
O primeiro-ministro anuncia, após a reunião do Conselho de Ministros, as medidas e regras para cumprir o estado de emergência, incluindo o "isolamento obrigatório" para doentes com covid-19 ou que estejam sob vigilância. Os restantes cidadãos devem cumprir "o dever geral de recolhimento domiciliário". A regra é que os estabelecimentos com atendimento público devem encerrar e o teletrabalho é generalizado.
A proposta de lei do Governo com as medidas excecionais é de imediato promulgada pelo Presidente da República.
É também anunciado que o Governo criou um "gabinete de crise" para lidar com a pandemia e que suspendeu o pagamento da Taxa Social Única.
O governo dos Açores determina a suspensão das ligações aéreas da transportadora SATA entre todas as ilhas e a TAP anuncia que vai reduzir a operação até 19 de abril, prevendo cumprir 15 dos cerca de 90 destinos.
20 de março Com o país recolhido começam a destacar-se respostas da sociedade civil e das autarquias para fazer face à pandemia, anunciam-se ações de solidariedade para com os mais necessitados.
O Governo reúne-se em Conselho de Ministros para aprovar um conjunto de medidas de apoio social e económico para a população mais afetada. António Costa anuncia que é adiado para o segundo semestre o pagamento do IVA e do IRC, a prorrogação automática do subsídio de desemprego e do complemento solidário para idosos e do rendimento social de inserção.
É também anunciado que as celebrações religiosas, como funerais, e outros eventos que impliquem concentração de pessoas são proibidos, e que as autoridades de saúde ou de proteção civil podem decretar a requisição civil de bens ou serviços públicos se necessários para o combate à doença.
Portugal tem seis vítimas mortais e 1.020 casos confirmados.
21 de março O número de mortes sobe para 12, o dobro do dia anterior, e os infetados são 1.280.
Marta Temido estima que o pico de casos aconteça em meados de abril, e diz que Portugal vai adotar um novo modelo de tratamento de infetados, que passa pelo aumento do acompanhamento em casa. Graça Freitas estima que a taxa de letalidade é de cerca de 1%, mas avisa que pode mudar.
O Governo anuncia que vai prorrogar os prazos das inspeções automóveis e reduz os leilões nas lotas, criando uma linha de crédito até 20 milhões de euros para o setor da pesca.
Com o país em casa surgem as primeiras notícias de infeções em lares. Na Casa de Saúde da Idanha, em Belas, arredores de Lisboa, é anunciado que 10 utentes estão infetados. Um lar em Vila Nova de Famalicão fica sem funcionários depois de oito terem dado positivo ao covid-19.
O ministro dos Negócios Estrangeiros anuncia que a TAP prevê realizar voos para a Praia e Sal (Cabo Verde), Bissau (Guiné-Bissau) e São Tomé para transportar portugueses para casa.
22 de março O número de mortes associadas à covid-19 sobe para 14 e o de infetados para 1.600 (mais 320).
Num domingo de sol muitas pessoas saem à rua e na Póvoa de Varzim a polícia é chamada devido ao "desrespeito ao estado de emergência" (multidão a passear). Em Coimbra a PSP também é chamada por causa de um aglomerado na Mata Nacional do Choupal.
São detidas sete pessoas no país por crime de desobediência.
Os utentes do lar de Famalicão são transferidos para o Hospital Militar do Porto.
As autoridades iniciam o repatriamento de mais de 1.300 passageiros que chegam a Lisboa num navio de cruzeiro (entre eles estão 27 portugueses).
O Governo assina três despachos, que entram em vigor no dia seguinte, para garantir serviços essenciais de abastecimento de água e energia, recolha de lixo e funcionamento de transportes públicos.
O presidente da Associação Nacional de Freguesias, Jorge Veloso, pede que as pessoas das cidades e os emigrantes evitem ir para o interior.
23 de março Portugal tem 23 mortes e 2.600 infeções.
As queixas sobre a falta de equipamentos para quem mais necessita, como profissionais de saúde ou de segurança, começam a surgir. O Governo anuncia que o Estado vai comprar à China equipamentos de proteção e que espera quatro milhões de máscaras. Cinco polícias e dois técnicos sem funções policiais estão infetados numa esquadra de Vila Nova de Gaia.
O Governo cria uma linha de apoio de emergência de um milhão de euros para artistas e entidades culturais e reforça com 50 milhões de euros os acordos de cooperação com o setor social (responsável pelos lares de idosos ou centros de dia).
Uma residência para idosos na Maia, Porto, coloca em isolamento 46 idosos devido a casos de infeção.
24 de março O número de mortes sobe para 33 e o número de infeções passa a 2.362.
A secretária de Estado da Administração Interna, Patrícia Gaspar, anuncia a ativação do Plano Nacional de Emergência de Proteção Civil, no mesmo dia em que são já 27 as detenções por violação das regras do estado de emergência.
O Presidente da República admite que o pico da pandemia possa ocorrer depois de 14 de abril. No parlamento, o presidente e líder parlamentar do PSD abandona o plenário depois de uma discussão sobre o número excessivo de deputados na bancada social-democrata.
A Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT) lança uma linha de financiamento de 1,5 milhões de euros para investigação e "implementação rápida" de respostas às necessidades do SNS.
Em Vila Real, o presidente da Câmara alerta para a existência de 20 utentes e funcionários de um lar infetados com covid-19.
O Rali de Portugal é adiado.
25 de março Portugal regista mais 10 mortes chegando às 43, quando são contabilizadas 2.995 infeções.
O secretário de Estado da Saúde diz que o sistema tem capacidade de fazer 8.600 testes diários. A questão de se fazer mais testes ou não divide opiniões.
A Autoridade Nacional de Emergência e Proteção Civil coloca em alerta laranja, o segundo mais grave, os distritos de Lisboa, Porto e Aveiro.
O ministro de Estado e das Finanças diz que o país "nunca esteve tão bem preparado" para enfrentar uma crise como a causada pelo vírus.(lol) O Banco de Portugal anuncia que é facilitada a concessão de crédito pessoal por parte dos bancos.
A Câmara de Melgaço implementa um cerco sanitário na aldeia de Parada do Monte, com 370 habitantes, após confirmação de três casos de infeção.
A ASAE diz que já fiscalizou 41 operadores económicos por causa de especulação de preços.
26 de março Há 3.544 infeções e morreram 60 pessoas.
Há doentes a ser tratados com medicamentos da malária e do ébola, ainda que sem certezas, diz Graça Freitas.
O Banco de Portugal estima que o Produto Interno Bruto caia este ano 3,7% num cenário base e 5,7% num cenário adverso, devido à pandemia. A taxa de desemprego deve subir acima dos 10%. No dia em que Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa admite prolongar o estado de emergência reúne-se o Governo em Conselho de Ministros e aprova a suspensão até setembro do pagamento dos créditos à habitação e de créditos de empresas. Aprova também medidas excecionais de proteção dos postos de trabalho (como redução temporária de horário ou suspensão do contrato) e uma proposta de lei que prevê um regime de mora no pagamento das rendas, habilitando ainda o Instituto da Habitação e da Reabilitação Urbana a conceder empréstimos a inquilinos.
Na Maia um lar de idosos infetado é evacuado, em Vila Real aumentam as infeções num lar de idosos, de 20 para 45.
É anunciado que quem aterrar nos Açores tem confinamento obrigatório de 14 dias.
27 de março No lar da Nossa Senhora das Dores, em Vila Real, são agora 88 os infetados, entre os quais 68 utentes.
Em Portugal o número de mortes chega a 76 e o número de infetados sobe para 4.268.
Graça Freitas diz agora que o pico da pandemia pode afinal ser só em maio.
António Costa anuncia a chegada a Portugal de milhares de equipamentos de proteção individual e o Laboratório Militar também anuncia que começou a fazer testes de diagnóstico. Outras entidades como o Instituto de Medicina Molecular também começam a fazer testes.
Mil e quinhentos enfermeiros voluntariam-se para reforçar o apoio à linha telefónica SNS24, segundo a bastonária da Ordem.
As forças de segurança detiveram, desde o início do estado de emergência, 64 pessoas por crime de desobediência, e mandaram encerrar 1.449 estabelecimentos. O balanço é do MAI, segundo o qual também foram impedidas de entrar em Portugal 850 pessoas e uma delas foi detida. A detida, viria a confirmar-se depois, estava infetada com covid-19.
No Algarve, quando se aproxima o período da Páscoa, que costuma encher os hotéis, a associação empresarial do setor diz que a hotelaria está praticamente encerrada.
28 de março O número de mortes ascende à centena e os infetados são 5.170. Marta Temido também diz que o pico da epidemia só deve acontecer no final de maio e que as medidas de contenção social estão a abrandar a curva de infeções.
O Presidente da República pede aos portugueses para que, no período da Páscoa, continuem a respeitar as regras de contenção. A PSP interpela todas as pessoas que atravessam a Ponte 25 de Abril, no sentido norte-sul, e são divulgadas imagens de grandes filas de carros, alguns deles, diz a PSP, em incumprimento do estado de emergência.
É publicada uma retificação do diploma inicial do "lay-off" simplificado, acautelando que nenhum trabalhador de empresas que recorram e esse apoio pode ser despedido.
O Governo anuncia que vai organizar uma operação de transporte aéreo para o regresso temporário a Portugal de professores portugueses que estão em Timor-Leste.
29 de março Portugal contabiliza 119 mortes e 5.962 casos de infeções p. O número de pessoas internadas nos cuidados intensivos é de 138 doentes, um aumento para o dobro em relação ao dia anterior.
As notícias sobre infeções em lares continuam, como em Foz Côa, Guarda, onde o lar tem 47 infetados num universo de 62 idosos, segundo o provedor.
Em Ovar, onde foi declarado o estado de calamidade pública, são cinco as mortes, uma delas uma jovem de 14 anos, diz o vice-presidente da Câmara.
Nos Açores, o concelho de Povoação, na ilha de S. Miguel, é também submetido a um cordão sanitário.
Surgem notícias, através de sindicatos, de que há pelo menos um guarda prisional infetado do estabelecimento de Custoias e de uma auxiliar de ação médica no hospital prisional de Caxias. O Governo diz que vai ponderar criteriosamente a recomendação das Nações Unidas para libertação imediata de alguns presos mais vulneráveis.
30 de março António Costa avisa que Portugal "vai entrar no mês mais crítico desta pandemia", no dia em que os números da DGS indicam que há 140 mortes e 6.408 infetados.
Segundo o primeiro-ministro, com ou sem estado de emergência vai ser preciso prolongar as medidas que têm sido adotadas. E, diz também, que na próxima semana pretende cobrir o país com despistes de covid-19 em lares.
O secretário de Estado da Saúde, António Lacerda Sales, afirma que o número de profissionais de saúde infetados chegou aos 853, e Graça Freitas admite impor-se uma cerca sanitária na região do Porto, motivando fortes críticas.
A ministra do Trabalho, Ana Mendes Godinho, diz que a segurança social recebeu 1.400 pedidos de empresas que pretendem aderir ao "lay-off" simplificado.
(Continua nos comentários)
O ministro da Economia, Pedro Siza Vieira, admite nacionalizações e diz que seria "um erro trágico" reagir com medidas de austeridade à crise provocada pela pandemia, defendendo antes o apoio ao crescimento da economia.
O Governo pede a abertura de "forma condicionada" das juntas de freguesia onde estão instalados postos dos CTT, lembrando que esses serviços garantem a entrega de pensões. A empresa anunciou que ia antecipar a emissão e pagamento de vales em dois dias úteis.
Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa diz que se impõe manter as medidas de contenção que vigoram em Portugal.
A TAP avança para um processo de "lay-off" para 90% dos trabalhadores.
O governo dos Açores prolonga a situação de contingência no arquipélago até 30 de abril.
(Limite de Caracteres continua nos Comentários)
submitted by HairlessButtcrack to portugal [link] [comments]

A thousand words wasn't enough? Here's five thousand.

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a aa aaa aaron ab abandoned abc aberdeen abilities ability able aboriginal abortion about above abraham abroad abs absence absent absolute absolutely absorption abstract abstracts abu abuse ac academic academics academy acc accent accept acceptable acceptance accepted accepting accepts access accessed accessibility accessible accessing accessories accessory accident accidents accommodate accommodation accommodations accompanied accompanying accomplish accomplished accordance according accordingly account accountability accounting accounts accreditation accredited accuracy accurate accurately accused acdbentity ace acer achieve achieved achievement achievements achieving acid acids acknowledge acknowledged acm acne acoustic acquire acquired acquisition acquisitions acre acres acrobat across acrylic act acting action actions activated activation active actively activists activities activity actor actors actress acts actual actually acute ad ada adam adams adaptation adapted adapter adapters adaptive adaptor add added addiction adding addition additional additionally additions address addressed addresses addressing adds adelaide adequate adidas adipex adjacent adjust adjustable adjusted adjustment adjustments admin administered administration administrative administrator administrators admission admissions admit admitted adobe adolescent adopt adopted adoption adrian ads adsl adult adults advance advanced advancement advances advantage advantages adventure adventures adverse advert advertise advertisement advertisements advertiser advertisers advertising advice advise advised advisor advisors advisory advocacy advocate adware ae aerial aerospace af affair affairs affect affected affecting affects affiliate affiliated affiliates affiliation afford affordable afghanistan afraid africa african after afternoon afterwards ag again against age aged agencies agency agenda agent agents ages aggregate aggressive aging ago agree agreed agreement agreements agrees agricultural agriculture ah ahead ai aid aids aim aimed aims air aircraft airfare airline airlines airplane airport airports aj ak aka al ala alabama alan alarm alaska albania albany albert alberta album albums albuquerque alcohol alert alerts alex alexander alexandria alfred algebra algeria algorithm algorithms ali alias alice alien align alignment alike alive all allah allan alleged allen allergy alliance allied allocated allocation allow allowance allowed allowing allows alloy almost alone along alot alpha alphabetical alpine already also alt alter altered alternate alternative alternatively alternatives although alto aluminium aluminum alumni always am amanda amateur amazing amazon ambassador amber ambien ambient amd amend amended amendment amendments amenities america american americans americas amino among amongst amount amounts amp ampland amplifier amsterdam amy an ana anaheim anal analog analyses analysis analyst analysts analytical analyze analyzed anatomy anchor ancient and andale anderson andorra andrea andreas andrew andrews andy angel angela angeles angels anger angle angola angry animal animals animated animation anime ann anna anne annex annie anniversary annotated annotation announce announced announcement announcements announces annoying annual annually anonymous another answer answered answering answers ant antarctica antenna anthony anthropology anti antibodies antibody anticipated antigua antique antiques antivirus antonio anxiety any anybody anymore anyone anything anytime anyway anywhere aol ap apache apart apartment apartments api apnic apollo app apparatus apparel apparent apparently appeal appeals appear appearance appeared appearing appears appendix apple appliance appliances applicable applicant applicants application applications applied applies apply applying appointed appointment appointments appraisal appreciate appreciated appreciation approach approaches appropriate appropriations approval approve approved approx approximate approximately apps apr april apt aqua aquarium aquatic ar arab arabia arabic arbitrary arbitration arbor arc arcade arch architect architects architectural architecture archive archived archives arctic are area areas arena arg argentina argue argued argument arguments arise arising arizona arkansas arlington arm armed armenia armor arms armstrong army arnold around arrange arranged arrangement arrangements array arrest arrested arrival arrivals arrive arrived arrives arrow art arthritis arthur article articles artificial artist artistic artists arts artwork aruba as asbestos ascii ash ashley asia asian aside asin ask asked asking asks asn asp aspect aspects ass assault assembled assembly assess assessed assessing assessment assessments asset assets assign assigned assignment assignments assist assistance assistant assisted assists associate associated associates association associations assume assumed assumes assuming assumption assumptions assurance assure assured asthma astrology astronomy asus asylum at ata ate athens athletes athletic athletics ati atlanta atlantic atlas atm atmosphere atmospheric atom atomic attach attached attachment attachments attack attacked attacks attempt attempted attempting attempts attend attendance attended attending attention attitude attitudes attorney attorneys attract attraction attractions attractive attribute attributes au auburn auckland auction auctions aud audi audience audio audit auditor aug august aurora aus austin australia australian austria authentic authentication author authorities authority authorization authorized authors auto automated automatic automatically automation automobile automobiles automotive autos autumn av availability available avatar ave avenue average avg avi aviation avoid avoiding avon aw award awarded awards aware awareness away awesome awful axis aye az azerbaijan b ba babe babes babies baby bachelor back backed background backgrounds backing backup bacon bacteria bacterial bad badge badly bag baghdad bags bahamas bahrain bailey baker baking balance balanced bald bali ball ballet balloon ballot balls baltimore ban banana band bands bandwidth bang bangbus bangkok bangladesh bank banking bankruptcy banks banned banner banners baptist bar barbados barbara barbie barcelona bare barely bargain bargains barn barnes barrel barrier barriers barry bars base baseball based baseline basement basename bases basic basically basics basin basis basket basketball baskets bass bat batch bath bathroom bathrooms baths batman batteries battery battle battlefield bay bb bbc bbs bbw bc bd bdsm be beach beaches beads beam bean beans bear bearing bears beast beastality beastiality beat beatles beats beautiful beautifully beauty beaver became because become becomes becoming bed bedding bedford bedroom bedrooms beds bee beef been beer before began begin beginner beginners beginning begins begun behalf behavior behavioral behaviour behind beijing being beings belarus belfast belgium belief beliefs believe believed believes belize belkin bell belle belly belong belongs below belt belts ben bench benchmark bend beneath beneficial benefit benefits benjamin bennett bent benz berkeley berlin bermuda bernard berry beside besides best bestiality bestsellers bet beta beth better betting betty between beverage beverages beverly beyond bg bhutan bi bias bible biblical bibliographic bibliography bicycle bid bidder bidding bids big bigger biggest bike bikes bikini bill billing billion bills billy bin binary bind binding bingo bio biodiversity biographies biography biol biological biology bios biotechnology bird birds birmingham birth birthday bishop bit bitch bite bits biz bizarre bizrate bk bl black blackberry blackjack blacks blade blades blah blair blake blame blank blanket blast bleeding blend bless blessed blind blink block blocked blocking blocks blog blogger bloggers blogging blogs blond blonde blood bloody bloom bloomberg blow blowing blowjob blowjobs blue blues bluetooth blvd bm bmw bo board boards boat boating boats bob bobby boc bodies body bold bolivia bolt bomb bon bond bondage bonds bone bones bonus boob boobs book booking bookings bookmark bookmarks books bookstore bool boolean boom boost boot booth boots booty border borders bored boring born borough bosnia boss boston both bother botswana bottle bottles bottom bought boulder boulevard bound boundaries boundary bouquet boutique bow bowl bowling box boxed boxes boxing boy boys bp br bra bracelet bracelets bracket brad bradford bradley brain brake brakes branch branches brand brandon brands bras brass brave brazil brazilian breach bread break breakdown breakfast breaking breaks breast breasts breath breathing breed breeding breeds brian brick bridal bride bridge bridges brief briefing briefly briefs bright brighton brilliant bring bringing brings brisbane bristol britain britannica british britney broad broadband broadcast broadcasting broader broadway brochure brochures broke broken broker brokers bronze brook brooklyn brooks brother brothers brought brown browse browser browsers browsing bruce brunei brunette brunswick brush brussels brutal bryan bryant bs bt bubble buck bucks budapest buddy budget budgets buf buffalo buffer bufing bug bugs build builder builders building buildings builds built bukkake bulgaria bulgarian bulk bull bullet bulletin bumper bunch bundle bunny burden bureau buried burke burlington burn burner burning burns burst burton bus buses bush business businesses busty busy but butler butt butter butterfly button buttons butts buy buyer buyers buying buys buzz bw by bye byte bytes c ca cab cabin cabinet cabinets cable cables cache cached cad cadillac cafe cage cake cakes cal calcium calculate calculated calculation calculations calculator calculators calendar calendars calgary calibration california call called calling calls calm calvin cam cambodia cambridge camcorder camcorders came camel camera cameras cameron cameroon camp campaign campaigns campbell camping 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centers central centre centres cents centuries century ceo ceramic ceremony certain certainly certificate certificates certification certified cet cf cfr cg cgi ch chad chain chains chair chairman chairs challenge challenged challenges challenging chamber chambers champagne champion champions championship championships chan chance chancellor chances change changed changelog changes changing channel channels chaos chapel chapter chapters char character characteristic characteristics characterization characterized characters charge charged charger chargers charges charging charitable charity charles charleston charlie charlotte charm charming charms chart charter charts chase chassis chat cheap cheaper cheapest cheat cheats check checked checking checklist checkout checks cheers cheese chef chelsea chem chemical chemicals chemistry chen cheque cherry chess chest chester chevrolet chevy chi chicago chick chicken chicks chief child childhood children childrens chile china chinese chip 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curious currencies currency current currently curriculum cursor curtis curve curves custody custom customer customers customise customize customized customs cut cute cuts cutting cv cvs cw cyber cycle cycles cycling cylinder cyprus cz czech d da dad daddy daily dairy daisy dakota dale dallas dam damage damaged damages dame damn dan dana dance dancing danger dangerous daniel danish danny dans dare dark darkness darwin das dash dat data database databases date dated dates dating daughter daughters dave david davidson davis dawn day days dayton db dc dd ddr de dead deadline deadly deaf deal dealer dealers dealing deals dealt dealtime dean dear death deaths debate debian deborah debt debug debut dec decade decades december decent decide decided decimal decision decisions deck declaration declare declared decline declined decor decorating decorative decrease decreased dedicated dee deemed deep deeper deeply deer def default defeat defects defence defend defendant defense defensive deferred deficit define defined defines defining definitely definition definitions degree degrees del delaware delay delayed delays delegation delete deleted delhi delicious delight deliver delivered delivering delivers delivery dell delta deluxe dem demand demanding demands demo democracy democrat democratic democrats demographic demonstrate demonstrated demonstrates demonstration den denial denied denmark dennis dense density dental dentists denver deny department departmental departments departure depend dependence dependent depending depends deployment deposit deposits depot depression dept depth deputy der derby derek derived des descending describe described describes describing description descriptions desert deserve design designated designation designed designer designers designing designs desirable desire desired desk desktop desktops desperate despite destination destinations destiny destroy destroyed destruction detail detailed details detect detected detection detective detector determination determine determined determines determining detroit deutsch deutsche deutschland dev devel develop developed developer developers developing development developmental developments develops deviant deviation device devices devil devon devoted df dg dh di diabetes diagnosis diagnostic diagram dial dialog dialogue diameter diamond diamonds diana diane diary dice dick dicke dicks dictionaries dictionary did die died diego dies diesel diet dietary diff differ difference differences different differential differently difficult difficulties difficulty diffs dig digest digit digital dildo dildos dim dimension dimensional dimensions dining dinner dip diploma dir direct directed direction directions directive directly director directories directors directory dirt dirty dis disabilities disability disable disabled disagree disappointed disaster disc discharge disciplinary discipline disciplines disclaimer disclaimers disclose disclosure disco discount discounted discounts discover discovered discovery discrete discretion discrimination discs discuss discussed discusses discussing discussion discussions disease diseases dish dishes disk disks disney disorder disorders dispatch dispatched display displayed displaying displays disposal disposition dispute disputes dist distance distances distant distinct distinction distinguished distribute distributed distribution distributions distributor distributors district districts disturbed div dive diverse diversity divide divided dividend divine diving division divisions divorce divx diy dj dk dl dm dna dns do doc dock docs doctor doctors doctrine document documentary documentation documented documents dod dodge doe does dog dogs doing doll dollar dollars dolls dom domain domains dome domestic dominant dominican don donald donate donated donation donations done donna donor donors dont doom door doors dos dosage dose dot double doubt doug douglas dover dow down download downloadable downloaded downloading downloads downtown dozen dozens dp dpi dr draft drag dragon drain drainage drama dramatic dramatically draw drawing drawings drawn draws dream dreams dress dressed dresses dressing drew dried drill drilling drink drinking drinks drive driven driver drivers drives driving drop dropped drops drove drug drugs drum drums drunk dry dryer ds dsc dsl dt dts du dual dubai dublin duck dude due dui duke dumb dump duncan duo duplicate durable duration durham during dust dutch duties duty dv dvd dvds dx dying dylan dynamic dynamics e ea each eagle eagles ear earl earlier earliest early earn earned earning earnings earrings ears earth earthquake ease easier easily east easter eastern easy eat eating eau ebay ebony ebook ebooks ec echo eclipse eco ecological ecology ecommerce economic economics economies economy ecuador ed eddie eden edgar edge edges edinburgh edit edited editing edition editions editor editorial editorials editors edmonton eds edt educated education educational educators edward edwards ee ef effect effective effectively effectiveness effects efficiency efficient efficiently effort efforts eg egg eggs egypt egyptian eh eight either ejaculation el elder elderly elect elected election elections electoral electric electrical electricity electro electron electronic electronics elegant element elementary elements elephant elevation eleven eligibility eligible eliminate elimination elite elizabeth ellen elliott ellis else elsewhere elvis em emacs email emails embassy embedded emerald emergency emerging emily eminem emirates emission emissions emma emotional emotions emperor emphasis empire empirical employ employed employee employees employer employers employment empty en enable enabled enables enabling enb enclosed enclosure encoding encounter encountered encourage encouraged encourages encouraging encryption encyclopedia end endangered ended endif ending endless endorsed endorsement ends enemies enemy energy enforcement eng engage engaged engagement engaging engine engineer engineering engineers engines england english enhance enhanced enhancement enhancements enhancing enjoy enjoyed enjoying enlarge enlargement enormous enough enquiries enquiry enrolled enrollment ensemble ensure ensures ensuring ent enter entered entering enterprise enterprises enters entertaining entertainment entire entirely entities entitled entity entrance entrepreneur entrepreneurs entries entry envelope environment environmental environments enzyme eos ep epa epic epinions episode episodes epson eq equal equality equally equation equations equilibrium equipment equipped equity equivalent er era eric ericsson erik erotic erotica erp error errors es escape escort escorts especially espn essay essays essence essential essentially essentials essex est establish established establishing establishment estate estates estimate estimated estimates estimation estonia et etc eternal ethernet ethical ethics ethiopia ethnic eu eugene eur euro europe european euros ev eva eval evaluate evaluated evaluating evaluation evaluations evanescence evans eve even evening event events eventually ever every everybody everyday everyone everything everywhere evidence evident evil evolution ex exact exactly exam examination examinations examine examined examines examining example examples exams exceed excel excellence excellent except exception exceptional exceptions excerpt excess excessive exchange exchanges excited excitement exciting exclude excluded excluding exclusion exclusive exclusively excuse exec execute executed execution executive executives exempt exemption exercise exercises exhaust exhibit exhibition exhibitions exhibits exist existed existence existing exists exit exotic exp expand expanded expanding expansion expansys expect expectations expected expects expedia expenditure expenditures expense expenses expensive experience experienced experiences experiencing experiment experimental experiments expert expertise experts expiration expired expires explain explained explaining explains explanation explicit explicitly exploration explore explorer exploring explosion expo export exports exposed exposure express expressed expression expressions ext extend extended extending extends extension extensions extensive extent exterior external extra extract extraction extraordinary extras extreme extremely eye eyed eyes ez f fa fabric fabrics fabulous face faced faces facial facilitate facilities facility facing fact factor factors factory facts faculty fail failed failing fails failure failures fair fairfield fairly fairy faith fake fall fallen falling falls fame familiar families family famous fan fancy fans fantastic fantasy faq faqs far fare fares farm farmer farmers farming farms fascinating fashion fast faster fastest fat fatal fate father fathers fatty fault favor favorite favorites favors favour favourite favourites fax fbi fc fcc fd fda fe fear fears feat feature featured features featuring feb february fed federal federation fee feed feedback feeding feeds feel feeling feelings feels fees feet fell fellow fellowship felt female females fence feof ferrari ferry festival festivals fetish fever few fewer ff fg fi fiber fibre fiction field fields fifteen fifth fifty fig fight fighter fighters fighting figure figured figures fiji file filed filename files filing fill filled filling film filme films filter filtering filters fin final finally finals finance finances financial financing find findarticles finder finding findings findlaw finds fine finest finger fingering fingers finish finished finishing finite finland finnish fioricet fire fired firefox fireplace fires firewall firewire firm firms firmware first fiscal fish fisher fisheries fishing fist fisting fit fitness fits fitted fitting five fix fixed fixes fixtures fl flag flags flame flash flashers flashing flat flavor fleece fleet flesh flex flexibility flexible flickr flight flights flip float floating flood floor flooring floors floppy floral florence florida florist florists flour flow flower flowers flows floyd flu fluid flush flux fly flyer flying fm fo foam focal focus focused focuses focusing fog fold folder folders folding folk folks follow followed following follows font fonts foo food foods fool foot footage football footwear for forbes forbidden force forced forces ford forecast forecasts foreign forest forestry forests forever forge forget forgot forgotten fork form formal format formation formats formatting formed former formerly forming forms formula fort forth fortune forty forum forums forward forwarding fossil foster foto fotos fought foul found foundation foundations founded founder fountain four fourth fox fp fr fraction fragrance fragrances frame framed frames framework framing france franchise francis francisco frank frankfurt franklin fraser fraud fred frederick free freebsd freedom freelance freely freeware freeze freight french frequencies frequency frequent frequently fresh fri friday fridge friend friendly friends friendship frog from front frontier frontpage frost frozen fruit fruits fs ft ftp fu fuck fucked fucking fuel fuji fujitsu full fully fun function functional functionality functioning functions fund fundamental fundamentals funded funding fundraising funds funeral funk funky funny fur furnished furnishings furniture further furthermore fusion future futures fuzzy fw fwd fx fy g ga gabriel gadgets gage gain gained gains galaxy gale galleries gallery gambling game gamecube games gamespot gaming gamma gang gangbang gap gaps garage garbage garcia garden gardening gardens garlic garmin gary gas gasoline gate gates gateway gather gathered gathering gauge gave gay gays gazette gb gba gbp gc gcc gd gdp ge gear geek gel gem gen gender gene genealogy general generally generate generated generates generating generation generations generator generators generic generous genes genesis genetic genetics geneva genius genome genre genres gentle gentleman gently genuine geo geographic geographical geography geological geology geometry george georgia gerald german germany get gets getting gg ghana ghost ghz gi giant giants gibraltar gibson gif gift gifts gig gilbert girl girlfriend girls gis give given gives giving gl glad glance glasgow glass glasses glen glenn global globe glory glossary gloves glow glucose gm gmbh gmc gmt gnome gnu go goal goals goat god gods goes going gold golden golf gone gonna good goods google gordon gore gorgeous gospel gossip got gothic goto gotta gotten gourmet governance governing government governmental governments governor gp gpl gps gr grab grace grad grade grades gradually graduate graduated graduates graduation graham grain grammar grams grand grande granny grant granted grants graph graphic graphical graphics graphs gras grass grateful gratis gratuit grave gravity gray great greater greatest greatly greece greek green greene greenhouse greensboro greeting greetings greg gregory grenada grew grey grid griffin grill grip grocery groove gross ground grounds groundwater group groups grove grow growing grown grows growth gs gsm gst gt gtk guam guarantee guaranteed guarantees guard guardian guards guatemala guess guest guestbook guests gui guidance guide guided guidelines guides guild guilty guinea guitar guitars gulf gun guns guru guy guyana guys gym gzip h ha habitat habits hack hacker had hair hairy haiti half halifax hall halloween halo ham hamburg hamilton hammer hampshire hampton hand handbags handbook handed handheld handhelds handjob handjobs handle handled handles handling handmade hands handy hang hanging hans hansen happen happened happening happens happiness happy harassment harbor harbour hard hardcore hardcover harder hardly hardware hardwood harley harm harmful harmony harold harper harris harrison harry hart hartford harvard harvest harvey has hash hat hate hats have haven having hawaii hawaiian hawk hay hayes hazard hazardous hazards hb hc hd hdtv he head headed header headers heading headline headlines headphones headquarters heads headset healing health healthcare healthy hear heard hearing hearings heart hearts heat heated heater heath heather heating heaven heavily heavy hebrew heel height heights held helen helena helicopter hell hello helmet help helped helpful helping helps hence henderson henry hentai hepatitis her herald herb herbal herbs here hereby herein heritage hero heroes herself hewlett hey hh hi hidden hide hierarchy high higher highest highland highlight highlighted highlights highly highs highway highways hiking hill hills hilton him himself hindu hint hints hip hire hired hiring his hispanic hist historic historical history hit hitachi hits hitting hiv hk hl ho hobbies hobby hockey hold holdem holder holders holding holdings holds hole holes holiday holidays holland hollow holly hollywood holmes holocaust holy home homeland homeless homepage homes hometown homework hon honda honduras honest honey hong honolulu honor honors hood hook hop hope hoped hopefully hopes hoping hopkins horizon horizontal hormone horn horny horrible horror horse horses hose hospital hospitality hospitals host hosted hostel hostels hosting hosts hot hotel hotels hotmail hottest hour hourly hours house household households houses housewares housewives housing houston how howard however howto hp hq hr href hrs hs ht html http hu hub hudson huge hugh hughes hugo hull human humanitarian humanities humanity humans humidity humor hundred hundreds hung hungarian hungary hunger hungry hunt hunter hunting huntington hurricane hurt husband hwy hybrid hydraulic hydrocodone hydrogen hygiene hypothesis hypothetical hyundai hz i ia ian ibm ic ice iceland icon icons icq ict id idaho ide idea ideal ideas identical identification identified identifier identifies identify identifying identity idle idol ids ie ieee if ignore ignored ii iii il ill illegal illinois illness illustrated illustration illustrations im image images imagination imagine imaging img immediate immediately immigrants immigration immune immunology impact impacts impaired imperial implement implementation implemented implementing implications implied implies import importance important importantly imported imports impose imposed impossible impressed impression impressive improve improved improvement improvements improving in inappropriate inbox inc incentive incentives incest inch inches incidence incident incidents incl include included includes including inclusion inclusive income incoming incomplete incorporate incorporated incorrect increase increased increases increasing increasingly incredible incurred ind indeed independence independent independently index indexed indexes india indian indiana indianapolis indians indicate indicated indicates indicating indication indicator indicators indices indie indigenous indirect individual individually individuals indonesia indonesian indoor induced induction industrial industries industry inexpensive inf infant infants infected infection infections infectious infinite inflation influence influenced influences info inform informal information informational informative informed infrared infrastructure infringement ing ingredients inherited initial initially initiated initiative initiatives injection injured injuries injury ink inkjet inline inn inner innocent innovation innovations innovative inns input inputs inquire inquiries inquiry ins insects insert inserted insertion inside insider insight insights inspection inspections inspector inspiration inspired install installation installations installed installing instance instances instant instantly instead institute institutes institution institutional institutions instruction instructional instructions instructor instructors instrument instrumental instrumentation instruments insulation insulin insurance insured int intake integer integral integrate integrated integrating integration integrity intel intellectual intelligence intelligent intend intended intense intensity intensive intent intention inter interact interaction interactions interactive interest interested interesting interests interface interfaces interference interim interior intermediate internal international internationally internet internship interpretation interpreted interracial intersection interstate interval intervals intervention interventions interview interviews intimate intl into intranet intro introduce introduced introduces introducing introduction introductory invalid invasion invention inventory invest investigate investigated investigation investigations investigator investigators investing investment investments investor investors invisible invision invitation invitations invite invited invoice involve involved involvement involves involving io ion iowa ip ipaq ipod ips ir ira iran iraq iraqi irc ireland irish iron irrigation irs is isa isaac isbn islam islamic island islands isle iso isolated isolation isp israel israeli issn issue issued issues ist istanbul it italia italian italiano italic italy item items its itself itunes iv ivory ix j ja jack jacket jackets jackie jackson jacksonville jacob jade jaguar jail jake jam jamaica james jamie jan jane janet january japan japanese jar jason java javascript jay jazz jc jd je jean jeans jeep jeff jefferson jeffrey jelsoft jennifer jenny jeremy jerry jersey jerusalem jesse jessica jesus jet jets jewel jewellery jewelry jewish jews jill jim jimmy jj jm jo joan job jobs joe joel john johnny johns johnson johnston join joined joining joins joint joke jokes jon jonathan jones jordan jose joseph josh joshua journal journalism journalist journalists journals journey joy joyce jp jpeg jpg jr js juan judge judges judgment judicial judy juice jul julia julian julie july jump jumping jun junction june jungle junior junk jurisdiction jury just justice justify justin juvenile jvc k ka kai kansas karaoke karen karl karma kate kathy katie katrina kay kazakhstan kb kde keen keep keeping keeps keith kelkoo kelly ken kennedy 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If One had been deemed Nonessential

If One had been deemed Nonessential

one seen these around, the email to send your deal to: [email protected] as .doc or .odt

Okay the pen name editor who is going to work with will be taking a call for submissions from those businesses who seen the goldenrod fliers saying how those deemed wheat they were deemed of operations are to close. I spoke with the essential businesses in the area and one of them was kind enough to let me photograph the shelves of what was picked clean, I read what happened to one business in the area. I'm giving him a chance to tell his narrative how he was deemed nonessential. I am a remote worker out of the gate, and working with Walmart on a level that associates only read about on the national level -- okay whose heard of Rakuten?
Rakuten is the parent company of, as the eBook company had been producing content for a few years -- Draft2Digital (D2D) had harnessed them directly to publish. There will be an ISBN for this and the business who is providing them; needs the donation to keep running, I will explain -- he provides the bar codes that will mimic a title that's published on bigger trade paperback level. He is my bar-code man when I worked with CreateSpace up to being fired with them then I kept working with him when I came to The Book Patch, L.L.C. in October 2015.
I read of the card game business owner, planning to invite him in a way that might be having him introduce the project when ready and there will be a second editor who really is a local to Pinellas Beaches working on this. We're looking for those across county here to have the dialog with their counterparts back home. I read the news stories from back in Joliet, Illinois, about the two major casinos closing. Saint Petersburg, Florida, snubbed the Joliet news stories and Clearwater likes to snub cities that are about the same size as they are. Keep Saint Petersburg Lit will not even give Esque Dollar the time of day as I am interacting with The Weekly Challenger -- I invited them to where we're both at and the anthology is a submission call of those who want to engage in community journalism which carries a narrative journalism trait.
Olga Bof claims, 'Either the places neither have a website or none of them had a way to ship.' That's on them because Esque and I have shipping capabilities because of our boss at The Book Patch in Scottsdale, Arizona, the idea will be for those who can see a perspective of local elsewhere meaning if they didn't start in Florida. Or didn't start in Illinois, the perspective is a rhetorical in nature.
Dr. Anthony Chukuma, in Germany and the introduction writer on LaVerne EuBanks lead, A Landscape Of Colossians, published in February 2019, relates.
"This is the new norm. The world must learn how to do things differently."
Okay that is the thing that Pinellas Beaches, Saint Petersburg, Clearwater, Gulfport, and Largo will end up fighting him over -- especially if they had a Sundown Town background. My classmates Joe and Wei-Hong both related, "This is nothing new, the Xenophobia been there long before we were all born. Could you tell me something new?"
This had me willing to show a 29 year old lady from Bangladesh along with a mutual buddy of ours how to run a peer reviewed journal from the Desi perspective. Alignable had chimed in and a few posts where I did drawn about 41 comments each, one of them were some of the most lively that I saw in a year since the recent history I had joined the website. Those who are nonessential, required here is having a composition background.
"How did you get deemed nonessential, and what would you tell other nonessentials how to keep from violating a court ordered stay at home?"
This one though if the area feels left out on what the plan is being arranged -- okay I will say this, to have the kind of roster I worked with in 2007 one had to have earned that privilege. I doubt Pinellas County even earned that because I read the cases that went on from a reliable source, he responded to Crab Invasion quite well I have to admit. Hearing the Anti-Desi rhetoric okay I am going to say this much Pinellas County is crossing the line making that -- it's part of where I'm saying, "this doesn't reflect where I grew up. Pinellas Park lacks a sister city and same with Gulfport, Florida. Saint Petersburg, Florida, might risk losing their sister cities in the process of the will to not allowing the will to ship."
According to a postal worker in Saint Petersburg, Florida, the use of bikes make it difficult to deliver our media mail shipments if ordered in bulk. They need a Jeep Grand Cherokee that's from 2009 and kept in working order. Not suggesting a new vehicle though one that allows them not to ding the media mail (whether it's the Kobo eReader, tablet computer, trade paperback release or someone's DVD. I can see the bike used for the DVD though if it's bulk media -- please be considerate of where you are because a bike cannot handle the weight of that kind of parcel when it is bulk ordered.)
A community without a post office is not a real community, I know this might leave a mark when I will have the commentary about it -- if the community is a Sundown Town or claim to not be one of the grey towns. If they claim they're not, then end up being accent bias okay I'm going to say these towns have ways of staying Sundown without admitting so.
I'm going to drop multiple bombshells with all here, every tool I work with in publishing either originates from the European Union (LibreOffice,) Philippines (WPS,) or India (Zoho Corporation.) I am writing this up on Able Word so I sound more akin to someone who grew up Southern United States because being if one heard me speak, I have the ethnic Inland -- I am from an immigrant family and some of you who pull the immigrant cards I have friends who are Pakistani National and East Asian who I grew up with. So I'm going to say of the Pinellas Beaches area -- you have local businesses that are more ethnic than most. I supported some of your local though I am not exclusively local because I am a remote worker. I help those who are based out of where I worked too meaning I worked ten years in Morrisville, North Carolina, or close to ten years.
This is more for those in your own words, I am creating the form to submit your document and tell your narrative about being deemed nonessential. I am going to quote part of a comment from the one of the businesses that saw himself arrested -- the commented is Andrew Cromwell.
"Even if our business wasn't an essential. We would still be open because not all of us want to be unemployed or bankrupted. The whole stay home orders lack the right focus, it should be focused on keeping the sick and high risk people home."
The comment itself was not quoted in whole though I agree with this statement, I spoke with the businesses in the area affected by this and those who had been in social distancing mode. Another comment relates, "That's because Pinellas Park, the police apply their rules using the Good Ole Boy System. I would bet the stores not being harassed are family or friends of Pinellas Cops."
This comment being Lucas Rubinstien on the same post -- okay I know there are ideas going in multiple directions, my buddy Joe David relates after seeing the Goldenrod, "They have similar effect in Illinois too."
That's where I was getting at when I went seeking out these fliers on the doors and walls of businesses that are deemed nonessential. With this -- I am gathering all sides and allowing the pen name editor doing the dirty work, the thing I ask how am I supposed to know if a business in the region reflects a Sundown Code? I am drawing from the commentary on each of the thread alone -- those reading this, keep going,
"We are also a small business, hate to see what is happening to small business in Florida. Especially those of us who depend on tourism," Amber Rapp relates. This being a factor that Paul Gifford and I both chimed in on, producing 33780: The Digital Stone Age as a direct result (the ePub3 report contains language the population on Patch might find objectionable.)
So those who are finding this, how home are some of you behind a word processor and willing to put your narrative in print to talk with Joliet, Illinois? Because I was discovered by who would be known as Michael Imhotep's personal friends -- she worked on some of the visuals with LaVerne EuBanks lead project. So those who are deemed nonessential in this region, what is the riddle who is the essential or who is nonessential in Pinellas Beaches? Looking at these comments, how would you go about relating in a word processor about how this stay-at-home order affected you. Those of you who are wearing a mask and not work in the health field. Please leave them for the workers because I did the video showing the picked clean from Saint Petersburg and Largo, Florida, Supercenter.
Revenue Generating Network refused to answer my more pointed questions about businesses who operate exclusively on a remote basis. If nonprofits are operating on cyber-compacity and grudgingly doing this -- then what about those who get arrested for running a nonessential business? This write up for the pen name editor working on the project he will be taking the submissions from an email address based out of country. Those of use who thrived from the in-depth piece that's manuscript basis, don't reduce our body of work down to a 1200 word resume that insults our intelligence.
"I don't like where this is going," or "what about those who are no-to-low skill business owners? Where does exactly leave us with this kind of proposal -- please explain this like we're in first grade."
Okay my question becomes what is ones background like in composition writing? I know a few groans are going with this because the business owners I spoke with tend to not know much about academia or had invited a remark that's one of my sixteen deal breakers, "I didn't go to college."
I am selective who I recommend on Alignable because I don't know if the owner has access to (Not to step on toes of a college, uh Saint Petersburg College, please proof read one of your categories on the site. You spelled "Graphic Design" wrong.) The deal breaker becomes if the word count is too short; and those who gain organic interaction it's a higher word count. The email this is designated with is based out of the Swiss government meaning it's anonymous and allows encryption. Those of you who are dependent on Gmail, Yahoo, Live or other operations sometimes don't understand when emailing a public official they might see this as public record. The thing with those who use or -- one aspect I have an address book that's tabloid reporter's playground if they're looking right.
"How many contacts do you have in your email one account?"
I am trying to keep a straight face with this because -- I see as many as 3,560 followers and that's flux. 62 of them alone within Saint Petersburg, Florida, and I have 79 following me on while on the forums I see unique interactions. The programmer R. Richardson developed the program AbleWord is and allows to export as PDF and .doc, the Microsoft 1997-2003 export file. Open Office Document Text -- the history of this attachment well it's rather young. Office speaks of the contrast between Open Office Document Text though they don't speak about how versatile this is if in the right word processor. and Google Docs both have this feature as a way to export native documents. Google Docs and Zoho Writer though hasn't harnessed the ability to export the .ePub (the latter is still tweaking this feature.) What I draw from the conclusions comparing notes from two shop owners in the same strip mall, one of them argued against eCommerce and the other told me, "Saint Petersburg, Florida, wasn't always a local only emphasis."
The latter part is what I am trying to encourage with those willing to work with the pen name editor and the editors in training to create the narrative journalism submissions from the nonessential operations. 321 Books in Saint Petersburg, Florida, relates, "I wish some of the authors on a local front had titles remotely looking like what resembles your classmate's project. They really don't pay attention to the typesetting or font face choices -- like you said, looks like they rush it together and use font faces that might be eyesores on a graphic designer."
This one added, "I never guessed you were a publisher from just looking at you, but the way you speak -- you either speak like a graphic designer or a publisher, but never encountered a publishing outfit lead by a graphic designer. Seeing what you showed me with one of you project. A font choice can either make or break a publication, might have a strong presentation though a weak font choice -- it will either make or break, like what you said."
While in the bookstore I was having my phone open and playing on to see if any of their locals have releases on the website. A few as I pointed out may had been leeched by Tate Publishing during their embezzlement run or from Xulon Press, charging them steeply then peddling their release off to their family to get them convinced they're published. One thing a number in Pinellas Beaches, Gulfport, or Saint Petersburg, Florida, won't even understand is how a number of the authors and brand building publishers were the prime of their mid-to-late 20s.
Nick [Popio] at the time was about 26 years old when I joined up. The generation born between 1974-1978 had changed the publishing game for better or worst, our publications raised the bar for indie owned operations and also defined a workforce that had been in play for a little less than the decade at the time. The start of the remote worker meaning all of us had pioneered user-created content. The thing with this region that didn't sit well is how I published authors who had the ties to Hollywood, Altamonte Springs, Largo, Saint Petersburg, Panama City, and believe it or not Pensacola brought me in. Then for me when I did my first namesake's reboot project -- local is Schaumburg and Gurnee, Illinois, the closing author in the reboot edition also had Lake County ties.
Pinellas Beaches, okay where does the writing patterns remain? This kind of deal one is asking to be fleshed out and thought-provoking in the process, I had followed websites that caught wind of a few news stories that Fox 32 Chicago grabbed up and ended up being viral reporting. Those news stories where they originated? Do I really have to answer this. Gulfport, Florida, if this finds you sit down and study each image that goes with this presentation, think about where I lived for 17 years -- around Joliet and what's known as Chernobyl of the West (being I was near three nuclear power plants.)
If this write up is the range it is; are each of you willing to meet us halfway like Career Source Pinellas did with me? Who exactly are deemed nonessential here, and who are exactly are essential?
submitted by illinoishorrorman to u/illinoishorrorman [link] [comments]

S4 Week 6 | Queenapalooza (Judges' Critiques)

Good night, groupies! After tonight's performance one our contestants will be retiring from the stages for this season, but who will it be?
Please welcome our judges!
Sally Spellman, looking like the LSD you took for inspiration for your music!
Miyu Moon, our resident kill our die romantic!
With special guest judge
Sulphur Bomme, who will help decide who gets the winner's mayo!
This week, our contestants were tasked with creating posters for their debut concerts as musicians alongside music video looks based on their assigned genres!

Although you did a great job this week, you didn't flop nor top the charts, you were radio friendly enough.

You're safe this week and still on the run for the crown.

The rest of you you represent the Highs and Lows of the week. Starting with...


Sally Spellman: You’ve managed to have the most eye catching poster in my opinion, it’s a very moody piece and the colors grab your attention in the best way possible, the perspective is a little wonky, especially since the text not completely lining up, my only issue is there no being acknowledgement of when the event is going to happen, no venue, no website, no date! Adding those little details that would have cemented this at a complete 10/10.
Your outfit is lovely and I’m here for a bearded queen who actually integrates a beard into a look in a way that goes along with everything and not just for the gag of having a beard. The abstractness of the look is cool but I think everything is wacky and you have a very simple hat, so it should have definitely been more extra than what you’ve got there, I’ve seen some people rag on you about the wobbliness of your looks but I don’t think it’s something you’ve overdone at all, it in some way is part of your style because that’s how you presented your queen to begin with and you’ve proved you’re capable of doing different things but I wonder if you can serve us more rigid shapes for next week or whenever the opportunity comes. The colors in your look being the same palette as your poster but more muted was a really nice touch and I think it would look amazing on a music video.
Miyu Moon: First off, this poster, WOW, it grabbed my attention immediately and absolutely makes me want to see this show. It is really minimal on the info, I think it could have used a little more info even if it was just a "Saturday night at 'that' Club" or something vague, just to give it a little more of a realistic poster feel. As it is now it could possibly be a movie or something, but that being said the saxophone and mic do kinda force me to assume a musical element so that does help send me in a direction. But overall, this poster still does what a poster should, it grabs my attention and it gives me a feeling and I want more. The angle is so dramatic, the fact that she's laying in such an askew way but looks so satisfied it really gives me some sense of wildness that I want to see live. I would typically associate the jazz age with some classier dress, so to see you so wildly nude and unhinged I'll have to assume this is some bootlegger party in an underground club and I want in.
The outfit pairs perfectly with your poster, I can imagine that underneath this neon coloured zoot suit you're ready to turn into that stage poster version of yourself. I'm not sure how but I do agree that these colours lend to the feel of jazz, there's something so bright and brassy about the sound that you translated well into your look. Bagginess can often look really shapeless so you made a smart choice to show parts of yourself and still give us some sexy body to balance out the shapelessness of the suit coat. I also love all the tiny details with the stitching and sparkles and whatnot, they also help give shape to something that could otherwise just be a blob, so all the choices in your material use are really "right". And the blue lip is a perfect touch, just a little bit of cool tone to stand out from the warmness you've got going on. Really great look, I can imagine this in a video of you dancing and singing around very sultry and slowly revealing yourself to the camera until we reach your final, most sinful form.
Sulphur Bomme: Hello Ripper! Overall I feel like this is a great hybrid genre of Jazz and incorporating your own Ripper Hole stylistic twist to it. I really think the colour scheme plays well into the Jazz theme, I thought of the Monsters Inc. title card and that has a jazz track to it so it really invoked that theme, not just in your poster but throughout your work. I think this is my favourite concept of the week, honestly.
I love the production of perspective in this, You’re really showing off your artistic knowledge in a way that isn’t primarily focusing on fashion. It kinda puts you up as a really well rounded individual and it doesn’t make the poster feel like a flat, boring image. I think to push this it might’ve needed a bit of tailoring - I focused more so on the objects in frame rather than Ripper (who in this case is the main headlining act) so your colour choices would have benefitted from shifting the object tones to a colour that suits the background so they are still present, have an iconic focus, but not as much as Ripper who would have benefited from a more yellow or orange sort of hue.
Your outfit I enjoy a lot because it matches your act quite well, super clear to me that you’re going to be performing your songs in some retro futurism minimalistic ideal that American homeowners aspire to be a part of , and you haven’t shied away from a lot of colour. Nitpick - I think when it comes to colour,try to be a bit cautious with the saturation, especially red hues because of it being such a rich physical colour for the eyes.
I want you to start experimenting with maybe producing outfits that have less wavy intentions - I’ve noticed your go-to is to produce very wavy aesthetical linework in your pieces, either explicitly in form or implicitly with pattern, and I want to see if you can produce an outfit that demands a certain edge of control. I’m aware that you did produce a very angular look Week 2, but the fit was very tight to Ripper’s body, so it could be a good idea to sort of see if you can produce not even just an angular look, but look that has more control than complete waviness to it. I hope this helped!
Up next is...


Sally Spellman: Your poster looks legit, the almost unintelligible band name, the graphicness of it and the gore make me think I could spot this somewhere and I’d think it’s a real event, in my opinion the placement of the information wasn’t the best and the font choice as well, a serif sort of font would have gone better with the mood of your poster and maybe I’m the only one who is going blind but I think having this pure white text against black and white scribbles make the text blend in a little but to be honest I’m just nitpicking because you did a stellar job this week.
Your music video look is great, the red tattoos resembling body harm are a very nice touch and very on brand, I seriously have nothing to nitpick on every detail that I see is very flattering and you made the usual not fashionable heavy metal garbs look amazing and you didn’t rely on bondage or bdsm to do so, wouldn’t look out of place in a music video for this genre at all.
Miyu Moon: There is absolutely no question when looking at this poster as to what sort of show I'm going to see, and that is exactly what we wanted. I love the tiny scribbly detail in the hair, that in itself almost lends more to a horror element than the entrails, in a Japanese graphic novel sort of way. The info is maybe a little lost in the hair though, it's certainly readable when you look closely but from afar it's kind of lost and could have benefitted from something helping the words stand out, be it an outline or colour or different placement, there's probably a lot of subtle changes but either way it's a subtle change. The poster looks interesting and exciting to an alt crowd for sure, and I think the info you put is the perfect amount of specificity and lets us know when, where, and what to expect, it really does its job.
This music video look is awesome and I would absolutely wear it immediately. I really love the texture you've done inside the coat, it makes it look like you're wearing sheets of flesh and I mean... what's more brutal than wearing raw, bloody flesh? I like that the outfit itself is pretty simple in what garments there are; dress, jacket, boots, but the detail makes them really cohesive and as if they were perfectly made to go together in this music video. The body art also lends a nice level of detail to the look so it doesn't seem too simple. I can imagine the video being a view of the band rocking with Oriana up front and center belting it out in this look, the crazy face paint is perfectly attention grabbing for a lead singer.
Sulphur Bomme: Hello Oriana! Both your poster and look have an amazing depth of posing and dynamicism to it. The selection of black, white and red really pull this poster in for me, as well as the choices you have made to fit your genre.
From the font being that “are these trees or is this a metal band font” (thanks Memorie), the choice to pull the hair out from the background using shading and mark making, the subtlety of the inclusion of red, the guts spelling out “LIVE” - the information, everything here has really solidifed a strong conceptual poster as well as the act Oriana would produce. I think if you could improve this, perhaps the mark making you used to shade your crease for your eyes would’ve really made the form a lot stronger and pull it into a massively memorable moment for any graphic design challenge that has been done on MPAR.
For your outfit, absolutely phenomenal. I think people should take notes from this on how to make their concepts dynamic, interesting and positioned to be powerful. This is a great example not only for this challenge, but also for lipsyncs I feel. Your branching out into fabric rendering, I’m noticing - your latex details are quite visually impactful here. A nitpick for this for me would probably be the inclusion of a little bit of glint or perhaps a tiny, tiny dark grey line that notifies us that there is a pupil or a scelera contact lens in Ori’s eye holes in both the poster and the outfit. That’s really all I can find wrong with it in my eyes.
I hope you continue your detail exploration and your rendering skills. You have such a strong eye for fashion and it’s starting to be well matched by your choices of rendering fabrics and details. I hope this helps!!
Up next is...


Sally Spellman: Your poster reads more like a children’s book illustration to me, it’s not ugly or bad but I guess the intent is lost on me, the way you used the space is a little weird because you have some dead space which I think you could have filled with more floral motifs, if this were a little more elongated and the stone were sitting on water you could use this change in colors to lay some additional information on top, the colors you chose for the fonts don’t really stand out! I know you went for an earthy vibe but even so there could have been ways to do it.
Your music video look is pretty and I love it on its own but I don’t see much dragginess in it, wish you could have gone a different route with it since it feels a little derivative of Trixie to me and I think it would have been cool to see a take on brazilian folk music instead, you didn’t do a bad job at all Bianca but this didn’t meet the mark for me. I’m always rooting for you but it’s also come down to splitting hairs, hopefully you’re prepared to try your hardest next time!
Miyu Moon: At first glance I thought this poster was like, a storybook cover. It's really cute and gentle but in terms of getting information across as a show poster I think it's a little all over the place and it's hard to find the right emphasis or flow of info on the poster. Even though you're there playing your banjo I find myself overlooking that and not assuming any musical element other than as an addition to the visual aesthetic. I think maybe it's partially the fact that there are so many colours and patterns going on that it's hard to really grab onto any specific chunk of text or area of the poster as being the important center of information. The info is all there, but it doesn't feel like the musical act itself is at the center of this poster so much as it's just a general ethereal flowery feel that's happening and that could really be anything.
This outfit is super cute, but it's kind of drowning you in a sea of beige. I like the long ethereal hair, but then the outfit just seems really basic in comparison to the fairy-like feeling the hair and makeup are giving me. It's a nice outfit but I think it's just so soft and subtle that I wouldn't really be grabbed by this music video, if you were out strumming the harp in a field of flowers I feel like it would all just blend together. I would have liked to see you go more grand with your outfit and give something that could believably be an "iconic" music video look. Right now I feel like this look is just kind of a fan of the show, like a girl who came to get autographs from the singer after the show rather than the world touring singer herself.
Sulphur Bomme: Hello Bianca! Your poster fits the genre quite well, colour scheming and the iconography, but it’s just really not hitting a level that I expected.
Your referenced Trixie Mattel in your poster and I feel like that her EP cover for Moving Parts would’ve been a great reference point for your poster. Lana Del Rey too - just because the layout of your poster has this emptiness because of the spaces, and in comparison a lot of posters this week are much stronger because they’ve covered a lot of space. I think if you did something along the lines of an actual creek rather than this really oblique sort of background to your piece, it would’ve produced more of a punch - even if the background was trees or something just to have a bit more of that folksy impact, it would’ve worked a lot more.
Your outfit is really strong, I absolutely adore the hair and the posing on this. Your artwork always has this fluidity to it that’s just absolutely breathtaking, and for challenges like this I think if you were to produce a fluid piece like you have with your look for your poster it would’ve worked so well especially for this genre. One nitpick would be if your boots were a little shorter and they had little scalloped socks coming out that would’ve really pushed a bit more of a folksy vibe to your outfit this week, and also if you don’t start wearing heels that make Bianca at least eligible to ride the Junior Rollercoasters at the fairground next week I will sue you. I hope that helped!!
Up next is...


Sally Spellman: Your poster gives me salsa casino from the start and that’s everything you needed to do, the colors are nice and they’re fiery so on that regard there’s no complaints on my part, however I wish you had finessed this some more because there are parts that feel rushed (The chileans can’t dance text being the more clear example), nothing that puts you in a bad spot but I think it could have been even greater than it already is, hopefully Selecta will earn the gaviota de platino!
Now onto this look, AZÚCAR! El yerberito moderno came through, people will think Salsa and jump to the red mini dress with frills conclusion but you absolutely slayed this by paying homage to Celia Cruz, it’s extra because salsa is extra, it’s dramatic, fiery and passionate just like this look, the two streaks of red hair resembling horns are absolutely genius, it has that camp feature but also you can see that when the video heats up she will take off the coat and still have a very cool look but actually look more modern without it! You absolutely aced this one.
Miyu Moon: This poster is wild as hell and I love it, it would immediately make me want to read it and understand what sort of show is going on. It's got a great design element going on, it definitely looks like a real show poster and has all the info needed to make it believable and effective. It's definitely got an active, fiery feel to it with the dynamic posing and bright colour scheme. I like that it has a sort of retro printed look to it, even if it is "retro" in origina it's a look that still works well for posters up this day. Even if I don't know jack about salsa I know this show is going to be high energy and musical and dance based and that alone is really all you need to hook an audience.
This look is big and demands attention and regardless of genre that is exactly what a music video look should do, this look would definitely be something people would see and remember. I like the fuostrich looking trim you added in there, definitely adds a sense of action and motion to such a big, bulky garment. I wouldn't think tight jeans would lend to salsa dancing but I suppose that's up for you to prove me wrong, because the little hip furnishings are super cute and I would love to see them in motion. The overall devil imagery is really well done, I love the little hair streaks because... well... you kow me. I will say that I wish your poster and music video outfit went together a little better, they have some colour in common but the devil imagery is so strong in the look and nonexistant in the poster so I wish they were just tied together a little more so it felt like they were all a part of the same era of a musician's career.
Sulphur Bomme: Hello Selecta! I’m getting retro Old Hollywood painted poster vibes from your Salsa poster and your look - you’re perfect, you’re beautiful, you look like Linda Evangelista, are you a model…
I think one of the most visually striking things on your poster is the colour scheme and the restrictive scheme is such a strong palette too - blue red and orange is a really powerful triad scheme and you using a neutral like white played to your advantage here. The wear and tear of the poster works extremely well for this case, and I love the inclusion of Selecta in and out of drag. It’s really detailed, really informed and really strong! I hope that the artifacts on the white bar are intentional however, otherwise you could’ve gone with perhaps quickly analysing and erasing some of them out for a more clean look. That’s my only nitpick.
Your costume is kinda fun in its own way. I love the reference point of Celia Cruz, I got that almost immediately (shocking, a white person with an understanding of culture, I know) and I just really enjoy this moment a lot. Some people may argue it’s very costumey, but your reference point is costumey so I understand that, and this challenge we’re not looking for explicit couture - you’re performing! Salsa divas are performers, and this is very valid form of drag, it’s very campy, it’s very different to what you’ve done, and it works really fucking well. I think if anything, I would’ve perhaps changed the hair to be a bit more beehive. But this week I feel like you’ve really produced something that isn’t causing an imbalance, it’s very strong referential material and you’ve sold a strong Salsa concept. Keep exploring how you’re exploring, and Season 4’s BTM2 might be a thing of the past with your Season 4 WIN. I hope that helped!!
Up next is...


Sally Spellman: This is the other poster that looks legit, I’m not very worldly so I haven’t seen many concert posters in my lifetime but this one is pleasing to look at and that’s enough for me, the humor in it is great and the bitch got sponsors a plenty! One thing that I thought was a smart touch was the inclusion of a scan code because of course that would be a thing haha.
Now your look itself feels like a rehash, I’ve seen this hood, I’ve seen these baby hairs, I’ve seen this cinched waist with a coat with long sleeves! Not ragging on you but I don’t want you to start repeating formulas just because they’ve worked before, I want to see different sides to Aura and I think it’s time to start experimenting with new elements, shapes and silhouettes. My one issue is that I wish you had gone for a shtick because admittedly it is hard to think of an EDM video where the musician stands out (Thinking of the likes of Avicii, David Guetta, Calvin Harris) so I wish you had gone for a shtick characteoutfit like Daft Punk or even Deadmau5. I appreciate your art and designs but I think it’s the time to flip the coin so we can see the other side, Aura!
Miyu Moon: Wow, this poster looks super modern and definitely like an EDM show. I love the logo and colours, it's definitely got that vaporwave kinda thing going that is super popular in EDM nowadays as opposed to the straight up CMYK neons of rave yesteryear. There's a lot of info going on, almost too much, which is honestly kinda believable because I believe that a DJ would put all this stuff on a poster. I also like the little details like the QR code (I scanned it out of curiosity) and the sponsorship logos at the bottom, it pushes it to be very realistic.
The outfit though, it's gorgeous and all but as a music video look it leaves me wondering a lot. It's just a bit non-specific as to waht feel we're going for here, there's something very high fashion haute-couture about it but also something EDM and I'm just not entirely feeling the connection between the two. The look is pretty but just as a music video look it's not giving me a lot of feeling or flow, like nothing is really standing out as an iconic element of this look or giving me really a sense of what the music or song could be like. The only thing really making this look feel any amount EDM appropriate is the neon lines in the coat, but then the outfit and the coat don't really connect besides maybe the pinkish tone in the coat and pants? There's just something very non-specific about this look and overall sort of stiff, it's not jumping out with any particular element.
Sulphur Bomme: Hi Aura! Off the bat, I’ve been to Greece, Spain, even in the UK, and these posters - I’ve seen these fucking posters everywhere.
This is a well crafted poster and your design fits so well in one of those cabanas that uses Live House Music as a selling point on an island somewhere. You’re really showing a side that I didn’t expect of you - and that’s your humour. This poster, while it’s not taking itself seriously, It’s very well put together, so your humour is kind of a silent killer that’s emerging really well with this. I love the inclusion of the logos, I think that’s what puts it head and shoulders above the other ones for me personally? But I think the main issue here that’s dragging you back is your look.
Your massive coats and cinching seem to be a signature for you, but for this challenge it would’ve been amazing if you tapped into perhaps producing an outfit that screamed “NuEDM Drag Queen Lady DJ”. If you harken back to audition looks, a lot of people used black, white and neon colours and effortlessly pulled off these neon fantasies. I know that your reference poole was probably a lot short-handed by the lack of female DJs, but I feel like tapping into the likes of perhaps, Daft Punk (looking at how the two are like, robot-human augmentations) Ulala Space Channel 5 could’ve been another reference poole, Jet Set Radio - all these sort of references might’ve helped push a new silhouette and concept for you. For next week, try to think about production of silhouettes, and perhaps branching out and exploring a little bit whilst keeping it in your own little realm of Aura. I hope that helped!
Up next is...


Sally Spellman: This poster I don’t like, I’ll be understanding of you being under a time crunch so I won’t blame you, this isn’t really giving me hip hop but rather a brochure that a jehovah's witness would give me, I know christianity is your gig but I think it didn’t help you for your poster, I wish the silhouette’s pose were different, more relaxed rather than “enlightened”.
The look itself isn’t very exciting to me, it’s a hip hop look alright, very early 2000s Cee Lo Green sort of thing I think it was a good opportunity to experiment more with holy imagery rather than restricting it to just some bling, the lamb coat was a nice touch and let me say I think this lineless style is very cool! I think since it was supposed to be a music video look you could have gone larger than life with it, especially since you got hip hop!
Miyu Moon: There is something really strange about this poster and I can't put my hand on it. Maybe it's the singular wing or the fact that it's all so dark and mysterious but it's just not jumping up and grabbing my attention. I can tell that it's a show of some sort, if not for the word "concert" in the title I would have no idea that it is music based at all and would probably just assume it's some sort of church group or a public talk or something. The blue and white colour scheme is definitely heavenly, but it's just kind of a big wash of cool tones and would probably blend into the background out in the world.
Admittedly I find this outfit really charming, the big wooly jacket is so country. I like the way you combined the country boy element with the hip hop element, the heeled timbs are great and the jewelry is perfect. The outfit underneath however is pretty basic in its own, it's just a button down shirt and a pair of adidas track pants. I would have liked to see an outfit that looked more custom made and flashy in its intricacy, right now it looks kind of like somebody's dad made a costume for a music video in their backyard and not like an actual high budget musical artist. The idea behind this is right but I just think it needed to look a little more interesting without relying on just the coat or the chains, I feel like the elements of the outfit should still sell an image of country even if there isn't literal sheeps wool laid on top. Also, the poster and look really don't have much to do with each other, like this outfit is way more fun and interesting than the poster. I wouldn't think the person on the poster was this same person in the music video, so I wish your poster was more exciting to match this level of fun.
Sulphur Bomme: Hello Arcangelo! I think the poster has elements that are strong but feel ultimately rushed in a sense of understanding that you were late yesterday. Which is understandable, but some of these elements would have really worked a lot more in tandem with time management.
I don’t really get Christian Hip Hop from this at all if I’m completely honest. It’s giving me like, northern lights but make it viewable from these select locations. I think the inclusion of information and your stylistic intention to bring this back to Arcangelo is there, just that this poster is just not correlating towards Hip Hop, it’s more like a tourism brochure? If you referenced Christian Hip Hop there’s still a bit of grime and a bit of street style to it, and that would’ve made it more iconographic with Hip Hop. Boom Boxes, a Bible but it’s got a Gucci bookshield on it, who knows.
Your outfit really just screams the dad at the communion who got into the Sunday School dress-up chest? That kinda fits with the Christian Hip-Hop theme. It just needs a lot more than you’ve presented I feel. This would’ve really benefited from an on-the-nose sort of patterned top and bottom, Gucci vibes of like, Calabasas Street Style but make it Jeffree Star Untouchable, a puffer jacket instead, more jewellery, wear the entire sales rack of Claire’s, it needed to be elevated to a level that could compete and stand out more on its own. And I’m sad because you could’ve really took a comedic route with this and really stuck it to the rest of the competitors, because you genuinely are a good humoured and strong at delivering jokes.
I think next week would be a time to really harken back to the production of work say, from Disease Week and Seasons Week. Really have fun with Arcangelo, because when you have fun it’s so obvious that you enjoyed designing the look and you enjoyed the production of it. I hope this helped!
The judges have made their decisions.
Selecta you've got the sabor, you've got tumbao, AZÚCAR! You're safe.
Oriana This week your death metal poster and look... gave us life, you're safe.
Ripper Hole The jazzman jazzed all over the place, I'm testifying, condragulations you're the winner of this week's challenge.
Bianca Biquini While we were expecting you to folk out, this week you folked up, I'm sorry my dear but you're up for elimination.
Aura Your EDM poster was amazing but your music video look killed the radio star...
Arcangelo Your hip hop presentation was more of a big flop...
Arcangelo, I'm sorry my dear but you're also up for elimination.
That means Bianca Biquini and Arcangelo, you're both up for elimination
The lipsync song for this week is Audio by LSD. The lipsync looks, and our next elimination, will be revealed in a few hours, at about 9:00am PST. We'll see you there!


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