There is hope for the juggalo! : yourmomshousepodcast

juggalo face tattoo removal

juggalo face tattoo removal - win

I think the juggalo face tattoo guy has had it for a while before getting it removed.

I think the juggalo face tattoo guy has had it for a while before getting it removed. submitted by xDANDYx to yourmomshousepodcast [link] [comments]

Some bad decisions were made

Some bad decisions were made submitted by Jeff-Stelling to TikTokCringe [link] [comments]

Juggalo hahdcohe fuhn

I bet the juggalo tattoo removal chomo may be the only donald trump supporter who appreciates the face mask lol I know id be tryna hide it with one
submitted by ikruss to yourmomshousepodcast [link] [comments]

I just got my first tattoo, and I wouldn't have it be anything less. Family for mother fucking life.

I just got my first tattoo, and I wouldn't have it be anything less. Family for mother fucking life. submitted by IrisTheTranny to juggalo [link] [comments]

Bunk Police / Fentanyl Dealer Confession / Summary

Hello again friends,
If you're not familiar with what's going on here, check out our previous posts on the subject:
Removed from Bonnaroo
Bunk Police at EF 2018
Weekend One Summary
FENTANYL DEALER CONFESSION (this video is explained below)
Now that you're caught up, weekend two was certainly a learning experience for all of us. It's taken a week for me to process what happened and figure out how to even write about it, not to mention respond to and learn from it.
Before we get into all that, a quick summary of both weekends:
-Bunkot led to nearly triple the number of kits being distributed at Electric Forest this year as compared to 2017.
-We were able to effectively operate throughout the entire two-week event. Security did not shut us down, only dirty looks from them.
-We were able to conduct interviews with four different media outlets, two of which being widely distributed nationally.
I'm going to include all relevant details in the name of transparency, so bear with me. Any feedback you might have on how we should proceed from here would be very helpful. I would also like to point out that chasing individual fentanyl dealers all over the grounds was not how I intended for this to play out. We will be making changes in order to limit that sort of involvement.
---As we were setting up on day one, I received a flurry of emails from Goodlife (VIP camping for those who were not in attendance) about positive fentanyl tests from a specific cocaine dealer. These emails came with a description of this dealer and the baggies he was selling. This is what we had hoped for - a community response, that we could act on, to a fentanyl adulteration issue happening in real time.
The descriptions matched each other. There were positive tests from multiple people. I was about ready to send out an alert to several thousand attendees with this guy's description... this is one of several goals that the Bunkbot system was meant to accomplish, after all.
Now, with bizarre timing, I received a phone call from someone in my network who was working for EF as a concierge of sorts in Goodlife. He's in direct contact with the guy who was caught selling fentanyl. Apparently, this dude is hiding in his tent trying desperately to get ahold of anyone from The Bunk Police as he's found himself in a world of shit. His picture is already circulating on social media at this point (not ours...), people are trying to hunt him down, etc. etc.. Luckily for him, he was able to reach me right before I sent out that alert.
I get on a golf cart immediately and head out to Goodlife so I can confirm the results before making any additional moves.
When I get there, I realize that I actually know this guy. He's been coming into The Bunk Police tent for several years and buys bulk test kits from us - not exactly a special situation since we'll sell them in bulk to anyone who asks, but still. It's clear right then that this situation is a little different from what I had expected. He isn't someone from outside our culture, viciously trying to profit off of naive kids. This is someone deeply engrained in the scene. He seemingly cares about those around him and has apparently just made a (massive) mistake in not testing specifically for fentanyl.
He's panicked and in tears - I find myself consoling him and his girlfriend... What the fuck. Not how I expected this to play out at all.
He eventually calms down. I tell him that the only way to resolve this situation in a responsible way is to 1) go back to those who accused him 2) test random bags from his supply in front of them 3) dispose of the product if a positive test is confirmed 4) find everyone who he's sold it to and get it back / dispose of it.
He agrees, so that's exactly what we / he did. His samples came back positive for fentanyl several more times. From there, he agreed to film a "confession" of sorts and to dump his supply out. A few ounces bagged up into grams.
Here's that footage. I was given permission by him to post it if I could blur out his tattoos / hat and change his voice. I was short on time to learn how blur with object tracking effectively this week so I just blurred the whole thing.
Not exactly what you would expect, is it? As far as I can tell those weren't crocodile tears.
Some of you may be feeling sorry for him at this point, and he does present somewhat well during the remainder of this story - but know this: his cocaine samples also tested positive for meth and he was fully aware of that fact. Even though he was supposedly informing people, that's just not a chill move. People in this culture aren't doing meth intentionally and convincing them it's okay because you've labeled that meth "cocaine" is predatory. He also admitted to cutting this "coke" with two different dietary supplements and "re-rocking" it. Shady moves.
By the way, this dude is way up the chain - he sells to artists.
He reportedly left the grounds immediately, went back to his source, and "took care of it." He also came back and spent the rest of weekend two buying Fentkits in bulk and distributing them. He was in a bit of a panic / manic state thinking his reputation was being destroyed - this was him in "damage control mode" I imagine - but the easy choice would have been to disappear and he didn't.
Now for the really surprising part: He found another unrelated fentanyl-in-cocaine dealer.
Let me take a minute to explain something here:
Since about 2013, our modus operandi has been to sell people the kits they need, instruct them on correct use, and let them test / read the results / handle the drama that comes along with these results themselves. We learned the hard way in 2011-2012 that getting too involved comes with a torrent of uncomfortable and legally sketchy situations which are best avoided.
I had no intention of getting involved like I was forced to over the last two weeks. Being exposed to this kind of activity makes me VERY uncomfortable as I can see how the dominos might fall in these situations from a legal standpoint. I usually run to avoid this sort of thing - but the opioid epidemic has necessitated a different approach than what has become our comfortable standard.
Back to the story:
He spends the rest of the weekend hunting down fentanyl and, late on Saturday night / early Sunday AM, he finds a positive sample. I'm asleep at this point so he takes things into his own hands. By the time I get up on Sunday morning he's spent all night tracking this guy (let's call him dealer #2) back to his campsite. He (dealer #1) has a group of people ready to go confront dealer #2 and is asking for my advice.
(What the fuck)
I go over there and try and calm the situation down because I can see this turning violent, which is NEVER okay in my book. We ask the group of large guys that dealer #1 has rounded up to stand at a distance while we go have a chat with dealer #2 just in case he makes a run for it.
I recognize dealer #2 immediately from the day before as I walk up. A group had come in with a positive fentanyl test and I told them to go back and get the dealer, which turned out to be him. They bring him back to confirm the results (which we do) and after a ranting lecture by me about how fucked off and irresponsible he's being, he agrees to dump the cocaine.
I believed him, which is regrettable in retrospect.
I don't usually let people pull out baggies anywhere NEAR me and dealer #2 had a large rock of fentcoke on the table. I had a queue of a dozen people needing test kits and he's turning red and shaking with anger after seeing the positive results, leading to my belief that he's going to do the right thing and throw it out. I also needed that felony to disappear off of the table immediately so I sent him on his way.
Apparently he decided not to destroy it and was selling it in the Forest as of around 5am Sunday morning. Because of the vigilance of dealer #1, who was out looking for fentanyl samples like a man possessed, we found out.
So here we are, 12pm Sunday morning, and dealer #2 is crying his eyes out in front of us. He empties his pockets and turns over his cellphone. He has some drugs but nothing in quantity and zero cocaine. Considering I saw him with it the day before and we have reports that he was selling it a few hours earlier that morning, that fact alone doesn't get him off the hook. He's adamant that he doesn't have any more of it.
At this point I get a couple of calls / texts in a row on my phone... it's one of my connections in security. He's asking me if I have any information about the dealer who has been selling fentanyl and gives me a description of dealer #2 who is sitting right in front of me. Turns out dealer #1, who is standing next to me, gave security a description after he confirmed the positive fentanyl test. They've put out a BOLO for dealer #2 but we managed to find him first.
So here I am, stuck in the middle of this bizarre official / vigilante justice situation. My security connect is telling me via text how much he would love to "bag and tag this asshole" as he's sobbing in front of me. Literally snot running down his face / choking on the water he asked us for.
Again, i'm consoling another fentanyl dealer. What kind of bizarre alternate reality did I slip into?
Let me point out that getting people arrested, under any circumstances (as long as violence is not involved), is not the way we operate. I've never turned anyone over to security or the cops. If I did, people in the culture would cease to trust me / us. The trust I command has been hard-earned over the course of nearly a decade. Turning dealer #2 over to the security (and I'm sure the cops eventually) was not a viable option.
So I decide not to. We go through his phone and grill him in an attempt to track down his supplier with the goal of breaking this distribution chain, at least for the remainder of the event. Dealer #2's phone number was changed the day before (after he was caught the first time) and he has tons of incriminating images and texts, many of which lead to a certain contact in his phone. He denies a connection but it's pretty clear.
Instead, he says he acquired "$750 worth" from a "5-9 black dude with short dreads named G or Jesus" - which sounded like a load of crap to me. He changed his story half way through, pretty obviously to protect the dude in his phone. I'm not believing it but I play along. We go look for this guy briefly, somehow finding people that halfway confirm dealer #2's story, and reluctantly give the new description to security. I'm crossing my fingers that security isn't "stop and frisking" every black dude at the festival at this point... ugh. The last thing we need is for this to turn into some crazy racist thing.
At this point we've been with dealer #2 for quite some time (hour or two) and there are dozens of people needing kits waiting for me. My phone is blowing up. I have to leave.
Apparently he was escorted off the property from there, but I wasn't present to witness it.
Should we have turned him over to security / police in your opinion? I would really like to know.
So there you go.
Beyond this crazy nonsense we also received a boatload of reports from the community about other adulterated substances (beyond fentanyl) going around. MANY of them with descriptions of the dealers.
We decided not to act on these tips this time around as some serious thought and consideration needs to happen before we can be comfortable with how the masses will react to recieving this kind of info. We kept pandora's box mostly closed this time around, but it's clear we'll need to crack it wide open in the future.
So here's what we learned:
  1. We're able to efficiently tap into the community with Bunkbot and this allows us to react to mass adulteration / overdose situations MUCH more quickly and precisely than security & police. It has more value than we originally realized, but it also comes with the SERIOUS danger of crowd mentality taking over.
  2. Texting thousands of people (through Bunkbot) with a description of a dealer selling adulterated substances is an iffy proposition at best. Sure, it would certainly work, but people get REALLY ANGRY which could lead to something violent happening. I'm also unsure if we could ever be specific enough with the description that we would be able to avoid false IDs of unrelated people. Gulp.
I feel like we dodged a major bullet by NOT sending out that description and realizing in that moment the overall repurcussions of doing so at all. Angry / scared groups of humans are unpredictable and terrifying.
That being said... Bunkbot certainly struck fear into the hearts of dealerkind, and that has always been the point.
Any thoughts on how we could / should proceed going forward? We need your help and feedback to figure out how to do this safely, efficiently, and with the community's consent.
What a ride.
Next up - Camp Bisco.
After that? Gathering of the Juggalos. Yup, really.
Wish us luck - we're going hard until at least the end of September - learning and adapting the whole time.
Your feedback on these matters is paramount to us, so let it loose. We need it to learn and evolve.
If you would like to help out at ANY event this summer then shoot us an email at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])
submitted by bunkpolice to ElectricForest [link] [comments]

Anyone Worked At Expedia?

I worked at Expedia for awhile. The place is insane. One of the trainers there "Nick" is someone I can just tell is one of these people who moved to Springfield from Chicago because he didn't want to be around black people. He's a 45 year old grown man man in a "band" and expresses jealousy an animosity toward younger people (under 25) who participate in bands as if he thinks he'll be able to do it as career. I know this, because he spent 80% of the class time talking about this garbage If you're the kind of venue owner who won't book white power bands then do not not book the guy named "Nick C" who looks like Lewis from Revenge of The Nerds. He's a racist, he's a moron, and has an entire group that hates him because he makes their lives miserable while working in a place just to survive.
He spoke in a monotonous manner that made it impossible to follow and easy to tune out. He couldn't explain anything, and I got the impression he really didn't know what he was talking about. He believed I was Muslim (I'm not) and made multiple comments about Muslim people, Arabs and South-Central Asians. He some how seems to keep his job despite the people in the groups he doesn't like run many small-chain hotels. He was nothing but a piece of trash and having to put up with that scum's garbage for four weeks tested my patience not to put my fist through his face. He would have screaming tantrums involving kicking a plastic trash can across the room and knocking down a rolling chair. I actually was wanting to go to security and play up how I felt threaten by this guy's nerd rage just to get him in trouble. HR actually advised me to quit if I had a problem with anything, and would not tell me whether or not they'd investigate my report I made. Apparently, he had friends all over the place.
I was sitting there seven hours a day and not allowed to stand at all to stretch my 6'5 body. Working the the slow as a dinosaur software, and instead of a user friendly interface I'm having to input computer codes like DOS in 1989. Reminder, this is a call center for hotel bookings and flight reservation not a software, or coding company. My eyes were burning and blood shot from staring at computer screens at the end of the day. The place had horrific working conditions made worse by embittered, jaded employees who lived terrible lives and their toxicity will infect you. The feeling I got from them is that their lives are horrible, and their bodies are disfigured from their sedentary job, and they hate you and the world you live in, and anything to put you down they'll do.
The work place atmosphere and culture is like a drug rehab or half-way house. I've never in my life seen grown adults more unfit for face to face interaction. Crotchety old pillheads and rednecks. Many of them missing entire rows of teeth. They chug the free sodas all day. I had yet to see one who was not overweight and covered in acne. Many of them seem to bathe once a week. All the employees there look like they should be chopping meat up in a back freezer and packing it in boxes instead of being in customer service. I swear to God, I've never seen so much satanic imagery, blue, green, neon red hair,tribute tattoos for has-been 90s bands, piercings and nightmare before Christmas memorabilia outside of a gathering of the Juggalos festival.
Is there any place in Springfield with a culture that isn't unprofessional, trashy, and just gross? I've worked especially a lot in call centers and this is what I've gotten. Is this a bottom rung city or the bottom rung people tend to work in those places? Do I need to work around a bunch of Ph.Ds to not be in a place where it's acceptable to dress like the 42 year old version of the Columbine shooters to work?
EDIT: Removed Crucial ID information.
submitted by CantBeViewed to springfieldMO [link] [comments]

[Table] IAmA 24 year old Ex-convict. I did 4 years in maximum security prisons. I am now in my first semester back in college.

Verified? (This bot cannot verify AMAs just yet)
Date: 2012-04-06
Link to submission (Has self-text)
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Questions Answers
If i may ask, are all the rumors about getting raped in prison true? are there a lot of homosexual inmates? If you don't want to answer, i understand. Rape is a very common misconception about prison. I never heard of any body getting raped while i was there. Haha I did hear of some young Juggalo who got caught sneak-thieving from his older defenseless cellie. A couple older convicts called him into a cell and told him they were gonna either stab him or fuck him. He said fuck it yall can fuck me. They had no intentions of fucking him or stabbing him they just wanted to fuck with him. Needless to say, because he didn't fight back or choose the more "honorable route", he was called a bitch and punk in front of everybody every chance they got. But yes there are alot of homosexual inmates, among the dudes doing lots of time like 20 or more years its more accepted. Generally dudes are called fags for it though. Homosexuality in there is a choice.
Could someone please clarify what is "sneak-thieving"? Is it just sneakily thieving stuff? Sneak-thieving is stealing from someone behind their back. It is only acceptable in prison to steal from someone if you physically take it from them.
Do you feel that the length of your sentence was justifiable by the extent of your crime? I think mandatory sentence laws are ineffective due to how much discretion district attornies have in make plea aggreements.
Do you have an opinion on mandatory sentences or think variable sentences as decided by a single judge are more effective? I think violent and non-violent criminals are two different species and should be sentences as such.
What is your opinion on sentences based on violent crime vs non-violent crime? All i was given was a prison sentence and mandatory drug and alcohol classes on parole. The rehabilitation I have sanctioned upon myself is far more effective.
What form did your rehabilitation take, or was there any specific means of rehabilitation done other than just removing you from society? Also the traumatic events that your mother went through are a testament to judicial reform. A violent deranged psychopath that would put someone through that type of torture deserves a much longer sentence than a non-violent property criminal.
What was the thing you missed most while you were in there? Number 1 thing I missed in there was my family. A very close Number 2 was pussy.
How has this experience changed you? Its opened my eyes to the fact that I am accountable for my actions good and bad.
What was prison like? One of my biggest fears is accidentally doing something horrible and ending up in prison. Prison isn't what its typically portrayed on the media as. It was everyday life to me. I woke up in the morning made my coffee, went to the chow hall to eat breakfast. Went to work cleaning toilets for a half hour or so. I had a very cush job. Took me a long time to get it too. After work i would go and work out. Then I would sit around and watch T.V. or study. I even taught myself how to speak Spanish while I was there. I had friends who I would go hang out with and play cards, chess, or scrabble with.
Was everyone woken up at the same time? There was not any rules that said when you had to wake up, but if you wanted to eat breakfast then you had to wake up when they turned the lights on in the morning.
How was the food? The food sucked ass, the only thing I looked forward to was canteen day when the food I purchased came in and I could eat starburst and bagel sausage sandwiches.
Did you have a personal TV, or was it in a common area? Did you have cable? I had my own personal, clear T.V. We had if I remember correctly 24 channels. Mainly local channels like fox, abc, but we also had some cable channels like tbs and usa.
Did you come out of prison in better shape than when you went in? I got out of prison in much better mental and physical shape than when I went in. I spent the majority of my time studying and working-out.
Piggybacking on your response, what do you think about how the states and federal government spend so much more money on prisoners than, say, schools? I think its bullshit that they spend more money on prisons not prisoners than they spend on schools and education. It comes down to sentencing laws and the fact that our justice system focuses more on punishment than on rehabilitation. With corporations like CCA and all the for-profit prisons popping up, I don't think its going to stop anytime soon.
Have you spoken to the girl since you got out? If not will you? Yes, I had a girlfriend for the first 6 months I got out. I rushed into it far too quickly. It didn't end up working out although we are still pretty close friends. I have had 3 other girls that were more like flings since then.
Sorry if that wasn't clear, I meant did you apologize to the girl whose house you robbed? You were clear I just read it too fast. No I haven't spoken to her since and don't plan on doing so. My co-defendants and I all have no contact orders with the victim.
What scared you the most in prison? The thing that scared me the most was seeing a little bit of myself in the other convicts. Almost like I was turning into somebody that I was not.
You mentioned you studied a lot while in there..where did the materials come from? If from the prison, did they have a library of sorts? We had an Inter-library Loan system where if the library at that facility didn't have a book i wanted then I could put in a request and they would search first the other prison libraries and if they couldn't find it there they would then search Colorado's public library system. i could pretty much get any book i wanted or needed. I also had family members send me books off amazon if it was extra important.
So, what's your favorite kind of cereal? Kashi Go-Lean Crunch- shit keeps me regular.
What are you trying to do career-wise? I am undecided at this point most likely engineering of some sort.
Are you worried that your past criminal record might prevent you from getting a good job? Yes and no, while my criminal record will undoubtedly prevent me from getting some jobs. The things I am doing and will have done post-conviction will only speak to my character and show my potential employers my determination. I think something like 65% of people released from prison end up back in prison. If i can make it back in society and acquire a degree that a lot of people that haven't been to prison don't have, an employer will understand that I am hardworking and have turned my situation into something positive instead of negative.
Thats an amazing mindset to have. As an employer I can absolutely say I would take that into consideration with any applicant. Mistakes mean nothing unless you learned from them, clearly you have. Kudos. I hope there are more employers like you when i enter the job-market.
You mentioned gangs a couple times. Was it more common for a person to already be affiliated with a gang when they came into the prison, or did they join once in? What was the main difference between being in a gang versus not being in one. If you don't mind me asking, were you ever a part of a gang while in prison? It was more common for people to come in already affiliated, well I guess that is incorrect. The latinos and blacks came in already affiliated but most white people joined up after coming to prison. The main difference in being in a gang or not being in a gang is that if you were in a gang you had to follow the gangs rules and live up to its expectations. A non affiliated person has to earn their own respect. I was never in a gang, however, I was close friends with a lot of members of one gang. If it came down to it i would have back them up individually but not back the gang up and it was mutual they each had my back individually but not as a gang.
Did you get in any fights/brawls? Also you mentioned that you worked out, was there any gym equpitment or did you have to stick with body weight excercise? I got in 2 fights my first week there. Once you establish the fact that you will stick up for yourself, people become a lot less aggressive. I got into a couple fights after that but always over dumb-shit and not anything that I initiated. Them old mother fuckers get pissed over stupid shit. The prison I was at for longest had dry-cells meaning the bathrooms were community. I was the first tier bathroom porter for my pod. I didn't feel like waking up one time to clean the bathrooms and some old-timer got in my face about it. I couldn't back down because other people saw what happened. I went in the cell with dude and he beat the shit out of me.
Can a person going to prison not fight and make friends? Or will they just be taken advantage of the whole time? If I were going to prison, would you recommend I fight people initially? Being assertive is key to building friendships and maintaining comfort. Older convicts prey on the weak. I would only recommend fighting if it is in self-defense.
What would have happened if you had 'backed down'? At my age and demeanor i probably would have been extorted and charged "rent"
"rent"?... Older, more established convicts charge weaker, younger "fish" rent. Meaning they extort them and make them give up their commissary.
Did you ever think of trying to escape and if so what was your plan? Did you meet any friends in there you could see yourself hanging out with once they get out, assuming they're able to get out? What was your greatest fear going into prison and did it live up to its expectation? Never thought about escaping, I had too little time for that compared with the 12 years one gets for an escape attempt. I did have very close friends in there whom i kept in contact with for a little while when i first got out. I doubt I would hang out with them now that I am more integrated back into society.
Do you really classify yourself as a dysfunctional alcoholic or do you think you just made a horrible one-time mistake? Dysfunctional alcoholic all the way. Its not only the decisions I've made while under the influence but the way I abuse it.
Why do you identify yourself as that though now? You didn't drink in prison right... and you haven't drank since being released so do you think that warrants you being able to say that you use to be a dysfunctional alcoholic? I drank up until the point of sentencing. I was out on bond for almost a year and a half. I ruined even more relationships after committing my crime due to this.
Were there ever any major events (riot, prisoner escape, etc.) that had the prison do some classic lock down? Oh ya, we were on lock down all summer one year because the surenos kept beating up and stabbing the nortenos. The population of surenos vastly outnumber the population of the nortenos probably by 10:1.
What was that like? Were you confined to cells all day or were there just a lot more guards everywhere? We were confined to our cells all day except for chow which they would bring to our units. I "earned" a one man cell though so didn't really mind. All i did was work out, watch T.V., jack-off, and repeat.
What kind of wack-off material did you have? Where did you hide it? We were allowed non-penetration porn. Didn't have to hide it. I would rent penetration porn from older inmates that had that shit grandfathered.
Grandfathered? As in they had it before the non penetration policy started and were allowed to keep it? Correct.
"Go ahead, try and take our penetration porn... I DARE YOU!" LMAO.
How would you obtain cigarettes and where can you smoke them? Easier to get meth than cigarettes
Seriously? From other convicts bringing it in? How on earth could it be smuggled in enough to provide? Also, what about smack? That too? Yes, one of my closest friends smuggled meth in. He would have his wife put 6 individually wrapped grams in her snatch. When they were in the visiting room she would go to the bathroom and take them out and put them in her mouth. She would then share a drink with him and spit them into the drink. He would then swallow them and shit them out later. Making thousands of dollars at a time. Unfortunately for him he got caught and ended up with 2 extra years added on to his sentence, all his good time taken, and sent to the hole for the rest of his sentence which was like 4 years. There was also some heroin but not as much as there was meth. I think most people were scared that the balloons would pop in their stomachs and kill them.
How do you feel about your parole officer? Do you resent him/her or would you agree that they are just trying to do their job, keep you out of trouble, and sanction you if you screw up? My colorado parole officer was fair but the guidelines were far to strict there. I am currently on a Interstate Compact out of state. My p.o. here is very fair and i respect her a lot. She lets me do what i need to get my life back on track.
Do you feel bad about doing it? Was the girl raped? Edit: question mark. I do feel bad about doing it and no she was not raped. In all honestly I feel much worse for my family and the toll its taken on them.
Ex-corrections officer here. You are lucky as hell to not have hep-c with getting those tattoos. I have heard that.
How did you go about getting tattoos whilst in prison? We stole motors from gamecube's in the gym or vcr's. Use bic pens with the ball ground off for barrels. Steal click pens from the guards and use the spring as a needle, burn blue magic in our metal foot lockers to get soot that we would turn into ink, use our clock radios as a power source, and use our headphone cables as a power cord.
This is awesome. Any more cool MacGyver things like that? When they started selling flat screens. We would use co-ax cable, a splitter, and copper wire we stole from the electricians shop to make antennas so we could pick up on digital channels. They had a bunch of digital Spanish channels and the Spanish channels have a shit-load of shows with half-naked latinas.
You mentioned non-penetration porn being allowed. Do you know if it would still be allowed for inmates sentenced for crimes relating to sexual assault and rape? No, they are not allowed porn at all. They have their own units and pods designed for the sex offender programs they are taking.
I regularly stock state prison libraries with donated books (little program in Illinois called 3Rs). What do guys in prison get to read? What do guys want more of? How many people know about Books to Prisoners programs? How many actually read? Most people I met didn't have very good taste in literature. They liked a lot of James Patterson, Stephenie Meyer, or nothing at all. With the I.L.L. program I could get anything I wanted but I don't know if all states have programs like that. Most don't read at all they prefer to play cards or watch T.V.
You said before 'homosexuality in prison is a choice.' Do gay men get beat up or singled out because of it or are they just accepted for being gay? No, gay men do not typically get beat up. There are exceptions: if a convict is in a gang or is accepted by gang members then unless he is extremely high-standing in that gang or has been around for a very long time and it is found out that he is bangin another dude, chances are he will get beat up.
Were all of your friends given similar sentences? The sentences were handed out depending on the severity of the role each of us played. Mine was mid-range the worst being a ten year sentence. He was already on probation to begin with though.
Did you graduate high school before your conviction, or did you get a GED while in prison? I got my GED when I was 16 and went straight to community college.
GED at 16... You must've been smart I take it. Middle/upper class upbringing? Just curious, I don't mean anything by it. I got my GED early because I was fucking up in high school. Spent way too much time chasing pussy and smoking weed when I should have been studying. Yes middle/upper class upbringing. My Mom teaches pre-school and my Dad is in the aerospace industry.
When you transfer to a 4 year university there is a section on the application where you have to list your convictions...are you going to lie? I think it strongly hurts your chances of getting accepted, however, if they find out you lied, you could face more jail time :/ No, I will not lie on the application.
I got a felony for possession of Marijuana in Colorado. I was accepted to CU Boulder and CSU in Fort Collins in both of their Engineering Schools. Don't lie, they'll have a meeting with you where you can explain yourself. Just be honest. Those are both schools I am interested in. Thanks for the advice. You must of had A LOT of weed to get a felony in colorado.
Was there any technology that blew your mind when you got out? like widespread use of Ipads and smart phones? Smart phones were pretty fucking cool. I have one now and its allure has worn off.
Gruel sandwiches for breakfast lunch and dinner. Azkaban sucked.
I find it odd that as an ex-convict you chose the username "cerealkilla1" I find it odd that as an cat owner you chose the username " dont_have_a_cat"
I think 4 years for that is too much. If you're young and liquor-fueled and don't have a previous conviction it sounds kind of harsh. (Not knowing the specifics of course.) It was a very harsh sentence. There are a lot of mitigating factors. Mainly it was because our case was made very public and the D.A. wanted to discourage people from thinking that because most of us came from fairly upper class homes, we wouldn't just get a slap on the wrist.
Last updated: 2012-04-10 13:14 UTC
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juggalo face tattoo removal video

Justin's Inspiring Transformation - Face Tattoo Removal ... LASER TATTOO REMOVAL/ Before & After/ Best Laser/ COST ... Crazy Video of Man Getting Face Tattoo Removed - YouTube Man that went viral with face tattoo gets free laser removal

In an interview with, he discusses what he has gone through with parents of his kids’ friends, the reality of anyone taking him seriously for a job interview with that face paint, and the fact that a local tattoo removal facility has donated the $4,000 removal for absolutely nothing! Check out the video with his story and a short Juggalo is a name given to dedicated fans of the rap group Insane Clown Posse or any other Psychopathic Records artist. Juggalo subculture originated from ad hoc fan groups for horrorcore hip hop music; in recent years, criminal groups began using the name Juggalo and associated imagery from mainstream Juggalo culture. As a result, Juggalos have been classified as a criminal street gang by The Far Right Made Me the False Face of the DC Insurrection – The Daily Beast the Mother of All Rallies in Washington, D.C. Since there was a dueling Juggalo rally at the same time, I thought that, between the police and the clown-faced anti-racists, there wouldnt be a problem. Panacea Tattoo Removal Offers a Second Chance with Laser 5. A True Juggalo will respect and help people around him or her no matter the problem cuz that’s the true meaning of the word family. 6. A Juggalo will not drunk or do drugs infront of a little kid. 7. A True Juggalo listens to the music and the meaning and not to mistake it for a call to violence 8. I bet the juggalo tattoo removal chomo may be the only donald trump supporter who appreciates the face mask lol I know id be tryna hide it with one. Press J to jump to the feed. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Log in sign up. Jul 30, 2017 - Explore Tattoomaze's board "Worst Face Tattoos Icp", followed by 9751 people on Pinterest. See more ideas about Bad face tattoos, Face tattoos, Tattoos. Court documents about the recent Juggalo with the attack on Zachary Swanson, 31, say that the Insane Clown Posse tattoo removal “was in an which saw his nose and face fractured, 11 of My face-tatted friend hurries after him. A guy sitting in the dirt by the side of the road yells out “Hey, No Nips!” as we pass by. I follow them up the hill and across a field. 88.1k members in the yourmomshousepodcast community. Hey Hitler! This is the place to promote your poly-bi lifestyle and post all your dental … A Maryland man says two of his roommates attacked him this week in an attempt to remove a tattoo on his arm with a knife and fire, all in the name of their higher power, Insane Clown Posse. He

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Justin's Inspiring Transformation - Face Tattoo Removal ...

See the story and then watch the footage of a man with tattoos all over his face as he undergos his first laser tattoo removal treatment. It's heartwarming, ... About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators ... Sharing my laser tattoo removal experience! The different types of lasers for tattoo removal and why I decided to get them removed. The costs, pain and recov... Laser tattoo removal treatment #11 on Justin Spakowitz's face at Dr. Tattoff. Justin has been going through the laser tattoo removal process for about 18 mon...

juggalo face tattoo removal

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